“Shallow” from A Star Is Born Soundtrack is available now: http://smarturl.it/Shallow
Pre-order the soundtrack: http://smarturl.it/ASIBSoundtrack
Get advance tickets to see the film:
US: http://www.astarisbornmovie.com/#/Get...
International: www.astarisborninternational.com
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Best comment
- Jaden Hercules: Outstanding film. Watched it about a week ago, and it's the 18th of Oct/18 now and I just want to rewatch it five times more. At first, I didn't stick because of how long it was but I love the film and I want to listen to this song forever and ever. Such an emotional song, makes me tear a bit when I sing to it.
- Dawngkimi Tlau: Love you lady gaga
- Joshua Moncelli: 🔵 *A Star ls Born* full movie available: t.co/F8IAYf0r7A Unglaublicher film! Sehr zu empfehlen, es auszuprobieren!
- Matt Lesser: Absolutely awesome movie! The story, acting, and music is perfection.
- yazbel robles: in love with this song
- Oiram OrNot: Cant stop listening to this!
- kathryn cotter: This is crap
- Caique Suguiyama: To chorandoooo muito!!! Queen of pop 🔥💎💖
- The Groovy Guitar Dude: For anyone who wants to play this on guitar, here's how :) Chord Progression (Picking Pattern) - Verse - Em7 (E,D,B,G), D/F# (E,G+B), G (E+G+B) Cadd9 (A,D,B,G), Cadd9 (A,D,e,B), G (E,G+B), D/F# (E+G+B) - Chorus - Am (A,D,B,A,e,B,G,B), D (D,G,B,D,e,B,G,B) G (E,D,B,G ), D/F# (E,D,B,G), Em7 (E,D,B,E,e,B,G,B) - Bridge - Bm (A,D,B,A,e,B,G,B ), D (D,G,B,D,e,B,G,B), A (A,D,B,A,e,B,G,B ), Em (E,D,B,E,e,B,G,B) Hope this helps out! If you get stuck or need a little extra help, I just uploaded a video lesson for this on my channel :)
- Uggh It’s Troy: “And in the bad times I feel myself” 😂😂😂
- Ed M: Such an unlikely pairing....not only musically, but onscreen. I absolutely ❤️ this song & I haven’t even seen the movie yet. I gotta be honest....I never really paid attention to either one of them until I saw a trailer for this movie. I predict OSCARS & Grammys for this film & its soundtrack. I am right....just watch it happen!!
- Briana Mills: A Star Is Born FuII Movie : t.co/mMm6LWhkSY
- Kay Paton: Bradley a gorgeous man his voice is so sexy well done on a beautiful movie and thanks for sharing wing lady so raw she is a great actress
- armin ltz: 2:26 amazing 😱
- Gab Izbe: Venezuela
- kcaj eyecitpes: What a beautiful & passionate song sang by 2 beautiful singers. Miss Gags & Mr Cooper take this song to such a deep level. Sung with passion just beautiful. It's been a long time since heard 2 people collaborate on a song and gave it there all. The movie is very sad with beautiful music
- TheGodSpeed: Not gonna lie bradley cooper sounds better than lady gaga in this song
- kath herrera: May I please get a Kleenex? 😍😍😍
- Kate Marsan: Let's give some props to Bradley! He has a GREAT voice, you can't fake soul like that...and of COURSE Gaga is phenomenal
- ConnorKuolt: Planning on playing this and singing this for my girl wish me luck
- Karl Powers: Haha in the bad times I feel myself Feeling depressed *gropes myself*
- claudette mousseau: Oscar for Best Song next year????
- Rena Kennedy: A Star Is Born movie was amazing! WATCH this movie here : [ t.co/VhC68ahSVh ]
- J Meis: i did not like the movie
- Shininglight: Igor Manoel He's handsome to boot! !!!❤
- Bella Inem: 🔴 *Watch Movie "A STAR IS BORN" Stream Now :* t.co/An2JbtYdrV Unglaublicher film! Sehr zu empfehlen, es auszuprobieren!
- מירנה דה פז: Yes! So am i.
- Am Razak: memang klu cinta tak harus memiliki...😍
- ssilva872: Please fix the incorrect lyrics. :(
- Momon Dodery: A Star Is Born movie was amazing! WATCH this movie here : t.co/nx9v2VDgpT
- L s: Lisbon Portugal
- Jillian Weitz: Brianne Bright ikr!! They did amazing
- Shannon Hopkins: I love u Bradley Cooper ,and u have a great voice!
- Hendrik Karsch: Tell me something Girl ... 🙂
- Annii thegirl: Beautiful background and music 😍✨🌄
- Donna L: I'm going to watch this movie tomorrow with my boyfriend! It looks good. Hope it doesn't disappoint. Hope I get the feels.
- Taylor Kroff: Here it is: http://listenonrepeat.com/?v=vtEENo2hbcU#Lady_Gaga%2C_Bradley_Cooper_-_Shallow_(Lyrics)_(A_Star_Is_Born_Soundtrack)
- Marc Robson: Shadow Music Boston Massachusetts
- Gonçalo: this film was amazing
- M Cobos: but the movie is really dissapointing
- Trump the Fraud Jr: Lady gaga looks so fucking beautiful in this movie
- Kandie kane: You're too young if you don't understand what he's trying to say...
- liny Walker: i'm go cry! I don't know... i don't Speak english.... i swear, but, a day i Speak wft bye
- Don Dona: A Star is Born (2018) film is Available : [ t.co/VhC68ahSVh ]
- Cinematic Addict: Garret Hedlund from country strong sounds better then cooper I think.
- Emma Church: 🔵 A Star ls Born full movie available : [ t.co/nx9v2VDgpT ] Novi trending filmovi, preporučljivo je gledati !!
- Emir Çilli: Am I the only person hearing one last time by ariana when they sing “I ‘m falling”line?
- Lauren Hirsch: I saw the prescreening for this movie and it was amazing... bring a box of tissues😭♥️
- Nur'Ain Ebrahim: omg, bradley's voice *melts*
- Redesh Subba: Lady gaga ❤💓💕💘💗💝💞
- caitlinjane92: Who else gets goosebumps at 2:33-2:44?
- Deepak Ratnam: Soundtrack of the year
- Tabby Ramos: Now I really need to see the movie cause this song can't get out of my head
- Zia Enright: A Star Is Born full movie available : [ t.co/nx9v2VDgpT ]
- Renae Osborne: Just saw the movie ...fantastic!! No words can describe the music or chemistry these two people have
- Martina D'Angelo: I already loved Bradley Cooper, but now I love him even more. This song makes me so emotional
- Tomas Pikulik: Je to fakt Dobrá 🐕 ničia.
- ZuzikArbuzik 2003: Zapraszam wszystkich Polaczków i nie Polaczków na tłumaczenie tej boskiej pioseneki na moim kanale 😁 - - >tłumaczenie - The shallow - Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper
- vic mackey: I pooped myself. Diapers
- Brianne Bright: Just saw this movie, it's absolutely amazing! Bradley Cooper did fantastic directing as well as acting. There are no words to describe Lady GaGa's performance, she took my breath away with her voice and talent. Go see it ASAP!
- Lori McBurnie: the one part of the lyric is "longing for" not along and
- Marios Grend: Hilariously badly written lyrics who the hell thinks that it's possible for the song to say "in all the bad times I feel myself"? lol seriously though you need to be really bad at English to not understand such a slow song.
- Celeste Villamin: 😭😭😭
- nassera d: Franchement je viens tout juste de le voir et vraiment LADY GAGA ET BRADLEY COOPER m'a bluffé j'ai découvert Lady gaga comme je l'ai jamais vue est Bradley Cooper a réalisé ce film avec succès et ils chantent merveilleuse m'en bien Je n'ai pas regretter Milles Bravo 👏 👏 👏 👏
- Paula Bs: Una locuraaaaaa Bradley hermoso...y qué voz!!! Los dos.. promete un PELICULÓN Q LO VERÉ seguramente varias veces..!!
- SadCoffee: Yes
- graceey jordan: So inlove in this song. ❤
- Sandy Quan: Trash Panda can sing!!!!!
- Eny Beatric: 🔵 *A Star ls Born 2OI8* fuII fiIm #NOW avaiIabIe here: t.co/meNPFVev6Z ✅ Novi trending filmovi, ★★☆☆☆ preporučljivo je gledati !!
- Quan Ti89: Longing for change, not along and for change.
- Its Jindda: This song is sex to my ears😍 fr
- Ma. Rosanna Traspe: They live in the shallow.
- Piece of Trash: feeling myself wtf
- Ebony Ah Mouy: A Star Is Born movie was amazing! WATCH this movie here : [ t.co/VhC68ahSVh ]
- Bear Bear: Absolutely! Loved it :)
- knoahbody69: Yeah, whoever did this video was lazy. Also the woahhh ohohohoho...it's like they gave up.
- Don Dona: A Star is Born (2018) film is Available : [ t.co/VhC68ahSVh ]
- E: I love this song, i loved it already when it was in the trailer 😍
- Orie Thompson: who are the people who gave this a thumbs down? What rock do they live under??👩🎤👩🎤👨🎤👨🎤
- Paytton Welcome: I love this movie
- Baz H: The lyrics are wrong.
- Sephia Latjuba: A Star Is Born (2018) movie t.co/g7K3iwtTx0
- Vitus Büchi: take a look at this cover of the song! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7L2pdo1OSQ also find it on smule! https://www.smule.com/recording/lady-gaga-ft-bradley-cooper-shallow/816974485_2540888595
- Abby Leigh Carpenter: I haven't had a hard ugly ass cry watching this movie. But overall, it was a 10/10. Just remember to check on everyone even when nothing is wrong.
- chevalierjld: I originally wasn't sure if I like this song or not. Never was a fan of Gaga. But then on a long road trip, I had the video playing over and over. It hit me. I was almost afraid to be sure of what the lyrics are. I couldn't hold off anymore and then looked up this video. The below comments are correct... some of the lyrics are wrong. When I read the corrected lyrics, this song just killed me. Who in the hell among us never felt this way when things weren't going right in life or in a serious relationship? "I'm falling... in all the good times i find my self longing for a change, and in the bad times I fear myself." Yes, it is very hard trying to act tough and keep things hardcore when you feel like your life is falling to pieces, and you are trying your damnest to hold yourself together (Gaga meets Faith No More).
- Jose Constien: 🔴 *A Star Is Born* fiIm avaiIabIe here : t.co/meNPFVw5Yx Novi trending filmovi, preporučljivo je gledati!!
- Meus pontos: na boa, eu tô mt in love com esta canção! Harmonia define
- AMIT GUPTA: Love this song a lot....
- Reese Jackson: The movie was so amazing. As someone who doesn’t care about romance movies or Gaga herself, this movie really got to me.
- Madeline Hensley: This makes me cry every time.
- KASHAN BALOCH: I swear when I hear this song My eyes begin to wept with tears, haaah!
- Eny Beatric: 🔵 *A Star ls Born 2OI8* fuII fiIm #NOW avaiIabIe here: t.co/meNPFVev6Z ✅ Novi trending filmovi, ★★☆☆☆ preporučljivo je gledati !!
- Disa Lona: Watch Movie A Star Is Born 2018 Stream Now : https://tinyurl.com/y7uokf4n
- Don Dona: A Star is Born (2018) film is Available : [ t.co/VhC68ahSVh ]
- Døx: Hey! Check out my cover on my channel! Hope you guys like it 🙃
- mo0onlightmovies: all what i say .. i can't wait to see bradley and gaga sing this song live on emmy and oscar
- BUCKHUNT2587 Benoit: Texas Gal right
- Bill Syvertsen: Brianne Bright ya she sucked
- Kristen Simon: Gabriel Hope somebody needs to tell them to fix that !
- Sam DuBois: this is such a hilariously mediocre song you people are all such morons
- Marija C: Looking forward to seeing it on Saturday.
- Fabrice Frei: tell me something boyyy
- Gail Torgerson: I love you
- Shelby Silverstein: If you have never sung along to the lyrics to this amazing song, while in the shower as the water glistened all over your body, screaming to the top of your voice until your annoying neighbors banged on the walls for you to pipe it down....then we simple cannot be friends 🙅🏻♀️ I honestly love this song 🧡
- Intactisin: In the good times I find myself LONGING for change You’re welcome 😊
- sydney neill: Igor Manoel righttt! he should make music
- saad channel: i never thought that i would like gaga but her this song and movie have changed my way of thinking about her.love gaga
- Laurie Thiboutot: It’s Longing for change... not along for change
- Caique Suguiyama: 🔥💎💖 COME ON OSCAR AND GRAMMY
- Don Dona: A Star is Born (2018) film is Available : [ t.co/VhC68ahSVh ]
- Helena Ružinská: nagyon tetszik, naponta meghallgatom !
- Lou A.: Listened to this many times and wtf I keep on crying and crying again
- Erine Brooks: 🔵 A Star ls Born full movie available : [ t.co/nx9v2VDgpT ] Novi trending filmovi, preporučljivo je gledati !!
- Carlos Lozada: We'll see sounds commercial enough
- aus cent: This song resonates to all of us who keep fighting to stay afloat but sometimes just keep sinking.
- jaelina xo: WoAHhHhHHhHhhhhhhhhHhHHh
- runninghorse begaii: Ra ra ra ra ra ra lady gaga gaga gaga...... Hands down on her best song ever... when i watch the movie.. 💪
- Emily _: The film is so beautiful but the end had me wheeping😩😭
- Ainara Karolista: Primera♡
- Kitty Griffin: It connects ??
- Derek Harman: My ears are bleeding like if you agree
- Dilan Khangebam: Exactly. I weirded out at the part feel myself😂😂
- Maja Tadic: I acctually can't believe that this is him singing!! Why he hide the voice all this time??
- RG200 Android: Lady Gaga and her role in this film and this song inspire me soo much.
- Hector Chacon: utter dogshit music
- Shelby Silverstein: 🤣🤣💀⚰️
- Jim Mij: not even the right lyrics ... delete this video and learn to transcribe bitch
- Erine Tiska: *A Stár is Born 2018* fílm nów Aváilable : t.co/vz1USbsAiP
- CapoXProductions: Hey guys, check out my instrumental version of this track if you have a minute :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NS7bZ-x7gMg
- Shadow Music: *Where are you listening from?*
- amal tulshan: Does anyone else feel that the movie has the same storyline as "Ashiqui 2"????
- Chrissey Dittus: Just noticing. You did a nice job but you should check the lyrics. It's "I find myself longing for change", not "along and for change" . Makes more sense to long for change when times are difficult and finding someone who is making that change in your life. Thanks
- dfsfds: I know! Lady Gaga is gorgeous. I had no idea. I'm not the type to like all that makeup and fake hair so to see her as just her was incredible. She is absolutely lovely.
- leomumu: This is a "deep" song.
- TheSimsCovers: THE REAL LYRICS ARE: I'm falling... In all the good times I find myself *longing* for change And in the bad times I *fear* myself
- Alonso Araya: Can someone tell me what gender of music it is?
- NIkita Barge: 🔵 A STAR lS B0RN fiIm avaiIabIe here: [ t.co/VhC68ahSVh ] Novi trending filmovi, preporučljivo je gledati !!
- Kate Marsan: Their voices meld so gorgeously together, and Gaga is phenomenal. Bradley is no slouch either. These two give me chills, cannot wait to see this movie
- Юлия Дорошенко: super! love)))
- Wilson Uchiha: Where is the sa ha sa la la low part in the lyrics ?? Not satisfied with this lyrics
- Nitin Saini: repeat.. repeat..... still repeating
- Sofia Hasegawa: Watch Movie "A Star is born" here: bit.ly/star-is-born-hd
- Trio DeFo: Dude you are a f’ing retard. That’s not the right lyrics. It’s not “in all the good time I find myself ALONG AND for change” it’s “find myself LONGING for change”. And also it’s not “and all the bad times I FEEL myself” it’s “FEAR myself”. Before you post a video up and try to Screw up everyone and embarrass their self in front of other people, please research and write the right shit down. Thanks. And your welcome everyone
- May Bantang: Italy
- emily desantigo: I literally cannot get enough of this song! I love it so so much.
- amafu: wonderful song
- Niki Kawa: who else thinks their voices and singing styles go perfect together?
- claudia abi-harb: Bradely wawwww!!! Such a beautiful voice
- Daenerys Targarien: Q música maravillosa *-*
- ZuzikArbuzik 2003: I love this song! Nice video ;)
- Suzanne Lacroix: 2019 Best song for the Oscars
- bufferkaiser: I thought Bradley Cooper was hot before....now hearing him sing just reinforces my opinion!
- Orie Thompson: Academy Award for best song!!!! Chills...goosebumps!!
- 1940682121: south warren highschool
- Barbara Alvarez: In Love!!!!
- carley387: Love this song. Great duet.
- Disa Lona: A Star Is Born Movie Available in hd Quality : [ bit.ly/2Nwc1tJ ]
- LCToner: Bradley Cooper can sing! I'm amazed. Now, he's a "double-threat" in Hollywood. Dang. Great duet.
- Anna Steffans: I thought it was "longing for change"
- kenzie christine: this song makes me wanna slow dance with someone even though I suck at dancing, anyone else?
- Lyrics For you: Lady Gaga & bradly cooper Shollow - lyrics https://youtu.be/FuzM4nEcAZA
- Marita Lopez: Love❤
- Effie tsek: ❤😲
- Tara Smith: I have been listening to this on repeat all day, and been listening to the trailer version for months, but the part where Lady Gaga really gets going at 2.33 just gives me an indescribable feeling and some major goosebumps. Her voice is astonishing.
- cazador1022: Yes
- e a: Oh deff just watched it tn so sad did not excpect that
- Carmina Castillo: When I learned to accept my loneliness llegaste tu y no once I regret to let you in my life...in my heart I would always be tu feya..
- Warner bros US: A Star Is Born Movie Available in hd Quality : [ bit.ly/2Nwc1tJ ]
- glen campbell: Thank You for this movie, it's the change in life I needed 🎵🎶🎸👍
- gabi Fonseca: the best song in the world, yaass gaga, yass bradley
- SadCoffee: Some of the lyrics are wrong: Bradley: 0:45 In all the good times I find myself longin' for change And in the bad times, I fear myself Lady: 1:35 In all the good times I find myself longing for change And in the bad times, I fear myself
- Sedinet Secic: First time listening,2:32 and i fail from chair ,Lady Gaga is one of the most amazing artists ever <3
- William Hewett: She IS
- Alexandra Trubirohová: ***********
- Loisa Holroyd: A Star Is Born movie was amazing! WATCH this movie here : [ t.co/VhC68ahSVh ]
- Texas Gal: Therapy = playing this and singing along at the TOP of my lungs over and over until I’m tired.
- Phibi biate: Nice song💓💓💓💓
- john cupons: look at my cover in youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dBWBa8tSKg
- Riana Faulding: A Star Is Born full movie available : [ t.co/nx9v2VDgpT ]
- Apostolis: check my cover :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MHwSHgoBtQ
- Shannelle Lamour: In the bad times i fear myself. Not feel lol
- Gabriel Hope: ‘in all the good times i find my self *longing* for a change and in the bad times i *fear* myself’
- Lisa Simpsonn: Has to win all the awards going
- Romy Judith Spoor: ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
- Ritha Woolls: A Star Is Born movie was amazing! WATCH this movie here : [ t.co/VhC68ahSVh ]
- Amphy Layola: Gurlllll, goosebumps. Goosebumps.
- Wimper Silva: Waooooo que hermosa Música 😍😢
- Maria Markuss: 😂😂
- Rxksa _chheng: This is my best and also the my fav song ever
- Julio Garcia: What the hell is wrong with YouTube with their long a** ads, some of them are 6mins long like??? I’m trying to shower and sing my music, not listen to Jared about his passion for woodwork at mennards
- Sharon Nduta: I am listening in South Africa Love this song 💖
- John Dow: Written many poems after listening to this... Really feel this song on so many levels....so deep.
- Liana Maldonado: I totally agree
- _Esmeralda_: Haven’t even seen the movie and I’m already singing this song non stop
- Joshua Moncelli: 🔵 *A Star ls Born* full movie available: t.co/F8IAYf0r7A Unglaublicher film! Sehr zu empfehlen, es auszuprobieren!
- Tina's Stream of Consciousness: i love this song... so much
- Serna Macfarlan: A Star Is Born movie was amazing! WATCH this movie here : [ t.co/VhC68ahSVh ]
- Rayne Michael: Sounds alot like Pink in this track.
- Bella Inem: 🔴 *Watch Movie "A STAR IS BORN" Stream Now :* t.co/An2JbtYdrV Unglaublicher film! Sehr zu empfehlen, es auszuprobieren!
- David Gainey: Music at it's best Lady Gaga is amazing
- Sahil Stark: Who knew Rabbit could sing
- Shininglight: Love Bradley Cooper n his voice x No criticism here ..one of my favourite films and so is the original Credit to Bradley and Gaga and the cast in general Supreme talent xxx Real tears at the end and slow exit for the audience. !😢😢😢
- Zin Zin: Fuck you guy
- Marcelly Lobert: 🔴 *Already watched "A STAR IS BORN 2018" Movie* t.co/wCAI5fHfB6 Unglaublicher film! Sehr zu empfehlen, es auszuprobieren!
- Rose Productions: I love this 😍😍
- The Dreamer: https://youtu.be/jaKki9MFmDU Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper-Swallow Cover
- Naomi Pdrn: Lady Gaga.. You are exceptional
- Trixie Bootle: Loving this song. Thank u my sister penny love ya girly xo
- dfsfds: +Iona Banks there is nothing wrong with saying she doesn't look ordinary. She usually doesn't. It's neither bad nor good. It's just a description.
- Lori Madrid: Love GaGa without makeup ...such a natural beauty and amazing voice ...
- Faegniasse: France
- Zona Kingdom: Loved it
- landen perry: song is sad
- Adriana Perez: Lágrimas en los ojos! Me obsesioné mal! Lady Gaga nunca falla y sorprende la voz de Bradley Coopper.
- Trio DeFo: Hahahahaha FEEL myself. Like he’s jerking it
- Wahyu Utomo: for the first time i not believe if she is lady gaga 😂
- YVES NOYALET: Amazing, awesome i did' nt know Bradley was such a singer and his duo wirh Lady Gaga is just a gift
- Powder -: 1:40 "...and in the bad times I *feel* myself" It's fear And...wow that's a little wierd
- Дмитрий Мякотин: It's just amazing!!!! But I think I heard something like this before..? https://youtu.be/KHmZ6gsXAmU Especially this one: https://youtu.be/Qr31Vhu01fc
- Coley227: Love! Can’t wait for the movie! Her vocals give me chills!
- Brenda Albuquerque: ❤
- Nicole Ramirez: Her voice
- Liv Vlogs: lady gaga is cool but this song sucks ;-; no hate!
- Tulliane de Crécy: *longing for change
- M Gosby: terrible transcription...dead wrong. please fix....LONGING FOR CHANGE
- Adrian Davidson: Gaga has been repeating constantly how good singer Bradley is . You may think she is just being nice, but he really is.... His voice does transmit something.
- R.J. Macasa: IM CACKLING 😂
- CoveredByLina: Texas Gal i have made an instrumental to this song for singers to sing to! Maybe you wanna check it out and record yourself. Tag me in your creations
- Varel Leona: 🔵 A Star ls Born full movie available: t.co/GPGMAyIUEP Unglaublicher film! Sehr zu empfehlen, es auszuprobieren!
- Ingrid Rodrigues: Quarta! Que música mais perfeitaaaaa
- Sing along: Check out my cover😁 https://youtu.be/1Us4sn3DAyI
- horror chica: Omg since I heard this song on the movie trailer I’ve been trying so hard to find it!! I love it so much, I have goosebumps!
- Peace&Cookies〉(^_^)〈: Just seen the movie. The music and everything was fantastic ugh! I need to see it again
- Mario Martinčević: i miss her so much :(
- USHA BORO: 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
- TheWindsofWonder: Shininglight but it does matter? This is a lyric video for the song. If it’s wrong it should be pointed out because people clicked on this video to find the correct lyrics.
- Ashley Casey: Lady Gaga has so so much she’s so good at singing
- Marcelly Lobert: 🔴 *Already watched "A STAR IS BORN 2018" Movie* t.co/wCAI5fHfB6 Unglaublicher film! Sehr zu empfehlen, es auszuprobieren!
- RadioActiveRocknRoll: This is my cover version👉 https://youtu.be/hmrfGNdYd5s
- Morien Blake: 🌕️ *A STAR lS B0RN fiIm avaiIabIe:* t.co/F8IAYf0r7A Novi trending filmovi, preporučljivo je gledati !!
- Nazulla Niftyra: Great movie,great song..i like all songs in this movie..good job Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper..both of you are amazing..
- Richard P. Ramirez: I loved this movie but the end is the worst I ever seen. Even worst than Infinity War, too sad!!
- RASKL 48: It’s Longing, not along and. Beautiful song, u may wanna edit tho 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼😁😁
- Elizabeth Bellangers: SadCoffee dgzgskohs
- Tugu Mullen: A Star Is Born full movie available : [ t.co/nx9v2VDgpT ]
- Autumncrtr: Hello there 💕 It would mean the world to me if you could checkout my latest YouTube cover on my channel of this song “Shallow” by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper from the movie A Star is Born ⭐️Thank you so much have a beautiful day!✨
- Manuia RUA: Magnifique
- Byemiek: 2:25 Aquí empieza lo bueno, increíble
- Bill Syvertsen: Bradley cooper should have sung this song alone Gaga garbage ruined the movie
- Catherine LeBlanc: C pas i feel myself but i fear myself
- Princess Sophie33: SUCH AN UGLY SONG
- Sulis Rahmadani Hutagalung: 2.46 always makes me goosebumps
- Taylor Vance: These lyrics are wrong right off the bat. Should be “...I find myself longing for change. And in the bad times I fear myself.” I’m not going to listen further, but I bet there are more to correct. They’re out there. Go get ‘em & fix this.
- Martin Bohat: https://youtu.be/cPGSPHbyBrU
- Greyci Antuanet: segunda <3
- Celeste Galeon: i love u gaga...
- Jessica Wetton: Shal I perform this on the voice kids 2019 if I get enough likes and hardly any hate I will give it a go! 🙃🙃🙃 love you all
- Tesya Maikas: 🔵 A Star ls Born [2OI8] Fᴜʟʟ Mᴏᴠɪᴇ : [ t.co/nx9v2VDgpT ] Oóutstanding móvie! Sehr zu empfehIen, es auszuprobieren!
- Fyans Lithuana: A Star Is Born full movie available : [ t.co/nx9v2VDgpT ]
- tiffani tonsbeek: ..longing*
- Ivanco Naumovski: even ifshes a good artist, i still look at her like a singer :) <3 shes best
- Retha Enright: A Star Is Born 2018 Movie Full HD 1080p Quality : t.co/mMm6LWhkSY
- Running Fox: I like your background but lyrics are wrong.
- Joshua Moncelli: 🔵 *A Star ls Born* full movie available: t.co/F8IAYf0r7A Unglaublicher film! Sehr zu empfehlen, es auszuprobieren!
- Maykla Cremor: 🔵 A Star ls Born [2OI8] Fᴜʟʟ Mᴏᴠɪᴇ : [ t.co/VhC68ahSVh ] Oóutstanding móvie! Sehr zu empfehIen, es auszuprobieren!
- AzTex 713: i need like a 10 hr looped video of this song
- Veronica Williams: This movie was so great. Well done to everyone involved in this movie. Bradley Cooper well done
- Helena Ružinská: Csodálatos hangja van Lady Gagának és Bradley Coopernek is ! Fantasztkus !
- Pedro Costa Guimarães: Não canso de ouvir essa música linda de mais e ancioso para ver o filme
- Verting Booster: terceiraaaaaa Gaga rainha do pop!
- alphy abraham: Wowwww!!! The trailer looks nice and frankly it's the first time I'm listening to Gaga. I just loved it...
- Jose Constien: 🔴 *A Star Is Born* fiIm avaiIabIe here : t.co/meNPFVw5Yx Novi trending filmovi, preporučljivo je gledati!!
- Mellisa Gabby: 🌕️ *A STAR lS B0RN fiIm avaiIabIe :* t.co/F8IAYf0r7A Novi trending filmovi, preporučljivo je gledati !!
- Jonatas: hino hino hino hino hino hino hino hino hino hino hino hino hino hino hino hino hino hino hino hino hino hino hino hino hino hino hino hino hino hino hino hino
- Mogan Henka: A Star Is Born movie was amazing! WATCH this movie here : [ t.co/VhC68ahSVh ]
- Andrea Watson: Please LISTEN TO ME SING 🌟 Always Remember Me 🌟This Way on my YouTube page Clickandrea 🙏💕❤️🤔🤔
- Pavlasek2: PARODY https://youtu.be/eLXvdOjonKI
- Ferrer Zorola: Remove this, stupid bitch. All views should to the video. Reported.
- Sephia Latjuba: A Star Is Born (2018) movie t.co/g7K3iwtTx0
- Horacio Gonzalez: Maybe
- Ade Rizky Ramadhani: lady gaga more beautiful without make up on
- loolbe00_4 mail: Fight for this love Cheryl Cole?
- Isabelle McKenzie: great lyric video. but i think its in the bad times i fear myself.
- Paula Haney: She amazing
- Andressa Barra: Que tiro foi esse ?
- Evi van Schie: Did you need tissues?
- Lola Kola: My moms phone
- Gloria Barden: Needs a lyric correction
- Elisha Alethea Jacutin: It’s either this song or I’ll never love again. I think almost all songs in this movie is really beautiful.
- ShitosMitos: نصيحه الي مرحش الفيلم ده هيفوته كتير برادلي كوبر عامل فيلم عمره وليدي جاجا متألقة الفيلم حاله
- Rebeca Degraves: 🌕️Wᴀᴛcʜ|Dowɴʟoᴀᴅ🌕️ "A Star Is Born 2OI8 ʜᴇʀᴇ :: t.co/nx9v2VDgpT "Bohemian Rhapsody" 2OI8 ʜᴇʀᴇ ::t.co/UYgf15OpzW "The Nutcracker and the Four Realms (2018) ʜᴇʀᴇ :: t.co/8A4UuR0o6e Oóutstanding.. ..móvie! Sehr.. ..zu ..empfehIen, ..es ..auszuprobieren!
- Scott Taylor: Can't even get the words right
- Orla Lally: love songs
- Gallie Bernadeta: 🔴 Watch/DownIoad *A STAR IS BORN* fiIm : t.co/meNPFVw5Yx Novi trending filmovi, preporučljivo je gledati!!
- leslie esmeralda aguilar martinez: Amo esta canción
- j m: In the bad time i feel myself. Lol. Its *fear not feel.
- halimatul nadiah: 👏👏👏👏
- Marcelly Lobert: 🔴 *Already watched "A STAR IS BORN 2018" Movie* t.co/wCAI5fHfB6 Unglaublicher film! Sehr zu empfehlen, es auszuprobieren!
- Blue Phoenix: These words are not correct. There are at least 2 mistakes.
- Sofia Hasegawa: Watch Movie "A Star is born" here: bit.ly/star-is-born-hd
- Eny Beatric: 🔵 *A Star ls Born 2OI8* fuII fiIm #NOW avaiIabIe here: t.co/meNPFVev6Z ✅ Novi trending filmovi, ★★☆☆☆ preporučljivo je gledati !!
- alice k: the lyric is “fear myself” they got it wrong SKSSK
- Mikayla Vroland: 🔵 A STAR lS B0RN fiIm avaiIabIe here: [ t.co/VhC68ahSVh ] Novi trending filmovi, preporučljivo je gledati !!
- rizQ n.f: Gaga..Gaga..Gaga...
- Ben Caffrey: At least get the lyrics right if you’re Gona make a lyric video 😂🙈
- leah clough lee lee: 💜💙💚💛love it too much
- chevalierjld: The crescendo is incredible. Almost too much emotion and power.
- Tereza Schebsdat: Please listen to my cover of this song! :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0aFKGLF5Pw
- Djordan Gauthier: I made a cover of this song :))
- Gallie Bernadeta: 🔴 Watch/DownIoad *A STAR IS BORN* fiIm : t.co/meNPFVw5Yx
- Mellisa Gabby: 🌕️ *A STAR lS B0RN fiIm avaiIabIe :* t.co/F8IAYf0r7A Novi trending filmovi, preporučljivo je gledati !!
- Tori G: I broke the replay button
- Floriana Barboni: Visto il film canzoni bellissime lui molto affascinante
- Jennifer Thongbam: Isn't it " longing for change "?...
- Momon Dodery: A Star Is Born movie was amazing! WATCH this movie here : t.co/nx9v2VDgpT
- Kate Marsan: Oh God yeah...felt like I'd been punched in the gut for a couple of days after the movie too
- Cowan Savanah: A Star Is Born Movie Available in hd Quality : [ t.co/VhC68ahSVh ]
- Erika Koszta: Andressa Barra
- John mike: On the train heading to see my girl in Connecticut daydreaming about the day I get on one knee and see the tears of joy❤️
- Igor Manoel: Beautiful.. God damn it Bradley can sing dude and by the way he has a beautiful voice though..
- Turki Nasser: eeewwwwww
- El Australiano: Well-said, Debra!
- Zari F Tusing: I can't help myself .....m already slayed
- cazador1022: The Oscar for best soundtrack goes to.....A Star is Born
- Angel Ange: im in love with this song...lady gaga u sound really good .
- Maribel Campo: I wish there were ten like buttons... to say the least. This song is powerful.
- Dan 8: Cuarto 🌔 7u7r
- Donna Woodford: Can't wait to see the movie. The trailer shows great chemistry between the two actors-singers. Beautiful duo!
- Piper Swanston: A Star Is Born |f u L L M o v i e : t.co/o8O80d1Ywb
- ddreamweaver: I've always known from the start that Lady Gaga is a great artist.... Good direction and performance from Bradley Cooper... and maybe an Oscar for both of them
- Mike: Wow im not a fan of this kinda music but i have to say im shocked Bradley has a great voice! Hes a great actor, funny as fuck n now a great singer. Im proud of my fellow Jersey boy. Hes my favorite actor thats the only reason I listened to this but to be honest I can't stand lady gaga more like lady ugug ugly big nose bitch 😛
- LYAM NEAL: This song is wonderful. Incredibly beautiful... And thank you for the lyrics! By the way, I've made a *FRENCH VERSION* 🇫🇷 of this song, it would be great if you come take a look! Thank you so much! ✨
- Samantha Rigg: Watch Movie A Star Is Born 2018 Stream Now : [ t.co/nx9v2VDgpT ]
- redhotchilifan98: Just saw the movie last night the first time they sing this song it was instant chills
- Callum Fitz-Patrick: Best song of 2018
- Ec Pyro: *Shadow* presents _Shallow_ ! :)
- eperez7275: Bradly Copper I'm sorry but I prefer to lessen to LadyGaga. Sorry Bradly
- Rachael Salvador: A GREAT/AMAZING SONG IS BORN!!!🤗🤗🤗
- Tori G: lady gaga's voice gave me chills
- amelia williams: Watched this film last night ❤ her voice is amazing as is Bradley coopers the vocals on this song are amazing
- Tomas Pikulik: Super pesnička
- Sarah Houle: Its "in the bad times i fear myself".
- Tea: I'm falling..
- Frank Hermes: It's not "Along and for change" it's "longing for change"
- Andrew Martinez: There was one that was 24 MINUTES
- Utkarsh Aggrawal: Doesn't matter if 99 people out of 100 don't believe in you...😀😊😋
- Justa Cake: I really wanna watch this movie..
- TheSoloGio: This song gets me hella emotional...
- Veronica Estrada Miranda: I love this song😍😍😍
- Peter Leutogi: Nice voices👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
- Random person Who says hi: What happened to bad romance 😭😔😢😕
- sophie aes: Bradley's voice is amazing
- MONDO LAN: 🔴 *Already watched "A STAR IS BORN 2018" Movie* t.co/wCAI5fHfB6 Unglaublicher film! Sehr zu empfehlen, es auszuprobieren!
- Christina Ebarb: That weird moment you realize that Rocket is singing.😂 But I love this song though!!!😁😁😁❤️
- Jose Constien: 🔴 *A Star Is Born* fiIm avaiIabIe here : t.co/meNPFVw5Yx Novi trending filmovi, preporučljivo je gledati!!
- jay boe: "Longing"
- Maiara Kochmanski: Gaga rainha ❤
- Mickey Mouse: I'm a big fan of lady gaga already got the song memorized just waiting to see the movie I'm like a giggly kid just in the waiting to go get my copy have all her CDs everyone I've met her once and I about passed out she my role model just love her
- mebs au: This cracks you right open and you don't whether to weep or scream.
- Queen_Country Girl: Bradly reminds me of the guy from hell on wheels
- GRANT VAN WASSENHOVEN: If this song doesn’t win an Oscar imma be pissed
- CoveredByLina: This song is so awesome! Check out my instrumental version on my channel too!
- El Australiano: This song could not be more beautiful than it is.
- Jefersson Peña: Tiene problema la letra.
- Carrie Abbott: Its great
- Alvena John: What's movie ?
- sasha smokk: What a perfect combination of beautiful voices! And this is the best movie of 2018 i think. It will get an Oscar for sure!!
- Erine Tiska: *A Stár is Born 2018* fílm nów Aváilable : t.co/vz1USbsAiP
- Agnieszka Kamińska: Space and magic!!!
- Sara Parker: she has always had the most beautiful voice, i love her so much.
- Fanny Petit: Idem !! Époustouflant ! Émouvant!!! Magnifique !!
- Lia Iliffe: 🔵 A STAR lS B0RN fiIm avaiIabIe here: [ t.co/VhC68ahSVh ] Novi trending filmovi, preporučljivo je gledati !!
- B4haty: Now imagine Rocket and Groot singing it
- Joe Weston: wow l was blown away by her performance in this modern take of a star is born and also mr cooper didn't know he could sing like that l do hope they get oscars for these roles l really enjoyed watching it bitter sweet story well done too the both of them.
- Lance Wesley: LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS SONG! <3
- Sophie Lewins: This film is so good 😍😍
- I am sceptic: 2:34 my favorite part😵
- Mada Topîrceanu: 2:27 ..i love this, isn't it the best part ?
- BRADI STUMP: Yeah these lyrics are wrong
- Molly Macleod: A Star Is Born full movie available : [ t.co/nx9v2VDgpT ]
- _Esmeralda_: Hate that the movie is rated R /:
- Debra Garner: Finally, a movie that has the opportunity to bring us all together and forget the daily crap! At least for a few hours. Please all take a load off and see the movie. Thank you Bradley and Lady Gaga. Job well done.
- Diana Moya: Si eres latino dame like FUERZA LATINA 🤪
- Andrea Watson: Please LISTEN TO ME SING 🌟 Always Remember Me 🌟This Way on my YouTube page Clickandrea 🙏💕❤️🤔🤔
- LaReina Yolanda: Movie was amazing, great job on all the songs singing and lyrics, as well as acting- Very touching, a movie many can relate to.
- Максим Глущенко: Top top top!!!!!!!!!! THE MELODY AND DEEP DEEP SOUL
- Ria Anthony: A Star Is Born full movie available : [ t.co/nx9v2VDgpT ]
- Effie tsek: ❤❤?
- Elisabeth Hofmann: You probably mean actress? Coz a singer is just as much of an artist as a painter or actor
- Bruna Barbieri Babi: Assisti hoje ao filme , nunca chorei tanto no cinema..Só tenho a dizer que além de uma grande cantora a lady é um excelente atriz!Aí é esse homem linddoooo
- Gallie Bernadeta: 🔴 Watch/DownIoad *A STAR IS BORN* fiIm : t.co/meNPFVw5Yx
- Spooky: shu tup
- Eny Beatric: 🔵 *A Star ls Born 2OI8* fuII fiIm #NOW avaiIabIe here: t.co/meNPFVev6Z ✅ Novi trending filmovi, ★★☆☆☆ preporučljivo je gledati !!
- AtomicE77: I distinctly hear her say longing for change, not along and for change.... need to fix that
- A. Jr: Great Movie
- Dave Hooper: Lady Gaga looks awesome without make up on. First time I've ever seen her look ordinary and she has an amazing voice. I love this song with Bradley. I love it.
- yldhepearl Cortina: Both of them are so amazing😊
- ξ S L Δ λΛ: Α Legend is born
- Bella Inem: 🔴 *Watch Movie "A STAR IS BORN" Stream Now :* t.co/An2JbtYdrV Unglaublicher film! Sehr zu empfehlen, es auszuprobieren!
- Madeline Hensley: Those are the wrong lyrics
- Sam Y: Isnt it "i find myself longing for a change" ??
- Gibson Andrew: This song is slept on
- Woman Like Perrie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOtZdCO2xZw Wow, your video is so amazing! Come on my chanel and see my video too. Hope you like it!
- babyzizi1: Beautiful
- Dina Scobie: 🌕️Wᴀᴛcʜ|Dowɴʟoᴀᴅ🌕️ "A Star Is Born 2OI8 ʜᴇʀᴇ :: t.co/nx9v2VDgpT "Bohemian Rhapsody" 2OI8 ʜᴇʀᴇ ::t.co/UYgf15OpzW "The Nutcracker and the Four Realms (2018) ʜᴇʀᴇ :: t.co/8A4UuR0o6e Oóutstanding.. ..móvie! Sehr.. ..zu ..empfehIen, ..es ..auszuprobieren!
- Rachael Salvador: LOVE THSIR SONG!!!😍😍😍
- Gallie Bernadeta: 🔴 Watch/DownIoad *A STAR IS BORN* fiIm : t.co/meNPFVw5Yx
- Samira Bellucie: A Star Is Born (2018) movie t.co/g7K3iwtTx0
- Varun Dhawan: Can only imagine the impact that Eddie Vedder's voice would have
- Anna V.: Stream the official video to support the queen:)
Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper - Shallow (Lyrics) (A Star Is Born Soundtrack) | |
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Music Shallow Lady Gaga | Upload TimePublished on 27 Sep 2018 |
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