Post Malone
Lyric video for Post Malone, Swae Lee performing Sunflower (from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse)
Best comment
- h d: man swae always comes up with the most fire hooks.
- Otto VonBizmarkie: CriminalIntent89 than do it
- Yoongi Smiles: *Totally Isn't Here From Spider-Man And Totally Hasn't Watched The Movie 3 Times*
- Bhola Dhungana: Find the wrong emoji 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
- Lillian Martin: i found this song from a #ethma edit aka Emma Chamberlain and Ethan Dolan dating edit. IG-@precisleydols
- Landon Corbin: No
- Ryan Hulseberg: Post Malone will prolly never see this but it could be a GREAT video about a firefighter and the love of his life...
- Crasher99: This song is the best when you listen to it while getting ready in the morning.
- Clementine: +BrysonHearl Grammar nazi XD
- Zxtclipz: M
- SUOD PW: If you watched Spider Verse you will understand this reference! *HEY!*
- Tiger King: HEY You will understand if you watch the movie
- Cookie Gacha: Who here before 5M?
- JGTC09PLAYS _god: Hi
- TheOdalise: If you press read more you a savage Dam u brutal
- Rahavan Kugan: you are a sun flower.
- Tylette Watmough: love post malone
- Teagan Brown: It's from Post Malone, have you heard his songs? Best kid version he's got. Don't be hating on the song.
- Scripsi Abiete: I want Sarah Burges to see this song.
- Kevin Martinez: i love your Muic
- Miranda Scott: This song is kinda fucked up. Like id be left in the dust if u left me? Fuck you im a sun flower
- Kaitlyn: Damn 🙄😂
- Jorge Abreu: The King has done it again! Great song can’t stop listening it, just wish it was longer.
- Loyalis Bwillder: Its beautiful its calm and its.... SHORT😢😭😭😣it needs to be longer
- Adam Huie: Philadelphia
- דולב לוי: Im so fuckin lonely i only want somebody too love......
- Angelina Vazquez: why are you asking pepole were there from creep if i'm right hit that thumbs up
- 8-BitBois lol: Seth Turner say this to their actual VEVO, this is some random guys video, they just put lyrics in.
- 100 subs with no videos: I like the windows notification at the start
- SonicX Hedgehog: This is sound just like the guy who voices Miles
- Khalid Jan: In memory of my love R❤🇦🇫.15/12/18
- penguin commander: how bout 2 am
- Jacob Hill: awesome
- Baldemar Huerta: Perfect
- SunsetLpsStudios: LPS: Fallout Theme: Young- Cosmos and Creature Characters: Liza Katelyn (kate) Taylor Kenzie Ashton Alex Fayge/Faye Maddie Rachel Jason Drake Noah Daniel Jonas Percy Jay
- Waluigi: Give me likes now before I inhale your cow
- Cherry Pauper: Cool, but what does it have to do with Spider-Man?
- Hepacard: Your song is amazing 😉 and cool 😎
- vanessa sanchez: 00:00
- SIdTheGod: meh
- bendy 99: Ne
- Gamer. ly: NockemDead 99 I know for me too XD
- Justin Kinney: I can’t wait to see Spiderman into the spider verse
- Luis Gonzalez: I’m sorry :(
- muna mahfud: cool
- ur mum gay: SG Python that was a beautiful comment definitely worthy of a like
- mariem gharbi: This is the best song that I have ever... like I lost my words.... this is a really good song like I thought this was a dream when I just heard it...
- Practical Gamer: Vaidant Kabra same
- Anna Walker: My son love these song
- hunt the live gamer: Post Malone says no royalty because your sponsoring me 🤯
- Emma House: THIS SONG IS ONLY 2:38 LONG!!!!!!!!!
- Liam O'Byrne: MR Stark I don’t feel so good. OOF
- fortnite gamer: I love this song drop a like if you love this song
- Jersey Glover: I listen to this every day now, I LOVE IT!!!!❤😍 Like if you listen to it every day!!
- Angelica Gonzalez: I watched Spider-Man-Into the spiderverse and LOVED it
- Yolanda Gonzalez: I fly like paper get high like planes...
- dirk diggler: Thank God we got a replay button 🙌🏿
- Erick Mendez: Misse Kasse atleast its still a good song
- quianna smith: Does anyone have that feeling we're you hear a song for the first time and you know that song is perfect for you.
- BTRAK mashups: Sunflower 2Pac Mashup -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtmwbSJVVAY&t=27s
- Nemsonngaih Ngaihte: Nice song 😘
- Raul Perez: 2 0 1 9
- Rachelle Deleon: You're the sun flower❤️
- ani mac: This song gave me goosebumps. It's absolutely amazing 😍
- Jemimah Nhekairo: Loveee
- Micheal Fox: Who is listening to this song right now this is a great song right
- Daniel Allen: Post Malone is by far the best Feel Good artist out there
- BeybladematerYT: I know right
- Leo Brazz: This song is way too short.
- Scyth Bully: Great
- Fernando Vazquez: i wish there was an extended version of this song. this song is great!
- Olivia Wrightson: omg i love this song
- Angelique Hunold: Swae Lee voice is so smooth🥰
- cdimarias: I love you post Malone 😍💕
- SprinterHype _: The original is better
- Stealth Spartan5: "Screaming at my face baby dont trip, Someone took a big L, dont know how that felt" Straight up fire right there
- Nyawan Fuselier: This song is soooo beautiful man, I'm obsessed with this vibe!!!💙💙😍😍
- Chris Yorrick: I loved the movie
- Music LYRICS: Hey guys go and check my lyric video Post Malone feat Swae Lee -Sunflower https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbVvHzw39GI If you like it go and subscribe for more video lyrics.Thank you all
- Wesley Adams: this is fire
- Scooter Derksen: awesome movie awesome song
- Mihir Ranjan: Nice song form Spider-Man into
- Brian Dial: I fuckin love his song
- david pittet: Hell yea all the time
- Jack Ruppel: Way to short
- Sherry White: Between the ayy's and ohh's it sounds like a gwenpool mission from Lego marvel super heros 2
- Lindsey Drum: This is my absolute, favorite song! You have no idea HOW much I listen to this song. Ilysm ❤️
- Derp Tae: The movie had me laughing the whole time
- Gage Wenzel: I like this song
- bro: how can you not like this song?
- Moly Hayes: Goofy Biddy ikr! It’s disgusting how he couldn’t of even changed it for a kids movie!
- Cardale Simpson: Watch Spider-man: Into The Spider-verse Online | Watch Full HD Spider-man: Into The Spider-verse (2018) Online For Free PutLockers http://9putlocker.io/watch/oxQDe2Nv-spider-man-into-the-spider-verse.html
- Anuar Sheikh: Have anyone watched spiderman yesterday??
- Devon'sWorld: whs here for spider man into the spidey verse
- Lylah Beasley: I love this song!!!
- Micah McCullough: People who saw this like it
- borang rangbo xixi: You the sunflower
- Lalmama Hrahsel: 🎶🎶😍😍😍😍🤤
- Trying Random things: After listening to this song. This song had been my favorite song since. 😎😃😀👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼🥇🏆🎖🏅🎯
- Felipa Coria: awesome
- Karolyn Chhat: *Great
- PezPro: Earth
- 320Courtney: I love this song
- JustinM164: Its not "Race, Get Off right now" Its "Risk it all right now"
- J.A. Chappie Colon: Adam really went off In his career
- Calvin Prior: Check my version of this track: https://youtu.be/zAOZ5-pVcKE
- Alyssa Girondo: this song is so trash
- Michael Cowan: It song good
- KylieDatCringyAfUnicornX: The only reason it has no swear words is cos they needed it for the movie and they want it pg😂
- Fantasy, Perspective, & Life: Oogie Boogie we can’t listen we’re reading. On the subject of reading maybe try learning how too. Got it Roblox boy?
- Taree Chills: I'm a the only one that thinks they shudda ran swae's hook one more time at the end
- Brittany Crawford: im cleaning my room and listening to this song and post malone songs idk why
- Element Of Infinity: The people that watched spider man into the spider verse like this comment
- Luke Petersen: You got some of the lyrics wrong buddy.. doesn’t it say at 1:50 even if we’ve gotta risk it all right now?.
- mimi pussycat: 😎😎😎😎😎
- Dj Chavez: Swae Lee is so underrated
- Conner Leclair: Illinois
- Harsie Plays10: My old crush who I use to like and he still likes me said this song reminded this song of me
- Blade: And you're left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're a sunflower I think your love would be too much.....................
- Lorena Rojas: Love it
- ABZz: 0:27 0:28 0:29 0:30 0:31 0:32 0:33 0:34 0:35 0:36 0:37 0:38 0:39 0:40 best parts I SELL EVERY PLAY BUTTON FOR A LIKE Please don't steal😢
- Marshall Varnes: This doesn't sound like post Malone
- Flying Guru: Bihar
- T9: Merry Christmas
- ProfessorWhooves1: *Hey~* 😏
- I'm that 1 Cripple Kid: I didn't like it that much at first but now it's grown on me
- leslie futrell: Oh I just love this somg
- BowDownToTheYEET: This song should be on genius lol
- Yunior Gamboa: This song is so freaking good
- Dina Fernandez: I love this girl jo I hate everyone just kidding
- hustler Khan: I got offered a big time job it was $10K a month and I turned it down because it was “at Will” I decided to stay in my current secure job which is $8K a month. I’ve been depressed thinking I made the wrong decision. This song cheered me up
- Kenzie Vezina: Why am i so attracted to Post Malone's voice
- JWilliam Perry: I love this
- Mr Steal Yo Mommy: This song cured my chlamydia
- WWE 2K Guy: Spider-Man is an Avenger
- Royale Real Attck's: amazing lyrics best song of the year love from India.... <3
- SprinterHype _: James Banks it’s horrible
- Liandra Barbosa: i love your shit of singing did you make the song for a girl like if you agree
- 이충현: So many visual effects :(
- Manny Gonzalez: Michael scoot totaly!!!!!😃😃😃
- Azzy FLYHIGH: Whoever doesn't like this I don't think u know about songs bcz this is so lit
- ItsSmartyKitty: luv this 😍😍😍😍😍🐼🐼💜💜💜
- katelyn warner: Fuck yes
- kellrose64: No words to describe it:), that's how lit it is
- redhotchilifan98: Movie was fantastic absolutley love this song
- Rexxy isSexxy: Rest in peace STAN LEE ❤❤
- Shannon Allison: Everyone going on about how great this song is. You should hear it how he intended it to be. This was speed up for the movie I would guess. Because this is how he sang it originally.
- Fank Woods: You got to make this longer
- Antonette Fernandez: God song
- Maribel Cruz: This Wong is forma Stan Lee R.I.P this is they type that Dong that has a meaning love infinite Out of ten
- J kristan RANDOMS: when i sing this or hear i became MILES MORALES...
- thenab90: My song 😎
- John Nailling: This song is so dumb it amazes me how much you worship the guy over simplistic non logical songs like this.
- Evie Vasquez: 😂😂😂 why
- Mike Spector: I just heard this song today. 🦉🤘🎶
- trippin’: i love this so much omg
- Suzanne Heppel: Am the biggest fan
- Destiny Destiny: I understand this song, but at the same time a little confused. Lol. Is it about an on & off again relationship?
- Emrys Snow: Correction on the last line of the second verse it's "Even if we gotta risk it all right now oh"
- Victor Ibarra: Victor Ibarra as Miles Morales Saf Ahmed as Peter Parker
- Lalrempuii Ralte Lalrempuii Ralte: Omg verry nice
- sydney guzman: Best song ever
- Ja'nae be bored bored: and your left in dust💨 unless i stuck by ya👫 your a sunflower🌻 i think your love would be to much💞
- Flawless Fatality: Good god this song is terrible
- Jude Palmer: Post Malone im a huge fan of you and Spider man,and i cant wait to see this in cinemas
- Banu Piriya Andiappan: This song gives me M.I.A’s paper planes vibes ...I love it 😍😍😍😍 why does it have to end so fast though 😕
- Sarah Melvin: TUNE 💣💣💣
- Fortnite _YT: Who else got a post Malone swae lee minecraft ad?
- Zairy Izan: 2020?
- Carter Kenneally: Awesome
- Keen Joaquin: Eyoel Daniel You like the whole part XD
- King Boy Rap: It’s “risk it all” 1:54
- Kim Rueb: your skin isn't paper, don't cut it. Your face isn't a mask, don't cover it. Your size isn't a book, don't judge it. Your life isn't a film, don't end it. You are beautiful!!♡
- Tøxic Ankles: 0:26 sailing replays forever
- Darris Rogers: Everybody drop a $ before the song blow up if you rocking wit it
- Ryan Anthony: How is this not copyright
- Kayleigh Dempsey: This song is to short!
- Charlie Cole: Lit
- Nathan Oxley: Better than da og Spider-Man.
- Son Goku: I feel like Post Malome ruined the song
- Tressie Johnson: Love this song! should've been longer tho!
- Ladies Washroom: It's 3:40am . I have just been playing farcry for 4 hours. Not wrong there budda
- rowan starkling: It's a good song but sounds so sad though
- Seth Turner: This music is so good you did good post Malone and swae lee and you did good on the song
- Fluffy Code: I love this song
- Issac Lee: just joking
- Mario Lopez: Who came from spiderman into the spiderverse
- Thor Odinson God Of Thunder: +albert torres Sony censored me so in the movie it was Ride like a cruise
- Joseph Vences: True that
- KevinzGamez PSN: Want to see it
- Posty Co.: Best Post collab of 2018!
- Kalsoom: I loved the movie and also the song <3
- Dakota DeHart: I love this song
- Smålands rackarn: 💙
- Sami/Yasin Rahman: *The Fortnite Reference tho*
- Mike Schneibel: Spieder-man
- Play with me Together forever: This is awesome i love this song Guess the odd one Easy 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😍😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 Mediem 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊☺️😊😊😊 Hard FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFFFFFF Click like if you found all of them and love this song And tell me in the comments if you listened to this song a thousand times because you love it Edit thanks for the people who liked my comment
- xIanF10x: You suck
- DESTINY M. MARTIN: This song is so damn good I just can't listening to it ❤️😍I love you Post Malone!!
- the doritos forever: I just got here and a ad just come to me and it was minecraft and roblox and it was a parody of sunflower which it is this its a song if iam wrong grammar dont mind me cause iam a Filipino
- William Baker: +Jr Soto I'd say it's simpler then that... I wouldn't diss someone over who's singing they liked more. I preferred posty and really like his singing was all
- DOGGO BEPIS: Edit: R/woooooooooooosh
- Amilynn: Fr my mood since this came out lmao 😂🤣
- Jimøsh Dun: Pøtatø Cøach yeah I’m pretty sure the whole clique this era has many to spare 😂
- Nargis Pal: great song
- memes Morales: I used tot think my last name sucked which was morales. Now that miles has the same last name I love my last name. Also his name is so close to mines. My name is Maya Morales and his is Miles Morales ? Sounds so familiar
- Ashlynn&Alexis Hipp: There's only one problem with this song it ends 😔
- katsudon little: HEEEEEY
- Austie James: I am from Australia in Queensland
- Ashlee Estrada: Pls stand up for our national anthem
- Me myself and my obsession with questionable stuff: "What makes you relax?" Miles: *starts singing this song* "…For crying out loud."
- Makiah Blass: Who’s here from Spider-man Into The Spider-Verse
- Yoza Mangu: I love this im a boy too
- Take Out the Me: Yesssss
- the fake wildcat i: Coolllllllll song man my jam man i like the veidio
- Evvyon Bentley: Fast forward is better
- something that u thought of before: I havent even watched the movie yet
- MrCreepz: Hey
- Millie Toomey: 💓
- Sub To my other channel DeadShot: Liv Vlogs no problem
- Arlo Cordell: why not
- Ocean Tiger Pandoria: Me
- Natalie L: Can’t figure out if this song is happy or sad
- TrAp Nexis: This song bangs
- Megan Wanerka: post malone I love that you went to a phish consert and got expiered to play music and your music is epicccccc keep it up
- mohd hafiz: Yes it so cool song
- kenny kris nanto: 1.5x
- Millicent Maso6: I know post molone means spider man lol 😆 I love this song from swan lee just my favorite song of the year
- Phillip Oliver Holtz: Please make sure the next line is already in view for lyric vids....
- RJ PRICE: I love that people wake up everyday and make there dreams become true
- Arimbi Anastasia: "or you'll be left in the dust" reminds me of peter in avengers infinity war
- L Smith: Why so short?
- Capsulegamer TTV: This music 🎧 very nice
- Monique Henry: I’m in love wiv this song it just gets me😍😍🤤
- boop doop: best songs lel
- Henao Asa: This video is nice because rap part is very cool 💚💙❤️🧡💖💓💞
- Feysa Aura Lintang Rysardy: i like spider gwen cause she beautiful
- TSM DJ: yep
- Yo 1738: Im sellin replay buttons here 1 like for each 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00
- lul des: swae lee deadass is the most underrated nigga in the game
- 22Brayden George: This song is literally me and my girlfriend 😕😍
- Ezekiel Larkpor: I love the first Part
- Lunala Moon: This song is now stuck in my head ever since I saw the Spiderman film. Now whenever I'm alone I start singing it like Miles XD
- Vickie Johnson: No what is it
- Matthew Carl: There left in the dust cause thanos snapped his fingers
- xd Altair: The movie comes out on Christmas btw
- Moon Star: Good singin
- Tweychee League: nice song
- Roman Siraj: yeah
- Alpha Jeon: RIP Uncle
- THRYLLY TV: The Whole Of Spider Man Into The Spider Verse Is On My Channel Now!
- max man: +robert budd no there not she put "even if we gotta risk it all right now" but it's supposed to be "even if we got to race get off right now"
- P H: This is my favorite song EVER!!!!!
- Sonic and Tails u: +Ana Olalde THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID
- Kiera Billsie: I can't stop listening to this!
- Daniel Syauqi: What kind of this music genre called ? I love it sooooo muchhh!!!
- Monica’s World!: D De
- Johnna Oliver: Thought one of the lyrics said... baby I'm erected.. 😂✋️ then i looked at the lyrics. baby I'm a wreck, wreck
- Goofy Biddy: inappropriate song for kids "she wants to ride me like a Cruise " DISGUSTANG
- brandon murray: This song is garbage
- Evelyn Hernandez: I kind of like the song
- Dario Astudillo: Who else came from spider-verse?
- Willie Fernandez: Hello
- Sarah Taylor: This is from the spider man movie into the spider verse miles sings it like if you seen that scene
- TheMegalodon Likes Pancakes: +King of galaxy hey don't spoil the movie, that's a great part
- Zaphia Jones: You're a sunflower ❤
- ryland cannon: My favorite song btw should I kiss my crush on the cheek
- Morgan Horton: +Nicholas Bennett me too
- The Dude: man u a nibba
- Pixie Neko: my best friend in the whole entire worlds favorite flower is a sunflower and her signature emoji is the sunflower emoji and every time I listen to this song I think of her 💜 love ya blondie 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
- Nancy Ortega: I love this song
- Tú Hoàng: This song is amazing but it's too short
- Ger Xiong: why is the song soo short? :( I need more of this vibeee
- Jay Els: Post lyrics were perfect.
- granny player boys and girls are invited: mjh
- Xx john792 xX: 0.75x speed is fire
- Jeannette McDonald Keeley: With you there bro
- Skitz Animates: I thought it said "She wanna ride me like a flute" And replace ride with join from the movie😂
- Mutaman Elawad: Your a sunflower🌻🌻🌻
- Arianne Romero: I love this song
- The Aliens: I loved that part
- Zoey Storm: Your profile picture tho 😂
- lil Soulja: Watched the movie yesterday! That shit was awesome. Like if you agree
- Lilly Saldana: your the sunflower your the sunflower everytime im leavin on ya
- Rhonda Molnar: I wasn't into this at first, but the more I hear it the more I'm liking it.
- Arq. Henry Berrezueta: I like ir so MUCH!!!!!!!!
- Lifetime headline Marshall Gracia: Incomparable song ever, no doubt is one of the greatest
- Trystan Escarcega: This is not the og music its "she want to ride like a cruise" not the other one you dirty bastered
- Noriman M.J.: From Malaysia!
- Freeman Grace: But this is a good song
- Preslee Hawkins: I LOVE SUNFLOWER! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Chace Clips: Groot: oof Winter soldier:oof Black panther:oof Vision:oof Nick fury:oof
- Erick Tavarez: Try listening at 1.25 speed
- Aishaplayz Games: Love this song
- Myles Dowell: Btroo
- Your Host Edge: I can finally sing this without sounding like Miles 😂😂😂
- Brendon Urie: *hey~*
- Victoria Bazan: If you play at 1.25 it sounds so good!!!
- This ain’t it Chief: Miles sung it better 😭💞
- moorbynebula 516: Spider Man anyone
- AvadaKedabra: Who's listening to this and thinking of someone they love? 👌🔥💖
- Shamya Harris: I love this song ❤️
- PB Gaming and vloging: It’s it is to say I keep in check not needless
- jyzaiah graham: Make my own christian version love this song
- Amariea Landrum: Swae song or Post song
- Juanmiguel Alvarez: I love this song
- Angela Icaro: 😫😫😫😫i feel the same
- Wonderful Girl: I known some guys who are always asking to play this song during class so I hear it all the time, but I can’t always understand what their saying so I’ve come here.
- the HAULERS: It starts at 0:25
- thumsupwhore: I'm memory of Stan lee rip you fucking legend remember thinking you were immortal and always will be just like Micheal Jackson or Elvis Presley. King of comics motherfuckers.
- Aubrianna Shaw: Canada
- Mike Nwume: this song is in spiderman into the spider verse like if u agree😆😆😆
- Kylie Grippen: I like you as a singer post Malone you are a grat singer
- FluffyPotatoBoi: Wow, I can't believe Post made it this far, he is singing in a spider-man movie! How awesome is that?!
- Lori Blakney: good
- Olivia Grantham: Such a good song
- Windysaint: 🌻 Your a sunflower 🌻I think your love would be too much. I’ll be left in the dust. Unless you stuck by me. Your the sunflower. Every time you leave don’t make it easy. Wish I could be there. I’m scared of the unknown I don’t want to be alone. But it’s out of my control. 🌻
- valeriex o: she wanna RIDE me like a cruise & I’m not tryna lose! And you’re left in the dust, unless I stuck by ya, you’re a sunflower, I think your love would be too much
- Say meme: Who saw into the spiderverse cus i did
- Brianna Britton: I love this song!!!
- Shane Togialeoli: i wish this song was long but C'MON MANN i still like it
- Random Potato: Time to figure out why this Malone guy is so popular
- XXXTENTACION FAN: i should this to my enime he is now my best friend
- Kuch Nasty: Banger
- HyperDog Roblox: calofornia ornge
- Zachary Hutchins: I know ALL the lyrics (words)
- Winter Howlette: *_I keep replaying this_*
- Anthony Bannister: This song needs ty dolla sign for a verse 🔥🔥🔥
- myo zin: these song is nice
- Dezmyn Talamaivao: 1:03 😏
- western ransome: Who else is still listening in 2019
- isaac man: Got that Drake beat. You here it?
- Izabel Talley: Literally got the add for the music video on this video 😂
- Quino Valencia: AVENGERS Be left in the *DUST*
- Wanphaibiang Dkhar: I like post malone (Sunflower)
- The FBI: When he says I'm calling quits now it lowkey sounded Like he was saying Quiznos not quits now
- ashika gambhir: Left in the dust
- A L: Anyone got recommendations for tracks with this kinda vibe?
- ImVxsion: every like, ill listen to this song again
- Victor Ibarra: Melissa Paez Diaz as Miles Morales Jaclyn Carr as Peter Parker
- Norma Aguilar: Wow...i repeat this song over and over and never get tired of this amazing song...
- Roni. Y: Easily one of my favorite songs
- Dave Odd man: Only one problem with the song it end.😢
- supersonic logan: fave sonng
- Steven Horton: BEAUTIFUL SONG... Today is my 64th birthday.... Just wanted to let you know your music is appreciated even by beat up old white guys
- Soul Boosted: Dawgs...the actual video has lyrics
- XxxTentacion Is A Legend: 0:53 KreekCraft take's L's he knows how that felt. and MyusernameThis Takes W's
- S A: Yo dude not try a be mean but at 1:51 it's actually risk it all right now
- Alexander Robles: Facts
- 4 hunnid: Best song in the world Much love here from Aizawl ❤❤❤❤
- Ricardo Puente: I know I always come, and go, but it’s out of my control. 😔
- Correna Johnson: I love This move
- tutuyo08: Any one from spider man into the spider verse?
- DayanYEET: 1:03, It doesn't sound like the official video, oh well
- ana trujillo: Your cock
- joe121592: P. Malone is the truth.
- Heaven Nicole: This is such a good song so sweet. I love post hes awsome!
- Keevan KK Awesome: 0:59 Sorry, just wanted to get to my favourite part of the song.. Ignore this comment... It was intended for personal use...
- Emily Shaffer: “Even if we gotta race, get off right now” what?! Haha it’s supposed to be “even if we gotta risk it all right now”
- ahmed alsaady: Speed to 1.25x will become better
- Prettypreggo: I'm here cuz spiderman
- Ruth DeLacey: I liked, because that must have taken a lot of work! I was the 78th like. :) Have a nice day everyone
- Edwin Daye: LoL I love this song 😘😍
- Sonia Gallop: I LOVE LOVE THIS SONG ❤💜💝
- Jeffery Bauduin: Rae and Post need to do more songs together
- Kassidy Carreker: My crush sent me this song and said this is a hint to who he likes (some how it was me)😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
- The Bi Alien Child: Use my dog's name is Chloe lol🤣🤣🤣
- PurpleGrim: Oie zyy
- Lolaxsophia: Guys! Try speed 0.75x!! Idk why but it’s so good. Maybe it’s not for you but it’s soooo good.
- Khiz ra: falsely translated lyrics
- Jesse Dressel: They need to make more songs like this
- Lord Owl Turtle Master: The song is about sex
- Christopher Ferachi: And you’ll be left in the dust, unless spider biiiites ya
- Thunder Spartan: Put post on the track and it’s a hit. Honestly one of the most talented musicians in the 21st century currently
- Waqar Ahmad: I Love This song
- Amanda Crocker: 🤗🤗🤗🤗💃💃💃💃
- mary quinn: Tune 🤪
- David Alarcón: Is cool
- Jonathan Robert: Is it okay to cry.... 😭😭😭😊
- WIERD WIZARD21: +honestliarman even better thx
- anneris tavares: Wow this is an extraordinary song it has words that repeat does that make sense
- Toto,Scruby and Snoopy: I hear to this song 24 7
- Matthew Thompson: Yes
- Isabel Garcia: This songs a Bangerrr 💥🔥
- VenomBrock •: Not hero all wearing capes(Stan Lee) 1922-2018
- ORGANIC ROBOT 5544: one video on this masterpiece and you got yourself a like and a sub
- AJ The Artist: Best thing since sliced bread
- hinata1ize: This was an AMAZING movie. 10/10 would pay to see again.
- Luke: The line that says: But its out of my control if you think of But it sounded like a troll it sounds like it says that
- Aditya Dixit: A beautiful song. My ears are happy.
- Trey Thornton19: I love this song 😊❤️
- I M: Thank you seventeen for recommending it, if carats are passing by vote for them on vlive global top 10
- Fernando Lezama: Love this song so much
- Damhi Ligu: to my dog❤️ i know i always come and go but its out of my control
- ary ana: https://youtu.be/zZHwBcJTLFw
- Say meme: Y O S
- Shabnam Khan: I will kill you all unless you play roblox
- Rachael Howey: risk it all right now
- Eclipse _Rundown: Bro this song isn't half bad at 1.25 speed
- Reno Green Jr: Hope you enjoyed that time bro
- drake savge: Proof
- Vedant Thorat: RIP:STAN LEE:(
- ItxShawna: 🌻
- SIMPLE ROS: Follow me on YT
- stupid joe: Swae lee as a amazing voice
- VIP Crabby patty 88: That is a great song
- Annmarie Vargas: +Benita Bert they are talking about stan lee the creator of marvel
- Julie Iwai: P Po Pos Post
- VIP Crabby patty 88: Hi
- sumitology: Jennifer, I watched this song for you 😂
- Yolima Torres: Colombia =)
- Noah_69 Noah_69: No one gives a shit about this but song low-key I love it don't tell any one plz
- owenandoliviasmommy: I’m from Pittsburgh
- Alex David: This is for all the aborted children and those of early death. They r sunflowers who are as innocent as anything.
- Abigail Brownsey: Didn't get me
- ty GOD: Omg
- Gabriel Escobar: rip..stan leee!
- Isaac Tamayo: I literally replayed this so many times😂
- Egamez Egamez: one of the best marvel movies I've ever seen
- Edith Tat: Amazing. Your my sunflower 🌻
- youth fire: Damn good .... Man
- Mister Horse: *Puts hand on your shoulder* "Hey."
- ThePokéHunter2001 XY: Saw Into the Spider-verse yesterday. So amazing. You all have to see it
- Neila Not putting my last name: Oh it’s because I just like to get right to the song not to be insulting to the music or anything
- Deanna Nicholas: Omg I just listened to this. I thought it would be bad. But i love it
- Janet Makaridze: Love this song!
- Curren Tran: In memory of Stan lee
- Yodeling Quickscoper: Sheanen Harrison no
- nooodle: 👌👌👌
- Mason Browning: At 1:50 it should say risk it all right now not race get off right now. Dumb ass
- Jerrie Bolton: Same that happens to me all the time
- Naia Kalani: im here because of johnny and taeyong😂
- miki-chans gachachannel: "Your a sunflower"~ true love😩❤
- zebulua 0983: Nikki star wow
- Peter Griffin: Who loves spider man into the spider-verse please like this comment also if you don't like Collins key like it also give a replied thing hokay
- It’sThatGuyDY: This song is perfect but goddamn is it too short 😆
- *Lorena Hermosa*: YOU'RE A SUN FLOWER *~🌻2🌻0🌻1🌻9🌻~*
- isaac buhril: Caleb Williams I was born ready
- William Baker: Swae Lee is meh on this, BUT POSTYYYYY
- Teddy Fresh: Damn, song reminds me of an ex, never the less a great song
- Nathalie Sembrana: I was humming this at school and I almost got in trouble
- Brielle Ahkeah: I love your song
- Animations Of Animations: Do you ever see a comment that has many likes and you wish that you commented it more first than them same
- NoBoDy 451: Race get off lol it’s risk it all
- Jariganed Master: A Dreamer okay...
- Markai Mcintosh: I love this song 😁 😍☺️
- Savannah Brandeland: like if i got you....>>> read more
- PurpleGrim: Un me gusta x ever
- Brendon Urie: Tiger Guy sorry we have a misunderstanding, I’m saying that this song is the Original, not the video, Sony obviously can’t have “inappropriate” lyrics in their movies. So they cut out the “me” in “ride me like a cruise”
- Angelique Hunold: Where’s the rest of the song??? Way to short🥺
- Rose Buettner: Your the sunflower😜😜😜😜😜😜
- Henry Benjamin: https://youtu.be/PVLaAr1FLvU
- valeriex o: she wanna RIDE me like a cruise & I’m not tryna lose!
- riah nichole: this song gives me such good vibes broooo
- I’m a Bird:/: nona kay what?
- Myra Jordan: This is a cool song
- hamster Meza: Your Funflower
- Felicia Lundberg: SWEDEN ✌️
- Maya Fenton: love post malone
- Jasmine Pres: I’m So Addicted To This Song. Swae Lee and Post Malone Collab Well Together
- Lucy Jimenez: My my my!!! Xoxo
- Ness EarthBound: RIP STAN LEE
- Kaneki Tentaction: I love the lyrics thanks so much bro😂😂
- Maya Weaver: Swae Lee made this song
- Mykayla Newton: Hi there I’m just wondering if you were going out for dinner
- Giani Hairston: I’m from new york
- Zyxoki: Arizona
- Chill Vibes: If you like faster songs 1.25x 👌
- Life of a Mama & her GarridoLuvs: Love this song
- Kaelyn Hurlbrink: I love this song
- Kenn Vu: Bad choice background can't see lyrics
- Kayla Labuguen: oof..................I started this "mess" .....sorry............OOOOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFF
- Leona Aguadera: Charlie Powell ikr
- ツ_iTzRiazPvP: Ayy, ayy, ayy, ayy (ooh) Ooh, ooh, ooh, ohh (ooh) Ayy, ayy Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Needless to say, I keep her in check She was all bad-bad, nevertheless (yeah) Callin' it quits now, baby, I'm a wreck (wreck) Crash at my place, baby, you're a wreck (wreck) Needless to say, I'm keeping her in check She was all bad-bad, nevertheless Callin' it quits now, baby, I'm a wreck Crash at my place, baby, you're a wreck Thinkin' in a bad way, losin' your grip Screamin' at my face, baby, don't trip Someone took a big L, don't know how that felt Lookin' at you sideways, party on tilt Ooh-ooh, some things you just can't refuse She wanna ride me like a cruise And I'm not tryna lose Then you're left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're a sunflower I think your love would be too much Or you'll be left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're the sunflower You're the sunflower Every time I'm leavin' on ya You don't make it easy, no, no Wish I could be there for ya Give me a reason to go Every time I'm walkin' out I can hear you tellin' me to turn around Fightin' for my trust and you won't back down Even if we gotta risk it all right now, oh I know you're scared of the unknown (known) You don't wanna be alone (alone) I know I always come and go (and go) But it's out of my control And you'll be left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're a sunflower I think your love would be too much Or you'll be left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're the sunflower You're the sunflower Yeah
- Curtis Yourfield: https://acapellaservice.bandcamp.com/track/post-malone-swae-lee-sunflower-a-capella-version go and have it..!
- Anthony Torres: Last time I checked this had 1.6 views Now it has 12 mil views
- Tyrone Wayne: 1:50 is “Even if we gotta RISK IT ALL right now”
- Rahul Borah: MCU version of Sunflower. Check it out guys. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMy6T0uhE00&t=43s
- Stubby the Orange: Awesome!
- Monark Snipe: Sunflower pt.2
- oneshot deadshot: This defeats the whole point
- Dayshawn Derozan: I love this song
- Farooq A: Pre I respect Some but I’ll change into nothink big
- Priscilla Aguirre: 2019 anyone i litteraly have this on every playlist
- Jennifer Matlala: love this song
- Mary Warren: Kids like your soks
- Michael Sanchez: Someone took a big L don't know how that felt..
- nasirplays 123: This song is so good I can't wait till the movie comes out
- lIBen LorimerlI: Sounds better in 1.25 speed
- Ethan Lanigan: such a good song 👌🔥😍
- Brandon A: Anyone else watched the movie AND LOVED IT Edit: what do u like more movie or song?? 👇
- Maverick Echo: an hour version please?
- Amanda Fleming: Rhonda Molnar me too!!!
- The Nub Chronicle: 1:04 Wait.. Isn't this for a kid friendly movie? *_She wanna ride me like a cruise_* . . .
- Cambridge Allen: Ever since that movie this song got me feeling some type of way
- fuzzycutewolf104 AJ: Rest in peace Stan Lee 😢😭 we will miss u ❤
- Princess Moon Serenity: Who else searched for this song after the movie Spider Man into the Spiderverse 🕷
- Rashed Lao: hit like if you still watch this song in 2018..
- Bontle Mamona: 😍😍😢😭😭
- TristanGamez Yt: Mission Texas is my place to be it’s chill but I love it because everybody knows each other so if there is a party someplace then a lot of people are going to be there cause we love each other
- C I A: I badly wanted to watch this movie but my parents said no since it would take too long to wait for the movie (this was during November but I’m patient) I was upset and once the movie came out I just wanted to watch it but my parents would poke fun at me for being too much of a fanboy of Spider-Man because when I was young I watched a lot of Spider-Man cartoons and had a lot pajamas and toys of Spider-Man and my parents laughed at how much I loved Spider Man, I even watched the movies starring Tobey Maguire and I was a huge fan of Spider-Man when I was just 5 years old. Guess I’ll wait for the Blu Ray release so I can watch it on my PlayStation and yes I played Spider-Man PS4. Ok now I just sound like a Spider-Man fanboy I’ll stop
- katsudon little: Me lol
- usctrojans001: Do it get any better? Think not...
- RJ PRICE: James Lockett all g
- Kenneth White: Who it wiener call who Charbar
- Jannette Diaz: No good is goodbye for Stan lee rip
- Benjamin West: I watched spider man into the spidey verse and this song is stuck in my head in 1 day i memorized swae lees part but now i have the whole song memorized
- Aromalliv J: Are there any other music that are chill like this?
- Ingrid Chen: I love this song.😎😎😎😎😎💜💜💜
- Natalia Hovsepian: Post’s voice is getting a little raspy.. I honestly don’t mind I love his personality and songs but I’m not sure if I should be worried about his health, if it’s even my business lol
- douglas loraan: I seriously don't understand how this is sooo fuckin goodddd!!! like wtf??
- Tyler Heinrich: I prefer slayer
- Ben 10: I watch spiderman into the spider verse i like every song but this is my favorite one ,who agreee give me a like
- Kim Frank: The is great
- QuinDesa: people who think this was a great song like here
- Tiah Soleh: Wapik
- Robin R: Texas somewhere not telling
- phyo sabel khaing: like that
- PLAYER 1 jogos e aventura: Essa música me faz refletir
- Oogie Boogie: “She wanna ride me like a cruise-“ Sony: 🤦🏽♂️
- baby and ace wce fun: My dad likes this song
- Amelia Boyd: Best song in history!!! Thank youuuuuuuu!!!!!!
- Jessica And Nikola: Im from Poland. I am doing well thanks! I LOVE THIS SONG
- kenny watson: BUT BANGIN
- Айбар Feniz Aib Максутов Mak M: Это бомба
- Maya Tsehaye: this song calms my anxiety
- Wyatt Crabapple: I didn’t like because it was amazing and perfect
- Faaumav Malohb: We are all SUNFLOWERS......
- Nokia Bothi: Cccccccccccc. C c. Cccccccccccc oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lllllllllll
- Bruh: Best movie of this year. 2018. I laughed and cried as well... feel good movie... masterpiece.
- Ted 5203: Ashtin Gragg This song was written for a movie I doubt post or swae lee came up with it by themselves
- Night Light: The song sounds like Mike's singing and Mike's voice I think this is so cool!!!!
- SnipeEz_ Koop: It because race has an r and if you slow it down it says race get of right now instead of risk it all right now
- Embhahmi Ryngkhlem: post Malone voice was amazing
- Toasty Doggo: Why is this song so short?
- Loretta Bacon: thecrow jkk
- Alan Gonzalez: Hi Read more
- W Traduções: https://youtu.be/XAgGbHBSdao
- Alfredo Loreto: Love the fact that spiderman is a graffiti artist .
- random stuff yt: Brah
- Strange Productions: I could make this in a day, this shit is awful
- Juanita Carpenter: such a great song cant stop listening to it but its so short is the bad part
- Vasílissa Indominus: <3
- Jonathan Paden: Definitely overhyped
- Leyton Huckle: What a fucking songs
- isaiah taaga: Amen brotha
- AGAME ARCADE: Stan would be happy no proud
- Amaan Abbas: You ever heard of the shoulder touch? Hey😅 If u know u know
- NINJA BOY: every time i listen to this it makes me think about my crush and makes me feel like shes my girlfriend and it makes me think about my friends
- ANGELA.BREA 101685: who else saw the movie?
- Lailani Messina: This song reminds me of paper planes - MIA
- Madahi Canseco: 😭🤘🏼 YoU tHe sUnfloWER!!!
- 殺しますR3m0ved: You can no longer comment on the shadow musics comment so here you go, *Where are you from*
- The DisneyAddict: *song has been stuck in my head since I saw the movie like a week ago.* 😂💀❤️
- Bryan Barrios: Está esperando esta cancion y las partes q escuchaba sin buenísimas y ahora la escucho y es mejor
- Daniel Bennett: Awesome song
- Pappa R: whose here from spiderman into the spiderverse?
- PrestonMartens: If u r reading this u won't hit this button 👇🏽
- Aden Aly: Is it just me or you Can't stop listening to it too
- Lipsy Praphai Chancellor: Nice song love it 😊
- Fin Draper: LOVE THIS SONG! I’ve got a cover of this on my channel if anyone is interested. Would really appreciate any support x
- Abby Senpai: BOI it was a movie in 2018. Dec. 14. bruh this is like, illegal
- Jeffy J ffy: We all live In the same place it is the earth
- A McCoy: the ending?? ....I know!!! :( :( :( ....why stop right now, keep it going- the song just started playing...!! ;)
- harry doble: Absolutely love this song!!!!!
- NY Auto Traders Leasing: The movie was so funny
- Braincube 013: #PostMalone4Lyfe
- Daniel Murphy: My boy miles got me hooked #spiderman
- Trab Ali: tune!... shame its so short, just getting into the post malone verse then it ends...theres gotta be an extended version surely!
- 10,000 subs With no videos?: Who else got the lyrics to sing
- hakikat talwar: Who write white words on sky white background 😂
- enchanting Lily: Ive been listening to this since morming till night. I contributed the views lol
- feona fortnite: I live in South Carolina
- The Dash: 1:48 its risk, not race
- sk m3: post always has the best catchiest beat and lyrics
- Yasser Maarouf: The song is really bad. Don't know how people like it.
- Jack Warren: 2018?
- myra maltog: This song always make me feel some way, I can't explain it but it's definitely close to feeling like you're gonna cry
- Charlotte Walker: love this song
- Sumner Santivañez: these aren't the right words lol
- Betty Elizalde: I love this song
- Santiago Ornelas: Love this song
- jullie moizz Puii: Until that to lill song nice cute
- Jose vids Vids: I love spider man into the spider verse so I like this song
- Baudili ea Sanchez: This song is fire
- fuck the lucky rabbit: Party on tilt *TILTED*
- Freddy Guerrero: This Is a jam!!
- -Angel Gacha -: 💕The Movie Was Awesome! The Song Is So Catchy And Chill💕
- Itz ARTZY: Who here from Spider-Man
- kaley pooler: LOVE THIS SONG
- Gabs Thecooldude: I just watched this movie in December 14
- jessieboy regalario: this song is great i love it
- Carli Lawrence: lit song
- Nadia Thorpe: Spider-man into the spider verse made me like this song
- Isaac Lopez: post malone and swae lee are really good
- tiffany russell: 7
- Madison Renee: sammmmee
- Niggerchen: +Thicc Than0bama 2
- Mica lin: It's a good song with a good animated movie 👍
- Savitar the god of speed: IKR!!!!
- Kate Ellia: 🔴 AIʀᴇᴀdy wᴀtched *Spidᴇʀ-Mᴀn: Into thᴇ Spidᴇʀ-Vᴇʀsᴇ 2OI8* fiIᴍ ~ t.co/g8QxM0G37S Unglaublicher.. film! Sehr zu empfehlen.. es auszuprobieren!
- Sonia LaPolice: i hate this intro
- Skye & Ash: Love the channel
- Stefany Aguirre: True, true
- Florence Nkeshimana: Wow 😮
- Morgan Horton: +Miranda Hernandez yeah
- air rick: song a W
- Kaeleb Hancock: Who’s listening in 2019
- drobro 357: I like 5his song
- Eudens Antoine: I love this song so much I wanna listen to it everyday
- ThE rObOt: Pakestine
- UNVme: Your the sunflower. Eating the Chinese buffet. You were just played. Eat it up lmao.
- Sophie summers June 4th: My friend listen to this song 20 times thinking about her crush
- Rebecca Bugg: Love love love this song!
- D Team instant 21: ToxicMarioNiteYT 123 u
- Iron dragon Hero: I’m from jorja
- Hakdog Na putol: and so it didnt stopped.........isnt it??
- Lucas Todd: Nun of yo bisnis
- eli miller: I love this song! !!!!!!
- MoRpH: Thank you stan lee
- I’m a Bird:/: Lol I’m literally your 1,200th like lol
- Penny Lope: 😢 R.I.P Stan lee you’re the Sunflower 🌻
- sam jones: Not all the lyrics in this video are correct lol
- Quiet Storm: I’m so happy I saw Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse this song is 👌
- Vlad Watkins: And old people say there isn't good music today. Dude this is one of the best songs I have ever hear. Don't listen to all those people from older generations that say music is trash now.
- FizzyMagnet: ~ 🌻 ~ 🌻❤️🌻❤️🌻❤️🌻
- meow cat: the best songs are always the shortest
- Michael Scott: This song is so awesome 😎
- RyanYT 555: Poland
- Donovan Bolton: The song is boss
- Martha Gallardo: i think i sang well on this song?
- iiraegxnii: Ok ok, listen up, I've got a really cool glitch *Read more*
- rylee metzger: is this a new song
- Esther Chawngthu: great song😍😍
- Laura Miller: i love your music
- Michael Gilmore: Legendary Player 😂😍
- odnika zephir: Selling replays 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 They're for free. Don't worry! :D
- Shmigdanbloo: That was oof
- BFFL SISTERS: Your right
- Idfc Anymore: This time is for Swae Lee and post Malone. 🔥 🔥 🔥
- allison alonsogalvez: I like this song so much your other songs are ok
- Dante Rodrigez: i love ittttt!!!!
- Beverly Candelaria: I love all his songs
- Isabella Hennessey: Sunflower🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
- Aishah Hussain: Why are the best songs the shortest ones
- Gema Castillo: Bignut i hate your grahmer and this song is good your just jeoulos
- Mehdi Chamoun: Spider-Man anyone???
- Subtract - Gota: And it’s gonna slowly rot and die for you after hearing it so many times
- Green Sheepy: I’m the idiot that live on that farm over dere
- Abel Ramirez: What's up
- Kaden Willey: I would have never guessed that post Malone sings this song!!!!
- Jesus Sauceda: Anyone from Spider-Man into the spider verse and also it’s my new favorite movie
- dev: song of the year?
- Pedro Chinait: put like in my comment if you saw the movie in amc florida
- Amy Rugani: I think I broke the replay button
- Sophie summers June 4th: Adrian Mahmudovski yasss
- Kunal Sen: Man I love this song 😍😍😍
- Nathan _Escobar: I really like this song and it is from the movie spider man
- AstralPlaysRB - Roblox And More: Me: **After watches Infinity war** Me: I’m not gonna relive that moment when spider man dies again;-; **couple of months later** 1:11 Song: And You’re left in the dust Me: ;-;
- Kael McLaughlin: The dislikes were from roses
- Susie Medlock: Same!!!
- Redeemer Sappa: 2019 anyone
- none your biz: Ok imma just say that Posty made this song! I loved Swaes part in this but lyrically Post killed him with his verse.
- Brianna Raye: love it keep rocking
- Ivxy: Spiderman?
- jaiden flynn: Yep December 2018 ALREADY!!!
- Avilash Saha 0: Ooooooooooooooooh
- Elena Musaku: 🌻😍
- Carly White: I'm listening to the song and every time it ends I start it again.It's like a drug.AND SADLY I HAVE NOT SEEN SPIDER VERSE!!!! = ( like this if you feel bad for me!
- Aspire with XO: Loveeee this song
- Divi Morales: I like it
- Star Torus: This song is beautiful
- Friendly Chicken: Miles is better than Parker
- Gretchet Ann: New fave song! 😊
- Keen Joaquin: Christopher Vasquez He meant he likes the whole part
- Amanda Maria: Picture this: you’re going down sunset boulevard in California with your feet up on the dash and the windows are down in your convertible and this song comes on
- acey edits: i'm from the rez🥶
- Caylus Rowe: *play dumb* Who's Morales? *not that dumb -_-*
- Coby Smith: Now this is a pop classic
- Bryanna Rossum: post Malone is my huby I wish
- Justin Finney: Found this song into the spider verse movie lol
- Eric Kulp: Wrong lyrics lol
- Austin Mitchell: i LOVE IT
- Danny Prasil: Such a great movie
- Josiah Hinojosa: Love it
- Awsome boi: Me:I'll just listen to one ONE HOUR LATER Me:ITS BEEN IN HOUR
- TheScaryBackScatcher: 0:59 - 1:10
- Desiree Little-McAnally: They don't take heed to the laws of ma'at and reconcile with my holiness so they get left by a yeah and it's hot af dripping like California man these gangs are just too much for me to dissolve by ya I think I'm leavin
- Valerie Catalfamo: best song ever p.s im not a thecher
- Luke MHD: great song cant wait to watch the movie
- funtime bonnie gaming: That's a great song to listen
- Jay Jay: actually vibes at the least this song Is one of the best songs ive ever heard so far hopefully it will blow up in 2019 more then it did at the end of 2018! VIBESSSSSSSSSSSS
- Mohammed Omar: I thought it was “even if we got to risk it all right now” at 1:50 Instead of “even if we gotta race, get off right now”
- Gretchen Ramsey: What is this
- Kase Williams: love it
- Andrew Duarte: in the beginning
- A McCoy: where?? where please tell me!!
- Tenzin woesel: Wow this is my best song
- Wondering Guy: Innocent say i keep what check
- Jack Frosty: Longer pls
- Mellie Hayslip: Beautiful song !!! <3
- LinLin23: We don't need a lyric video. Post Malone already has the most aesthetically pleasing music video with lyrics on his channel, and it's lit
- lily c: This was one of the best movies of 2018 in my opinion
- Caleb Jubie: even if we gotta race get of right now? Lol what
- Carly White: I have not saw spider verse yet. sorry ; )
- Leon Udeh: This video is so unnecessary
- Dark Repulser: Post malove it
- Densil Grant: 😲😲😲😲😲 this tune hard like concrete
- Al Thompson: Great song...Until Post joins in
- Ayana J: Lmao Miles
- Jazmine Camacho: Luv this song
- gaming is in my DNA: R.I.P stan Lee
- jamia Gladden: 0:00 replay button ..ur welcome 😁
- Da fresh prince of Kent: This song is such a feel good song
- Nitro Gaming: Since this song is so short this is why I thank YT for having a replay button
- Ava Kendall: am i the only one who noticed a iw reference 1:12
- Roblox Rap Battle: To everyone that hates this song I HATE YOU ❕❕❕❕❕❕❕❕❕❕❕❕❕❕ From the officially bad YouTuber
- Oneil Reeves: S
- Kayla Harms: i love this song🎶🧡
- Braxton Spence: I HATE GUITARS
- THELUKESTTA: Slowed down .75 highkey slaps.....
- Sofia Martinez: Trash music 🎵
- Reese Hightower: I know right
- Luis Reynaa: I can't stop listening to this song because I love post Malone I always subscribe and sunflower is my favorite song I always listen to it. Give this comment a thumbs up please😎😋👍
- mollsGreen: Post and Swae need to make an entire album together
- Kalatinita G.: Hi person scrolling down the comments (lol me)
- AyatGaming: Am I the only person who thought he said she wore a back pack nevertheless
- Aluminum Wire Flowers: Then tiki took as getting hella boring and annoying like I see ya but I want to see sunflower
- Angel gabriel Rodriguez Carbajal: I love the spider man moves
- Willie Fernandez: Wow
- lee: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- SummerGrace Vevo: My dad doesn’t like post malone but I do ✌🏼
- Sock Puppet: Needless to say, I keep in check She was all bad-bad, nevertheless Callin' it quits now, baby, I'm *erect* Crash at my place, baby, you're *erect*
- Nathan Jones: song is bae
- Hacker I hate HOSSAM: Shadow Music is the Sunflower
- mr. bayraa: Because his pervert
- Tariq Baig: Wait, who sang the first part? THEY ARE SO GOOD.
- Maria Flesher: i just watched the movie
- Jason gittens: zebulua 0983 what?
- Blair Jones: I keep having to repeat this, just like the ole school cassette singles. Good times glued to my boom box son!!
- Willie Fernandez: +Kayla Labuguen kylie
- Robert Tomassian: Your a cock
- 2funnykids: No homo😊
- Buidee frankswood: fucking Buidee is loving this 2019 bitccchhh
- Jamminlal Haokip: Nice
- Shannon Gomez: 3D Spiderman Hoodie, Free Shipping Worldwide! https://www.wesellanything.co/spiderman-mix-characters-3d-hoodie.html
- ian ndungu: so addictive😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵
- Amanda Crocker: Amazing
- Big Chungus: Yes
- Crap Bucket: didnt like song. watched movie. loved song.
- THRYLLY TV: The Whole Of Spider Man Into The Spider Verse Is On My Channel Now!
- flaming kitty_xd: finally a post malone song i can listen to without getting in to trouble
- hiram5495: Roblox 2k19 anthem
- I am Groot: Omg! OUCH! Why so sad?!!
- jabaridrose fortnite: JabariDrose fortnite name
- MrTHIZZ916: 😂😂 what a good ass song bruh
- Julien Guidry: Sunflower is the best song ever
- Nail Queen: I love your song
- Tilly Tui: Who came here from spider man into the spider verse?
- asosili talalelei: nice song
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- Jack Kryger: 1:50 the lyrics are totally wrong it’s not “Even if we gotta race, get off right now” it’s “Even if we gotta risk it all right now”
- Jackman501: Actually is summer where I live and I swear it's amazing hear this song in this season
- Jersey Glover: me
- Allie Marquis: love this song
- unsub me sorry: I am from Singapore
- Yeet Gamer: D a d w h y d i d. y o u l e a v e
- Abdallah Amer: This is not fair i liked spiderwoman too fight me fake ass spiderman let’s settle this it’s either me or you asking her out
- Niheshly Quinones: Rhonda Molnar I know right!! I can’t stop listening to it now!!
- Mitsuru: Wow 1.25x speed is really good
- Sheanen Harrison: hey is there any bad words in this song
- ICY UXORIN: Here’s a restart button there only 1 sub or like enjoy. 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00
- TopHatGuy 88: Who else came here from the Spider-Man into the spider verse trailer
- brandon perez: Misse Kasse we alll agree
- can I get to 999 subscribers please: :c
- Funko Pop King: @Blade:And you will be left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're the sunflower Your the sunflower......
- david galvan: My dog is dead
- ash x zero: Love the song Boi
- King P Pastrano: Who was the producers? Great beat, great sound, great hook, everything. It’s a beautiful track. Swae Lee is so underrated but one say he will get his Grammy !
- Thanga Etrav: too short
- Shelby Wayne: People say this song to short but I keep it on repeat...
- JAFET Flores: Ho
- Angel Music: Ok, am I the only one who came from the Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse trailer?
- dupadupadoo69: *Aquaman
- #no name: I wish everyone a sunflower
- shawty geeks: I’ll pay you if you upload one of my songs
- BC Gamer: My fav song
- Al B Back: Before New Years anyone???
- Emily’s ROBLOX: Stan lee spirit is in our heart
- Tech teen: Nice but The alphabets are not so bold.... Guys...if u want lyrics videos then plz subscribe me... 🙋
- Cinema World: The songs lyrics are totally adult, but it was used as the theme for a animated film? Hell yeah!
- Joe Gray: This is my new favorite song.
- Ndongo Noé: Official instrumental on my channel guys as always ! (:
- Xavier Fincher: I’m so moist 😩
- Andrea Mihalcikova: You're a good singinger
- Mya Demarlie: Luke Petersen omg
- Amanda Crocker: 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺💃💃💃💃🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
- Cdoge_Yt: Swae lee should be the voice of Milles Morales.
- Russ Q: Is it Every time I'm walking out or walk in now?
- classic Sonic: Love it its the best
- Abigail Marshall: I love this song
- Baby Jungkookie the golden minkooky: Stan lee became a saint when he created marvel
- Giothedude: This is the first good swae lee song lmao
- Bella’s world! !: Who else has watched Spider-Man in the spider verse
- Mariah Myers: I love this song so much it's such a good song my favorite song actually!!
- Caleb Your mom: I love this song
- jackandkyle2: 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
- Robel Nuguse: Okay
- Alex The game makers: Ooooooooo
- sikeli sevudredre: this song is for chill people
- Cffx 45: 1 hour loop it ...
- koolkam: No shit sherlock
- bruce lau: Man why are the best songs always are the shortest ?
- Alivia LPS: We all are sunflowsers😉❤❤❤❤❤❤
- Reymon Delarosa: I took a capitol L/W cuz I kissed my crush but I got in trouble but she seemed to be cool with it
- Max Magallon: This song reminds me of my little dog 🐶 💗❤🌻
- Taniqua Bean: Come over to my house tomorrow
- nickiz1: Nice duh beat
- Asma Khoory: why does this sound just like paper planes by mia
- Ram Kc: Can’t stop listening it.just loved it
- nyan succ: thought it said stan lee
- Sangeet Quincy: NewMike 13, and then? no one would even see if you liked or not...
- janine devlin: Best song ever
- Sonic and Tails u: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- Mommy & Mel: Looooveeeee❤️🌻🌻🌻
- Summer’s Everything!: 00:50
- Jr Soto: +Liron Levi not really but if that's what you think it's cool this song only got as much hype as it did cause post Malone is on it and its his song there's no denying he wrote the whole song just asked swae to be featured on it cause he has a good voice so all in all posty did all the work the only thing swae did was sing not write not think about lyrics nothing so yes this goes to post Malone
- Nathan Touch: am from my Mom
- • cactus •: this song is so amazing and has a really nice rhythm :D
- Santana York: Good song very good so so good
- MasterOfRoblox: Ayy ayy ayy oooooo ayy ayy ooooo Needless ti say, I keep in check. She was all bad-Bad, neverthless (Yeah) Callin' it quits now baby, I'm wreck (Wreck..) So I hope you smash that like! (Please smash it!)
- JustStop 25: I love this song
- Seth Kashuba: It's "even if we gotta risk it all right now". Not "even if wet gotta race, get off right now." Lol
- ronald hu: I like this song so much!
- Neeshaaa -: It was çachy
- Curtis Stevenson: CWS loves NMR
- AAsH Money: SUNFLOWER REGGAE REMIX! > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gv7bf1d2-nc&t=32s
- Wolfey mane: The only Miles need with him is his favourite song
- funtime bonnie gaming: Sun flower
- FaZe Cloak: +A McCoy just search up "Sunflower 10 hours"
- Lux Proximity: You're comment was not labeled as "Edited". Played ya self boi
- WWE 2K Guy: Ikr
- Shelley Richardson: Im from milez county wew
- Tristan Stockley: To the people who disliked, why?
- Asubo Swu: This 💣💣💣💣is 👌👌👌
- Jennifer Greenland: Iceland
- Princess Girl Ashleen 16: I literally listen to this song everyday XD
- harshh: Speed 1.25
- r4sha: Finish ur Croissant yo wtf i saw this literally at 3 am
- Roberto Balanzar: The problem with this song is that it's not long enough!!
- TSM DJ: dat beat dropped lower than meh grades
- TheDarkNeSs 0630: This isnt post molones normal rap idk about this. Its good but...idk
- SofiGamer: "and you'll be left in the dust..." I dOnT FeEl sO GOoD
- Electro Kyle: *miles morales has took the L*
- AnnaDeMarie: Love love love Posty's part. 😍🌻
- FrIeD cHiCkEn: 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 :)
- Deckerhouse4: This song is short but it is the best😎😎!!!
- Angie Smith: Canada
- Chinilon Ilon: Post voice is SMOOTHHH!!!
- Lps_Kate: Your a sunflower 🌄
- sama cha: Is a relaxing song
- Liv Vlogs: +Alexander Hernandez i am a 12 year old girl. No need to be rude keep your words to yourself and stop ruining peoples day. your just rude.
- Sara Percy: Bobby
- Dylan_Gaming 711: It was good but some weren’t the right lyrics
- Farooq A: Another year old wish I could see and make a decision involving Master ownership of my Life cos Ive been down for years in my physical life one day when I have Tv 📺 and net I’ll set up and wish I have all my style of characters waiting feel dead 💀 from inside miss a follow up no Facebook face hate Ip
- skinflutegirlz: im in canda
- Cherisse Samuels: You're the sunflower🌻❤😍
- Ashley Miller: Isn't it "risk it all right now". Not "race. Get off right now." 🧐🧐
- Fanny Perry: 🔴 AIʀᴇᴀdy wᴀtched *Spidᴇʀ-Mᴀn: Into thᴇ Spidᴇʀ-Vᴇʀsᴇ 2OI8* fiIᴍ ~ t.co/g8QxM0G37S Unglaublicher.. film! Sehr zu empfehlen.. es auszuprobieren!
- Chew Bacca: Why does this song make me think about my crush?
- FizzyMagnet: +Dika Chhangte no
- VIP Crabby patty 88: To short
- Connor Ange: ( . )( .) \ / / \ ( Y )
- Your mom With me: Me and my mom listen to this song every time we get in the car it never gets old with post and swa
- Khabib CageJumper Nurmagomedov: I know you're scared of the unknown, you don't wanna be alone. Politicians and the lies, tell me whats the point in pickin sides?
- Tsavaliel Ben-Israel: Love the song :D
- Kamaldeep Hojai Kamaldeep Hojai: nice song i like it
- Sonya Petro: I just started to listening to this song on the radio it said top three and this was top three.
- Funnel Bunnel: Hi
- Cheeto Madrigal: Best song
- Érico Vieira: I make the lyrics of this song, go check in my channel
- Hayley Leon: And I thought the movie would be trash since stan lee died
- Pirate Playz Gamez: why would anyone need lyrics, thier in the music video
- Urboi .Jacbob: Good song
- Kiera Robinson: What’s the odd emoji 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌼🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
- King of galaxy: TheMegalodon Likes Pancakes sorry bro i didn't mean to spoil the best movie this year
- Celia Buxton: Hey
- Ava Truelove: i run with the wolves to get to you
- Perception Inception: Cait uwu
- jack chan the man: Miles u got school
- BIG RED DADDY: Heeeyyyyy!
- Alec Perez / adp6002329: anyone else watch the movie and then the ending and then when you get home you look up the movie and find out there is a second ending and watch the movie again just to watch the second ending?
- Rudy Godoy: And you'll be left in the dust unless I stuck by ya you're a sunflower I think your love would be too much 🤓🔥
- Andrew Macias: We cant hear the song
- Sophia Hilgers: My favorite song
- Molly Is awesome: I'm not it just ended
- Adeel Khan: This song is the definition of chilling
- jay da_slump_gawd: Now dat i see the lyrics this not for kids lmaooo😂😂😂
- katts _1: Songs stuck in my head!💕😣💕😐☺
- Deisy Estrada: I love this song!!!
- Morgan Clark: 1:03
- Andrew Harwood: Love da vibes
- Atomic Timmy: lol the same song came up as a AD when i put this song. it was the VEVO version
- janelle Chukwu: this is lit i like this
- The Walkers Edge: JK-
- XXX_ Uchiha: Can this movie just come out already
- Salesi Fifita: This song so good😍😘😊
- Kellie Earle: Lol
- E money J.: But its to short
- Vaiolett: Just watched the movie today.... I don't regret it
- Crash Shades: Underrated song. So good 😪☺️
- AustinGamerTV: Plz sub to my chan @ austingamertv 14 subs 11 or 12 vids
- LUCY ELI ZABETH: Moron, dont you know not to put white letters on off white background?!
- Avalina: This was recommended to me by a friend :)
- Zoe Hernandez: i loved the movie so much and i like how he was mumbling to this song in the movie ahahahahaahah
- Gummy Gummy: Aaaaah
- Faiz Gaming: 2 0 1 9 ?
- Chris Stevenson: Swae Lee: even if we gotta risk it all right now***
- Peter Parker: Who else is here from Into the Spider-Verse?
- zakary Figueroa: If i listen I'm considered gay but I'm happy so 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
- Shiny Diamond: I could see Miles singing this to Gwen and Peter singing this to Mary Jane :>
- Miracle Puma: My proxy=boyfriend likes this song
- Sakmykok: Trying to annoy someone: you're the sunflower you're the sunflower, repeat
- ill Niño: good vibes! from philippines!!
- Nestah St: Very good song!
- Saadman112 Tahmid: i dont't understand who disliked this video!.!!.........
- Tragicly. Lanna: who is singing ?
- ImaSlapURPUSSY -: Swae lee the king of melodies
- Element Of Infinity: Spider man into the spider verse
- Vyrron Quijano: This Song maybe be short but it's still good to listen to.
- Minion: I thought thanos snapped his fingers then Spider-Man faded. Then he ended up in the spider verse then they found portal that brings them back.
- Shawnna Johnson: You are my fav singer😆😆😆😊😙
- Sean E Cash: It was once said by a man who couldn’t quit, dope man please can I have another hit...
- Thicc Than0bama: I love lighting children on fire
- Slasher XLL: Why dont u watch the actual music video ?
- Behemoth Gaming: I’m pretty sure it says even if we have to risk it all right now not even if we gotta race, get off right now
- Gursharn Sidhu: what's up
- SupremeDog: The only censored part is " She wanna ride me like a cruise" which they made into an extended ride in the movie
- Masen Banda-Garcia: I loved the spider verse
- broonsy bear: Really, Sunflowa? Post has some bangers, but this isn't one of them.
- Sunflower Lyrics: Well done.
- Swizz G: Guys I'm dead serious, I broke my speakers...Someone send instructions please.... Resolved! Fixed 'em. Now for another 100 more replays ;
- LEONARD COLEMAN: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💧🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💧🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💧🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💧🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💧🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💧🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💧🔥🔥☄️🔥☄️🔥
- Angelina Bragg: This song is so addicting not joking
- Benedicta Regino: This sounds so good at the beginning amazing$$$$$$
- Subtract - Gota: Anyone from spider man into the spider verse? ( my comment is better than the others like mine ) Edit: Wow no one got the joke.. I commented this because everyone else is saying it and was making a joke that because I commented it that mine was better. Thanks for the 168 likes tho :D
- Kingston Avakin: imma have to watch spiderman into the verse
- Danna Perez: Uff😻 HERMOSA La Canción ✨Es Como Sad😥Y A la Vez Feliz😁Es Una De Mis Favoritas Desde Hoy❣️😏😉
- maidoni scull: Cubano
- Raayid Jamil: Best.song.ever!!!
- Arnold Wizzard: wish i could beated for yah love it,,
- Kevin Diaz: Sweet and simple great song sounds easy to sing but actually a lot of hard work was put in too make this !
- Hal Gorden: What does this song means? Can anyone explain me?
- Sugar Narwhal: Iove this song
- Isaiah Wright: Post malone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- SavageGirl30 Girlie: Fanny Perry stfu
- Antonette Fernandez: I watched it but yeah
- G2_ SAUCY: The song was made for spider man.. and in the movie spider man likes a girl but he can’t be with her kuz he has to save the world.. and he can’t tell her he’s spider man
- skyclimber7: postmalone did it again !!
- The Walkers Edge: I disliked
- Keria Crist: 😂😂😂😂😂
- Liv Vlogs: 0:58 OMG YESSSSSSSSSSS TILL SHE WANNA RiDE ME LIKE A CRUSE IM DEAD I LOVE ITTTTTTTTTt ( edit one) Thanks for 6 likes!!! btw i love this part so dont comment hate becuase idc what you think thanks bye! ::P
- translucent: *Song Ends* Well then .... *1 HOUR LOOP HERE I COME*
- Alberto Barajas: More views than subs 😢😢
- Maria D: Broklyn new you’re
- Taryn Baron: I FREAKEN love thin song!!
- Bignut 7718: This song gives me mad summer vibes
- Lyric Queenz: There's one huge problem in this song....it ends
- jack estacion: So beutyfull
- Evan Werner: ╔┓┏╦━━╦┓╔┓╔━━╗ ║┗┛║┗━╣┃║┃║ X X║ ║┏┓║┏━╣┗╣┗╣╰╯║ ╚┛┗╩━━╩━╩━╩━━||
- Kay: Ohh sunflower 🌻!!!!
- D Money: Ohio
- Sharon Xiao: Felt like 1 second
- Gamer. ly: thecrow wow 😯
- catalina moore: Well I found free $5312a money making system that is really working:(just go to) greatworks.club/?dYhFn Great work...
- Longshi Mozhui: You just like fuck
- Aden Tate: *insert Miles Morales flossing*
- Battleship_commander 310: This song sounds like you’re hoagie asf and the audio is like this
- sean kim: 🎙
- Jaylin Morales: If your reading this then your GAY
- miked9372: Can someone edit an extended version? Another verse by sway followed by post?
- Duane Lassiter: 1:00 perfect moment
- Nate Hockenberry: This song reminds me of my sister
- Amal Idle: My sister made me listen to this song
- JOHN JERIC ALCARAZ: What a beautiful song
- Kess Mynus: White letters with white background. What could go wrong...
- krishi. roadtrip,natjulliard: Well now u have 155 subscribers
- Rina Door: Wish you the same
- Consuelo Suancha: Miles Morales
- Gourav kumar: After Spiderverse...
- Brandi: G2_ SAUCY ahhhh makes a little more sense! Thanks!
- Venom and carnage: Like it
- Shayne jones: This is literally so amazing and it’s like 2018 pop but it’s not explicit😍
- Demeatria Edgecombe: Ayy!
- xIanF10x: This is a song
- valeriex o: ooh-ooh, some things you just can’t refuse, she wanna rude me like a cruise & I’m not tryna lose!
- Kafila Odesanya: I Love this song I watched the spider-man into the spider verse
- what the fuck: A As Ass
- M. L. Love: 🥺
- Antonette Fernandez: Wait what the fuck
- brian lovelady: best song EVER
- Syazwan Aiman: this song make me relax
- Hunter: i LOVE this song! i cant stop listening to sunflower,i think im in love,and one kiss!
- B M: What is this song about? :/
- Bata Batuta Sumpay Muta: I can't download this sh*t
- Whale Cat: I like this song
- Jesus Ceron: Spoil The Movie For Me Plz
- Hayden Bransfield: Swish 325 same fr tho
- Anthony Sunanto: 1:00
- Makinzey Ryan: No matter what song I'm listening to I always come back to this one 💜😍
- David Lea: no
- Jay Town: No disrespect to Post but I kinda only like Swae Lee's part
- Fortine game. fr: Yes👋
- Jada boo: Amaziiinnnngggg🖤🖤
- Hayden Bransfield: Henry The Dark Mage 🥂🏧
- sms_1spankey1 Yo: 2019?
- ZAMOYSKI Production: I will kill all the haters because this song is the bombbbbb
- Mike Nwume: 18 of october is my dads biryhday!!😍😍
- allison Tolbert: Ayy ayy ayy ayy (ooh)ooh. Ooh. Ooh. (OOh) ayy ayy ooh ooh ooh ooh
- //Heather Motionless//: ❤❤❤
- ved_sed gameing: yes
- Stranger Fan101: I'm shook
- xavier carroll: AYE AYE AYE
- Betty Gutierrez: Misse Kasse then put it again duh
- cynthia knotts: Short but awesome I love it!
- Mila Hopkins: Post Malone- “She wanna ride me like a cruise” Me: Yep there it is you just gotta include the sex reference Post 🤦♀️
- RIP XXTENTACION: I watched the new Spider-Man movie yesterday for my birthday
- sydney Curtean: Post malone congratulations for being a sunflower now your better now but then you fall apart
- Taylor Dawn: Love this song. It needs to be longer 😭😍
- Sharwani Kane: I love spiderman to spiderverse
- The Way: That atmospheric vibe
- Reno Green Jr: Really
- Aidanater04: Not a huge fan of Swae or Malone, but this song is fire
- RandomStuff Yt: No comments
- cathy rain: You're the sunflower!!!
- saeed kadri: 🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌓🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌓🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌓🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌓🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌓🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌓🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌓🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌓🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌓🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑 🌑🌓🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑 🌑🌓🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑 🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌕🌗 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌕🌗 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌓🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌓🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌓🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌓🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌕🌗 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌓🌕🌕🌗 🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌓🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑 🌓🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌓🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑 🌑🌓🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑 🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑
- Gacha life Fan: +ll PHANTOM llVX stop Also reported
- Robel Nuguse: This song was in Spiderman into the verse
- Araceli Marin: +Christopher Vasquez how is that hatong he said the vid was gud
- L Desk: every time i hear the intro in my head drake sings IM MORE THAN JUST AN OPTIONS HEY HEY HEY
- • BabyKai1 •: It’s: “even if we gotta risk it all right now” Not: “even if we gotta race get off right now”
- Superfluity: 1:04
- yikes: who heard this audio a lot from insta edits 😂
- DefoNotJoe: I've been thinking it has said 'baby i'm erect' not 'baby i'm a wreck..? Only me?
- pluto bubs: Did she cry cause it was bad?
- Gregg Mirabueno: Spiderman brought me here 🕸
- Maddux Taylor: Listening to this in class went to principals office for singing too loud lol
- Yvonne unicorn: I love this song
- Cindy Mell: Awesomeness
- fishing_lubbock 777: Pose malone you are my favorit singer and I like your songs!!!!!!!!
- Imelda Vera: Who else is putting this on and on
- Clean Beatz: Selling replays for one like 0:00 0:00 0:00
- eyptaingodess Wilson: my 6 year son is the reason I like this song thank u Ja'siah!!
- _.britni._: I am obsessed with this song.
- L JT: Post Malone solo 1:31-2:25 🔥🔥🔥
- Noah Thompson: Who else is here from into the spider verse
- Chance & Madison: Shadow Music You made a mistake On the music Lyrics you forgot Then , Risk and there is no yeah at the end
- Tylette Watmough: i love sunflower by post malone!!!
- Eduardo Villanueva: Sunflower whooo
- Rahul Borah: https://youtu.be/yMy6T0uhE00 hey guys check this out. An MCU version of “Sunflower”
- mohd hafiz: Yayayayayaya
- CoyoteBud99: Dude, don’t guess lyrics. It’s risk it all right now not race get off right now
- Crystal Reed: Fav
- Pol4rPl4yz: If u new a about miles before the trailerr like this comment
- DankMeme Lord555: OMG OMG HERE IT IS!!!
- Nate Hockenberry: L
- Arian Hoque: Sick beat!
- itsyourboialex: In memory of Stan lee
- Sanniyah 08: Washington seattle
- miraculous forever: Did anyone notice that it said Ride me like a cruise' as in ride my dick????😱
- Nate Modeste: I sang this to my girlfriend and she cried
- Clone306: Pineapples
- casual nate dog: actually a new song that has a good meaning, vibe and beat we need more of this!!!!
- Charlotte Cohen: This is the best song to end the year 😍😍😍😍💖💖
- Jr Soto: Had to make it pg cause its a pg movie so they switched it to "she wanna ride like a cruise"
- Paige Bae: #sunflower
- Magaly Sanchez: Bruh Low
- jj cuco: nice song :)
- Mrdrillking 123: Matthew Smith naah Bro I’m in 25000
- cash money: Anyone 2078
- majik boy USK: Play it at 2x speed it made me better because my baby kuzin died😩😩
- Games_with_mckenzie Plz subscribe: THIS IS SUCH A GOOD SONG
- Ryan Qaz: I hit the replay button so much I passed out because of dehydration
- SprinterHype _: Jk that line made me laugh so harddd
- Henry Euta: I like the sound
- Ashley Monterola: MY NAME IS JEFF
- Cosmos: Good song with a good movie! Perfect combo.
- balla Tim cook: Needless to say, I'm keeping in check Needless to say, I'm keeping A check 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
- Salad Mander: That’s what was missing in the music video the word “me” in “she wanna ride *me* like a cruise”
- Karrie Cartledge: LOVE IT !
- JayjayB: Here’s a tip: put the playback speed on 1.25x it sounds so much better
- stewb2004: nice song
- Aida Mathis: S sc sc scads cececsc
- liza mohd yosop: Rhonda Molnar yeahhh....3x I repeat the song. #thebest
- Der Master: This Song is so beatiful 🌼
- Sophia Seward: 2019? Anyone :D
- Stacie Lanham: This song is from Spider-Man the faerse
- Chace Clips: I think it was the burrito ...oof
- Reck Mc: I like this song
- Faultiestline 24: Merry Christmas
- Jaidyn Sophia: XI love the song
- arturo ricardo: Love this song
- Delgerbayar R: It s so good movie
- Vill Vinno: ig no choice but to keep on Repeat!!
- ToxicMarioNiteYT 123: 2019 and this song is still fire
- Why not I’m alive: Anyone here from Spider-Man into the spider verse
- chaela lacee: Came here from the radio station ,_,
- Erra Faataape: Swaggah song!!!! Bass bumpin shades on bro😎😎😎
- Anthony Sunanto: 01:00
- Uprising Beast: Best song ever!!!!!
- George Galvez: Post Malone what ever he produces it's a hit.-genius.
- at: This is that one song that's make you want to do the impossible. Plus its a good song.
- Youtube Kills My Brain Cells: “Some things you just cant refuse” Yea, listening to this song
- tutuyo08: Free replays 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00
- albert torres: one part is really not for kids it says "she wanna ride me like a cruise" like if you agree
- Isaac Berrios: 'Baby I'm a wreck' like if u love this song plus the movie amazed me!!!!
- Juston Cunningham: I’m from Italy🇭🇺
- Youssef Roushdy: I’m from Egypt 🇪🇬
- Frosty Wicked: 125 TT
- behailu bekele: lovely !!!!!!!!
- mEgA oOf: Agree
- CrAZYKIDZ: OppzAlwaysReturn InMyFace fr
- Jesus TheGamer: into the spider verse brought me here :3
- al4dana: I love this song so much it's my favorite song
- Ava Rivera: I love your songs are so good😍😍😍😍🐱😘
- katy rizzo: Best song of the year!!!!!!!!!!
- Israel Banda: hi
- Shafaye Sapp: I saw the movie
- Amanda Ortiz: Love It
- Spider Flash: Who got a minecraft sunflower parody ad before this starts or is it just me
- Amber Cloud: I love sunflower it's my favorite song like OMG love it
- Chief Speed: Sunchips
- Young Money: I love the song
- Alex Gonzalez: PIxi+like Shadow+Reply
- random thing: i showed this to my dad and he said that it sounds like pot smoking music. i was so shook. i told him where the music was from and then he said " damn they shouldnt show this to kids." i was laughing so much.
- ᴅᴇᴀᴅʟʏsᴘᴋᴇʏᴛツ: +Holly Wallis does it cost a like??
- 80jarrett: Im here because of the Spiderman movie the movie was amazing and this song definitely caught my attention I love it
- Say meme: Fisk is ded
- Amor Ildefonso: There needs to be a longer version of this song
- Tony3Productions: How does this relate to Spider-Man at all? This just sounds like a typical rap song about a woman.
- megan blair: Love this song!💞
- Moosegirl Playz: My self is Sunflower 🌻
- pokemongoisgud: You also can go put it on one hour
- ッDon: 1:04
- PlainWisdom: *RIP STAN LEE*
- MonoMinotaur612: Positive vibes
- Ariana Gonzalez: Chi xuxnnx
- BrysonHearl: +justt_trin I'm sorry I'm not perfect like what the hell u out here with your grammar nazi head
- Scar Face: Wow flowey has own song!
- Susan Combs: Cool
- Zero Santana: Best raprs alive shit the best song I ever herd in my life 👌📛📛📛📛📛📛📛
- Deric James: It's in the movie
- Chatziemitch Panes: Whos love this song
- Bland 108: *deep breath* Heyy
- jessbishop85: Usa
- Ava Stanfield: I like this song
- the boiboivine: Waiting for someone to post the lyrics in coments
- David Garrido: +Tasha RManalo stop being so toxic lol it's the 8 year olds like you that make the internet toxic
- jdmata30: This is a great song
- C Leyvas: I loved this song🤗🤑🤓😝😜😂😎💞😍
- Hayden Bransfield: Antplay 567 Yh yh
- Anonymous: Why are the best songs always the shortest
- Jeannette McDonald Keeley: You had a good life Stan Lee R I P
- MandatoryMist77: Swae
- PurpleGrim: A mo a vailar
- Tony Li: I’m going on a field trip at school to see the new movie!
- Lianne Audas: Cannot wait to see him in Feb
- Nace Clark: Merry Christmas
- Jason Bates: Why is this song so short? 😭
- Jack L: It’s not if we gotta race, get off me now, it’s if we gotta risk it all right now
- B2H: Hi my name geff dog my crush is molly
- Storm Jones: Tyleronzo Nation yaasss
- hector Robles: The original song already had lyrics so what’s the point of this video
- anil kisku: Sorry bro but there too many mistakes
- Abel Martinez: This song is lit and good I love you swae lee
- Ferdinand Asis: I like it
- sergio Bello: No duh
- Samruddhi Jadhav: +Aldo Rosie thank you! :-)
- Arthur Gasparyan: You will be left in the slushies unless you stuck by ma you are my fortnite friend fortnitefriend
- Jona 3629: Ooh ooh ohhh ayyy ohhh you my sunflower #classic already
- Beejeezaay: whoever dislikes this video will die
- EgyptianGodCard Productions: well there's lyrics already in the music video
- Brandi: Someone explain this song to me.
- Halloweengirl02 _: This is such a bop tbh
- Namjoons_bbg_Niya BTS: The Nub Chronicle stop being dirty minded and it will be family friendly
- Mohamed ali: Love how before this released everyone was saying Swae was gonna fuck it up
- Miguel Angel Herrera: I would listen to this on my phone but it's not fireproof
- Kevin the savage Tu: This song good as Gucci
- REAL MADRID IS THE BEST TEAM: I love this song i sang it to my gf and she kissed me
- Aidan Madigan-Curtis: I dedicate this song to the girl I'm currently courting
- aniva lemanu: Best song ever 😀😀😀😀😀
- Trey Glaze: This song still fire
- Nicky Love: I’m here because of Spider-Man.
- Desiree Little-McAnally: **Johnny Chance Colbaugh I'm greatful
- The Next Ruler: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse brought me here dope song.
- Nikhil Kulshrestha: Goosebumps and flashbacks.....😍😍😍😍😍😍
- Supaa HoT: Still listen toooo
- NickGen: Now let's do this one more time
- hassen belaweyd: Nice Song 😊
- DylanBlitz 123: This song is beautiful
- Jesus Christ: Doesn't he say "even if we gotta risk it all right now"??
- Johny Tube vlogs: I like your music it. My favorite
- Jonathan Hammond: Me
- Decriminalize Darwinism: In memory of the Thanks snap 👌
- Inferno G: Tyleronzo Nation 2069 man time flies by
- Andrew Stem: Yoooo If you're a fan of Sunflower, I made an orchestra instrumental of it on my channel! Great for studying and brings a new feel to it! Check it out and let me know what you think!
- Morgan Ellis: i love this song😀😊
- John MangO: wish this was a swae lee single and was 4:00 minutes long with a second verse and chorus
- KoCore B: No pussy
- Iantheweird: exactly the first time I heard wasn't enjoying it now I love it
- Frankie Valladolid: I love this song 🎵♥️
- La Vie Ashu: just seen the movie it was amazing:)))))
- CMD Parodies: Robel Nuguse ... the title already says that, poindexter
- SIdTheGod: shit
- Nagwal Entertaining: You're best post malone
- Ryan Uliss: Bagel!
- Kermit the Frog: this song makes me cry.
- George Di Martino: on Spotify it's longer
- Julissa Morales: I love movie and the song
- kellrose64: Heard this song for the first time in school today, and i loved it already
- apathetic: she want to ride me like a cruise 1:06
- KingQLit: *Life is short so let's savour it.*
- L!ve hack For y0u: I love it
- Katty The unicorn: I was about to hear the song and there's a commercial of the song but the parody
- Sheila Sanders: ❤❤❤❤🌻🌻🌻🌻
- movingwater stone: I feel like i got high for my first tine
- Tina Tremblett: Great song
- ChrisManley1994: “............Hey!” 😏
- SonicXMinecraftGaming - VIDS: Wait what the the ad is Minecraft Sunflower "Minecrafter" song parody and the original video is still Sunflower Song....weird
- Mr. Teezy: this song fit the movie too good for real
- Jimbo_The_Sicko: This song is the bomb
- Julia Panella: "She wanna ride me like a cruise and Im not tryna lose" FUUUCK
- Beverly Brissett: I came here from spider man from spiderman into the spider verse
- XxdiamondxX White: I work out to this song
- Droidextreme 173: 2 0 1 9 ⬇
- victorrain: Just curious, what is this song about? Swae has a girl but is checking out another one at a party and Malone is with a girl he can't handle but is with her anyway?
- ninja boy snipe: good SONG
- mohd zain hassan: malya
- Legendary Player: [Intro: Swae Lee] Ayy, ayy, ayy, ayy (ooh) Ooh, ooh, ooh, ohh (ooh) Ayy, ayy Ooh, ooh, ooh, ohh [Verse 1: Swae Lee] Needless to say, I keep in check She was all bad-bad, nevertheless (yeah) Callin' it quits now, baby, I'm a wreck (wreck) Crash at my place, baby, you're a wreck (wreck) Needless to say, I'm keepin' in check She was all bad-bad, nevertheless Callin' it quits now, baby, I'm a wreck Crash at my place, baby, you're a wreck Thinkin' in a bad way, losin' your grip Screamin' at my face, baby don't trip Someone took a big L, don't know how that felt Lookin' at you sideways, party on tilt Ooh-ooh, some things you just can't refuse She wanna ride me like a cruise And I'm not tryna lose [Chorus: Swae Lee] And you're left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're a sunflower I think your love would be too much Or you'll be left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're the sunflower You're the sunflower [Verse 2: Post Malone] Every time I'm leavin' on ya You don't make it easy, no, no Wish I could be there for ya Give me a reason to go Every time I'm walkin' out I can hear you tellin' me to turn around Fightin' for my trust and you won't back down Even if we gotta race, get off right now, oh I know you're scared of the unknown (-known) You don't wanna be alone (alone) I know I always come and go (and go) But it's out of my control [Chorus: Post Malone] And you'll be left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're a sunflower I think your love would be too much Or you'll be left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're the sunflower You're the sunflower Yeah
- Carli Lawrence: lets hv sex
- Stephanie Perez: I've listened to these verses so many times trying to gather any type of meaning. This song is about nothing!! But great melody .
- Spunge bob: This song is trash Ali A gets more views than this
- Branson Morgan: I love this song
- Tamara Robinson: Anyone seen miles morales in the newest iderman
- Mitchell Rothenbuehler: This is pretty dope.
- marie sun: Why does it have to end?
- Hvanlalsawmi Sawmi: Nice..I like it
- Eyoel Daniel: Fav part 0:00-2:38
- Sanfona Kafonah: Thank you so much for this post!
- Caleb Williams: Anyone Ready for Spider-Man into the Spider-verse
- Jose Vytor: Música foda 😍
- Inkfingers7: This song's got me boppin. Don't know any of the words though, so I'm sounding just like Miles lmao.
- Tylette Watmough: but it is also really short but i love it
- Maive Coggins: You are a some
- Luc Bitjad: this from the new spider man song
- Revan Izzra: I had goosebumps when I'm hearing this song
- Clementine: +Ace Legendary You were correcting their grammar, yet yours was worse.
- yusef cox: best song 2018
- Hanny Janetta: 🛑 *Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse* 𝐹𝑢𝑙𝑙~𝑀𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑒: ➡ t.co/1cM23z0LXk ሽ Trending film! #SpiderManIntoTheSpiderVerse Unglaublicher film! Sehr zu empfehlen, es auszuprobieren!
- The Almighty StriKe ツ: Best song just should have been longer
- Jason Bates: +Jeannette McDonald Keeley The song is to short. Where was I unclear about that?
- Lauren Seechan: U are a sunflower
- Amanda Crocker: 🎄🎄🎄 what a song 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺 well to me 🤗🤗🤗🤗 I love it
- Mondough: the background had me thinking my monitor was dirty loll
- Daniela Dani: Feels like it was made for me😋 I’m absolutely in love with sunflowers 🌻💕 they give a comforting yet warm happiness whenever I look at them😊
- Mercy Aki309: They should have songs related to Stan Lee Rest In Power Stan Lee
- Mista H: Add my ig !! juice1609
- Little Mac: Ashtin Gragg lol piss the fuck off ur telling us about ur own opinion and when other people say theirs u have to criticize it in a way. You’re literally contradicting urself. Hypocritical fuck
- Demeatria Edgecombe: My song
- Alyssa's World: Take the thumbs up if you agree
- KDaKing: "Even if we gotta race, get off right now" is that what he says? i thought he says "even if we gotta risk it all right now"
- Christine Webb: great song
- Johanyle: bitc- what?! no!!
- Nathan Rosas: R.I.P Uncle (I 😭😢)
- Run Like Hell: "Relax and let Go!... ssssh... there right there... miles... really what do you do to relax!??..." *Miles Sings Sunflower*
- Wilber Zorita: xxx
- ItsCorrupted: The song doesn't feel the same without the animation
- Brianna Cost: "she wants to ride me like a cruise"
- Jeannette McDonald Keeley: If you love spiderman like this vidieo
- Louis Dunn: 2019????
- Mike Jones: love it
- Lynne Parks: Why is this song so short?
- Malak Hasan: I love this song it’s soooo like good plz these guys are sounding good I had a another kind of song and now when I watched the movie my sis put on the song and now I love this song better I love it I listen to it everyday!! 😘😘😘😘😍😍😍😍😍😎♥️
- adit haque: is anyone eles hooked to this song
- Kelly Khan: I love this song but it needs to be longer. Btw I love this song so much and I know how to sing this song in one day
- sammiriiyah Shivers: This song is so so lit
- Sarah Smiles: The beat is giving me asthetic vibes!! 😍😍😍😍
- Jonathan Lampkin: Need to adjust this. It says "in check" when he is clearly saying "on check"
- Arzaz Garza: I need to add a little more
- Hunter Burry: is it worth it to see Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. like for yes dislike is no
- THĘ GHØŠT: So close 100k
- iiraegxnii: why can't i reply to to the pinned comment
- max man: +robert budd it she put "I keep her in check" when it's supposed to say "I keep in check"
- Tyler Parsons: Damn, Post never stops coming out with amazing music
- Samuelu Thompson: If you watched this like and put a 👍up on my comment
- Zachary Hutchins: I love this song
- granny player boys and girls are invited: thx
- Kayla Espada: I watched the movie last week
- USA Numba One: *Spiderguy*
- poiuytdxcvbn: this song needs a bridge and a climax with both singers
- XC-WB Networks Inc.: The Best Movie This Year
- Hybriid: mars fam.
- M- Gaming: RIP Stan Lee
- Dinkay: Am I the only one that hears “needless to say I keep her checked” instead of “i keep in check”
- 99 Frames: Ikr
- xplixit the gang: This song is soooo good !
- 정국 97전: Whose from Daegu here ? We same 🎉💜
- Lord bowtie: Swae “someone said” lee
- Emmie Dunn: 0.00-1.30 fav part
- XxShadows 640: You do know the lyrics are on the video
- tronix 220: watched the movie 2 days ago song is stuck in my head
- Giothedude: Marley Moon nah this was definitely post. Swae lees music lacks consistency
- loisellado: I keep playing it over n over I cant get enough of this song 😩
- BTR Limelight: Im here bc of Jonah Marais tysm😎♥
- Adrian Verastegui: I can't understand why miles is so bad at singing at this song the lyrics are easy.
- Em Z: this song is good aye
- Scarlett Blue: I love this song especially the part they put on tik tok
- justice Pickett: by the way i still saw the movie :)
- Valdelice Milburn: Sunflower is my favorite song
- SUB ZERO SOLUTIONS: How old are you
- Zach Falbe: Who else can hear faint Windows sound effects in the background?
- mr_ Wafflez812: Any one else hear this song from into the spider verse?
- Holly Wallis: +ᴅᴇᴀᴅʟʏsᴘᴋᴇʏᴛツ no
- Money: Straight out tha theatre
- Aiden Awe: Merry Christmas happy new year Guys
- The Veis fam vlog: Gonna see this today
- Riley Courtney: Posty’s voice 🥰🤪
- Minato Namikaze Channel: tbh swae lee should have sang everything AND I HOPE THEY MAKE A FULL VERSION OR LONGER VERSION
- zaddave: Post Malone, Swae Lee - Sunflower (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse) مترجمة https://youtu.be/OG0VN0_jwXE
- Skie Mentore: Dam ! a beats commercial brought me here
- Piqueno _Aranha: I wanted to download this song, I used the Google translator for all this. I'm brazilian
- Caleb Williams: +Rolando Rocha hey Buddy😉
- Jaden Matthew: Any one who saw the Spiderman into the spider verse
- Roberto Rodriguez: This is a good song but is the movie good???
- Mylee Jones: Omg absolutely abscessed with this song
- SirOwnsAlot 23: its actually not Even if we gotta race, Get off right now its acutally Even If We Gotta Risk it All Right Now 1:47
- julek wiesiek: The part of song which I hate: 2:39
- Luffy Francisco: Ayy, ayy, ayy, ayy (ooh) Ooh, ooh, ooh, ohh (ooh) Ayy, ayy Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Needless to say, I keep her in check She was all bad-bad, nevertheless (yeah) Callin' it quits now, baby, I'm a wreck (wreck) Crash at my place, baby, you're a wreck (wreck) Needless to say, I'm keeping her in check She was all bad-bad, nevertheless Callin' it quits now, baby, I'm a wreck Crash at my place, baby, you're a wreck Thinkin' in a bad way, losin' your grip Screamin' at my face, baby don't trip Someone took a big L, don't know how that felt Lookin' at you sideways, party on tilt Ooh-ooh, some things you just can't refuse She wanna ride me like a cruise And I'm not tryna lose Then you're left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're a sunflower I think your love would be too much Or you'll be left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're the sunflower You're the sunflower Every time I'm leavin' on ya You don't make it easy, no, no Wish I could be there for ya Give me a reason to go Every time I'm walkin' out I can hear you tellin' me to turn around Fightin' for my trust and you won't back down Even if we gotta risk it all right now, oh I know you're scared of the unknown (known) You don't wanna be alone (alone) I know I always come and go (and go) But it's out of my control And you'll be left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're a sunflower I think your love would be too much Or you'll be left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're the sunflower You're the sunflower Yeah
- Tigest Mekonnen: Spider Man into the spider verse
- Andrew Duarte: this sounds like maroon 5?
- Liv Vlogs: +Hakdog Na putol Go ahead
- ItsAvalon: The only good part of this song is the beginning
- Emma Macy: ILoveyour song
- John Swanney: CALL 911 EMERGENCY THIS IS ON FIRE!!!!! 😂
- Tommy Odonnell: Tom same
- Trinity Brockk: I love this song it’s my favorite ❤️
- The Groovy Guitar Dude: For anyone who wants to play this on guitar, here's how for beginners :) Standard Tuning - No Capo - Chords Through The Entire Song - D, G, Em, G - Strum Pattern - ↓ ↓ (x2 for each chord) Hope this helps out! If you get stuck or need a little extra help, I just uploaded a video lesson for this on my channel :)
- MysteriousPhantom: Not even funny but the dislike button is fine by me
- Michael Conwell: I think I feel in love in moment's notice I'm so confused in life ATM y'all but this girl K Zellers she so amazing and it's all just started never had this kinda feeling I think she may be my sunflower thru all my cloudy days thank u god is good what y'all think should I go for it trust my gut
- Dawson Jones: I love this song yeet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Daron Murray: Me
- GregBR: Sangeet Quincy im sorry dude :( she is proud of you
- Alyssa's World: I like this part 0:21
- Kayla Labuguen: that beat dropped lower then my grades
- Just Cause: it is short but it is very very ligit
- Timothy Huo: HOW DO I UNSTICK Just relax how do you relax Sings sunflower Sigh teenagers Miles falls into table RIP
- Huy Huy: Sunflower? Can you explain this song pls
- Asih Istiyaningsih: Indonesia dong😎
- ed gola: This song is like so good
- Antonette Fernandez: Not good
- LukePlays YT: Candy Gonzalez lol
- Carli Lawrence: atwe dowr beme toki labri arawe moth nvcf $$$$$$ gyuh yupho kn,musico mbomn damnsas yase
- Boss Beastxx22: I thought he was saying I’m erect
- ssgang 967: Haters
- Gauge Theboss: Ya why are they
- Dean Valenzuela: Don't you hate it when somebody leaves the lyrics of a song in th comments of a LYRIC VIDEO?
- zebulua 0983: Will you be willing to be my friend
- Kimberly Fletcher: I love sunflower its really really awsoms
- Rob Syer Gaming: Great soundtrack, great film
- kate khalifa: It is even if we gotta risk it all right now
- david pittet: The best songs are sadly the shortest :(
- Hidaya Surur: I love this song
- max man: Who else came from Miles singing post Malone just me ok
- LogicallyLexiii: Hi
- Lizard Face2000: I’m a sunflower 🌻
- Doretta Papanikolaou: 😍😍❤️
- saman k.c.: for me this is song of 2018 really enjoyed movie too
- Arthur Gasparyan: I pressed the replay button so much its right now at the core of the earth LOL
- Logan Maines: 😍in love
- girl in crush: Why just 2 minutes ?
- Matterking: You love putting the lyrics delayed just enough so someone can't sing along unless they watch multiple times.
- Tyler Kaplan: I love you post malone
- Oscar Ruelas: I love the song
- Mere W: 1:11 fav part
- DARKNINJA30T ROMERO: This is a song like for fortnite😎😎😎😎
- Tasha Booker: This song is so amazing!!!!
- Matheau Gage: And too think Post Malone went to Hollywood broke and with only a dream
- king kwan: Spider Man gang gang
- JakeDash2018 Fazbear: Spiderman into the spider verse Miles morales x gwen stace
- Shumaila Shaikh: What does this song mean?
- Warrior King: Dust and Ashes. Party open the Holy Bible that's the only way to party 🎉
- Xavier Robbins: This is a lit ass song bo its not a joke, i just want to sing this song to my ladii
- gaming meme: Spiderman
- I Rule: Nobody is going to see this but Your AMAZING Edit: thanks for 1 like
- Goofy Biddy: +Idiots play thanks :D
- Luis Alvarado: yr a Sunflower
- YOMIGHTYSKULL: This is great song
- Naia Kalani: +Abigail Jones finally found an nctzen❤❤❤
- SousouEnVideo: the "RIiiiiiide" in the official music video fitted well it would have been cool on the spotify version
- Allie Stansfield: Ever heard of the shoulder touch?
- K T: Song of the guys who cant commit
- Chado Just a man: Miles sent me here wanted to hear what he was jamming to
- James Nigg: Sorry but this song makes. Me cry
- Bruce Wayne: Any1 else checking these out right after the movie... Spiderman into the spider verse??? Great song & music though short still... RIP Stan Lee 2018!!! Really liked the outfit with the hoodie & shorts without it just plain...
- GeTLeFtOMG: Who else was here before 1mil views?
- Ainsley Henrichsen: Most of the lyrics are good but some are wrong
- Starlight: Thanks for a more comprehensive lyric video
- Joel The King of Rap 2006: Who every time i listen to every song by my favorite rappers and now i wanna see the spider man movie I already saw Venom xD
- Angel Yuni: +ll PHANTOM llVX the first time I seen someone upset cause someone wanted likes? 😕 ok ig 😐
- Hmung Luai: 0:00 1:31
- Zoe Zoe: "Your the sunflower" 🌻♥️
- ghosted.: Which is post's part?
- FG_Royal 73: My girl and I right here
- Rehan Wasti: I just love this song soooo much
- Natasha Amaro: This is such a good song 👌👌👌👌👌
- Monika: I got sunflower minecraft parody ads while watching this
- Nova: Tune
- Conner Biddle: Love this song
- Lucas Saunders: Nikki Star 😂
- Spiderman Fan 2999: I'm from Brooklyn
- MeiMei Vlogs: In love love love
- Alexis Watt: I love this but what do these lyrics even mean lol.
- Robert Cascio: Hey 😏
- Kimily Hagerty: 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
- Trey Rosby: +Roman Pierce final on is in Avengers Endgame then that's it😞
- Alonzo C.: Be honest post fucked this song up for me. Sick of post now. Wish swae did this solo dolo.
- NoFace Gaming: I made a montage on this song go check it out😊🤷♂️
- Issac Lee: f you singer
- E. Mirajane: Your the sunfower.....next day your the sunfower ....
- //Sammie_ Chan\\: Who Watched SpiderVerse Like this Comment!
- Gemini Chick: Best night of my life when I clicked play 😍
- Rowan Barwick: It’s 2 min and 38 seconds
- black panther marvel forever: Post Malone underrated as heck
- miles Morales: Swae lee ft post malone
- Fast Life: Flow songs like M.I.A from paper planes plus The Weeknd thrown in there lol
- Vinicio Soto: I love this song💖❤😜😍
- Piano Junction Lane: Check my piano cover of this cut! https://youtu.be/_OVTYBXTF9A :) ;)
- CoVxry XIX: At the intro the last ohh is spelt like ohh
- Christian Heppel: I love the songs
- Hkarll: You don't wanna be malone
- Karen Soto: I always thought he was saying backpack instead of bad-bad until I saw this lyrics video
- Tyler Jay: I like the song...I love spider man but this song too trill
- Passive VII: Also why would your feet be on the dashboard if you crash your fucked 😂
- LilAlbert 16: ι'м gℓα∂ тнєу α∂∂є∂ тнιѕ ѕσиg ιи тнє мσνιє ιитσ тнє ѕρι∂єя νєяѕє
- Mission to be A Man: Miles theme
- Tommy Hall: "youll be left in the dust"
- reece Richardson: If u loved spider man into the spider verse like this
- HONEST MUSIX: Me: “Playback 0.75 ... “ You: “Thank you HONEST” 😊
- Blendy spelar: spiderman
- AGAME ARCADE: This is the kind of song to start the morning👌👌
- SexyDaddy ASHIAA: 0:28 to 0:45 kinda sounds like paper planes by M.I.A
- Taniqua Bean: I'm from college station
- Alexander Robles: I am too lol
- Henrry Galvez: Love it which it can keep going and never end
- NUMBER1JAB Gaming channel: Been listening to this song for a while then finally heard it on the radio all I did was smile and cranked the radio up 😊
- Breanna Cunningham: Post Malone is the fucking man
- Kayvenn Watters: I love this song but way tooooo much A U T O T U N E
- Kaitlyn: If you're here because you watch Spider-Man Miles Morales into the spider verse give a like
- Vader’s Throne: Makes a song about a song flower background is the ocean
- 8-BitBois lol: In this song, there is a verse where it says left in the dust, MCU Peter was left in the dust because he became dust...
- Rain Thomas: This song is good
- I make memes not fanfics: This should've been in love Simon
- jackandkyle2: I know it made me cry
- Dominic Foster: Atlanta Georgia 😍🤪
- RONALDO SANTIAGO: Finally Sony did something right
- Have to wait 90 days To change my stupid name: Blak Nite she was lying
- George Vanderslice: What is the song sound unfinished like there's a missing verse
- JoAnna Lopez: Hard to read the lyrics on this background
- JacM: tf this is the only good song he's on lmao. got some shit taste there.
- Lukraniom: My poor ears, that auto tune had me squeaking, but I still loved the song
- Sara Bartoli: Born in Louisiana but live in Ocala
- Liv Vlogs: +the true slav master speak english? and dont be rude becuase your life is sad
- Play with me Together forever: 2:38 minutes best songs end faster
- Anjali Sharma: This song is very good
- hotrod Jackson: This is my favorite song
- Justin Scott: P
- Jeremy Jolito: Coolestgamer07 - Roblox And More! I know bro no sense 1:50
- Brooklyn Tiller: Spider-Man (peter Parker) "just be in the moment!" Miles: " I am in the moment, it's a terrible moment!" Spider-man (Peter parker) "what helps you relax??" Miles: "relax,relax,relax... oh!" *SINGS THIS SONG*
- Gwen Stacy: Literally my fave from the movie
- Worn Mango: Coming here so I don't spoil the spiderman movie from the other vid
- Sree Sree: This song changing the mood
- jack chan the man: Anybody like this song before spiderman into the spiderverse
- King Lear: Yall sure it's not keeping a check
- hidomi love: December 2018 anyone?🎄
- Andrew Moralde: Illinois but I live Arizona
- Iron Justice: Who's excited for Spider-man into the spider verse?
- Andro Meda: Siap akmj
- Stevenly Lyngdoh: 2019??
- ty GOD: My dad likes this
- Jp Fire: 1.25 speed sounds so much better tbh Reply if you agree
- Flipping destinyy: 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
- jeymy C.gomez: Nice sunflower 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻. ;-)
- YEETERSON: 1.25 speed is just 👌👍
- Eddie brock: 0:53 Where Miles Got to go MILES GOTTA GO mom plz In a minute
- SavageGirl30 Girlie: Copying ass. Just ask her! I’m sure she’ll understand.
- Riccardo2018DOLPHINDAYS90 Valenciia: I love this song my kids knowwitt💥💥💥💥
- Dylan CR ey: Spider-verse right here
- trainer: Race is risk
- Dina Fernandez: Bruh Low nice
- Freddie Woodrow: Post needs to stop smoking
- Official STONEYISBOSS: "Even if we gotta risk it all right now" some of the lyrics are wrong
- Jordyn Lockett: I love this song like if you agree❤️👇🏾
- Serwet: Yo who likes this as much as I do
- Maryam AlHabashi: I always taught they were saying you be left in the dark but then I found out it was dust I just wanted to say that
- King Grim: Its "if we gotta risk it all now right now oh"
- Miguel Rodriguez: wack ass lyrics, a 3yr old could've written this song.
- Victor Ibarra: Miguel Rivera as Oscar Bowser Jr as Lenny Mama as Angie and More
- sravan kumar: Punch me right in the mother fucking feels.
- John B Trumpet: Hey, Everyone! Im kinda going around self promoting. Check out some of my videos! Like and share them if you enjoy them
- Random 808: This song is just too perfect 👌
- Aleah Rush: Iron Justice oh it’s sooooo good
- Roblox Rap Battle: 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹😷😢😓😷😢💨🌹 🌹💝💉🍵💊💐💝🌹 🌹 GetBetter Soon! 🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹. sSs 💤🌟. * . [ (-.-) ] 🌙 —o-o—* | 💗💗 |. ✨* | 💗💗 |*. "Sweet Dreams.."🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹😷😢😓😷😢💨🌹 🌹💝💉🍵💊💐💝🌹 🌹 GetBetter Soon! 🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹💐💐😉😊💐💐 ☕ Cheer Up 🍵 🍂 ✨ )) ✨ 🍂 🍂┃ (( * ┣┓ 🍂 🍂┃*💗 ┣┛ 🍂 🍂┗━━┛ 🍂 🎂 For YOU 🍰 💐💐😌😚💐💐🌟_________ (ThinkingAboutYou..❤) `  ̄ ̄🐬 ̄O  ̄. ̄ ̄ ̄ 🐳 。 o 🐟 * ╭━━━━━╮┏╮╭┓ ┃╰╯ ┃╰╮╭╯ ┣━━╯ ╰━╯┃ ╰━━━━━━━━╯ 🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🐠🌀🌀 💙🐙💙💙💙💙💙💙* 🍀 ☀ *🍀🍀 * * 🍀🍀🍀 ** 🍀🍀🍀🍀 🎁 "Have a * Nice weekend"☀⛅☁☁☁⛅☀ 🌸🌷🌺🌼🌺🌷🌸 🌺 🌼 🌺 🌷 🌹 🍀🌸🌼🌺 🌼 🌻 🌷 🌻 🌸 🍀 🌷 🌸🌷🌺🌼🌺🌷🌸 ☀⛅☁☁☁⛅☀🌜🌔🌕🌝🌕🌖🌛 ☁ Good morning!☁ ☀☀☀☀☀☀☀ ⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰ 🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶 🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉 ☕☕☕☕☕☕☕ 👟👞👟👞👟👞👟 🚗🚕🚙🚗🚕🚙🚗.☀/\ "Good afternoon"/\🌴 /\ . /🐫 \ / \🌴/ \ /** * /* ** \🐫🐫☁ 👋🚀 ☁☁ ✨ BYEBYE* ☁ ✨ 🎈 ✨ ☁ ✨ ✨ 🌾✨💨 🏃 🏠🏢🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 🌸✨🌸🌸🌸🌸✨🌸 🌸🌸🍀🍀🍀🍀🌸🌸 🌸🌸💐🐷🐷💐🌸🌸 🌸🌸💐🐮🐮💐🌸🌸 🌸🌸💐💓💓💐🌸🌸 🌸🌸🍀🍀🍀🍀🌸🌸 ✨Good Morning ka✨ 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸☀☀☀☀☀🎀☀☀ ☀☁☀☀🎀🎀🎀☁ ☁☁☁☁☁☁🎀🎀 ☁☁☁☁☁☁☁🎀 ☁☁🎓☁☁🎓☁☁ 📼📼☁💗☁☁📼📼 📼📼☁☁☁☁📼📼 ☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀ 💝💝ⒽⒺⓁⓁⓄ💝💝 💓💓ⓀⒾⓉⓉⓎ💓💓☁☁☁☁☁☁☀ 🐔 {Have a good day!) ( c ) 🐤 🐤 🐤~🎶 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🐛😁😁😁😁😁😁😁 ❤ Get well soon!❤ +😷~>🙅/😄~>🙆+ 💗U neeeed 💉💊💗 💙&🍚🍔🍵🍞🍳💙 +☀TAKE CARE☀+ 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁📱📱📱📱📱📱📱📱 📩📩☎☎📩📩📩📩 📩☎📩📩☎📩📩📩 📩📩📩📩☎📩📩📩 📩📩📩☎📩📩📩📩 📩📩☎📩How's it 📩 📩📩☎📩📩going❔ 📩📩📩📩📩📩📩📩 📩📩☎📩📩😘❤📩 📫📫📫📫📫📫📫📫{ morning Beautiful ! Have fun at the SNOW 🌟。*。💗~😃xXx 。💚。*。Have。🌟 🌟。a wonderful day. .💜´*。.🌟¨¯`*❤。。🌟😊GOOD MORNING😊 🌟☁🌟☁☁🌟☁🌟 ☁🌟☁🌟🌟☁🌟☁ 🌟☁🌟☀☀🌟☁🌟 ☁🌟☀💛💛☀🌟☁ ☁🌟☀💛💛☀🌟☁ 🌟☁🌟☀☀🌟☁🌟 ☁🌟☁🌟🌟☁🌟☁ 🌟☁🌟☁☁🌟☁🌟 😊MY🌻SUNSHINE😊💙💗💗💗💗💗💗 💙❤❤❤❤❤💛 💙❤HELLO ♪❤💛 💙❤👍☀👎❤💛 💙❤☮ O˥˥ƎH❤💛 💙❤❤❤❤❤💛 💚💚💚💚💚💚💛"Happy✨ 🎶🌟 Friday Night🎉" 🍸🔴🔳🍻 🍺🔲 \/()/\()\/~~~~ \\{} /\ /\. /\😘{ Gooood morning! ) ☁☁☁☁☁☀☁☀ ☁❤❤☁❤❤☀☁ ❤❤❤❤❤☀❤☀ ❤❤❤❤☀❤❤☁ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤☁ ☁❤❤❤❤❤☁☁ ☁☀❤❤❤☁☁🎶 ☀☁☁❤☁☁☁🐬 🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴 ( Have a nice day ♪ }😉 I installed this btw
- My penis is unbelievably small, but: Why does this get me sad and remind me of the good days?
- Thomas Wayne™: DARKNINJA30T ROMERO ew
- Breanna Hampton: I love this song sooooo much
- Ace Legendary: It’s ok fam
- Zariah Walker: SUNFLOWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- RatchetTurtle 19: Allah huakbar
- Megan Wanerka: you guys are amazing my favorite song is this song
- Bobby Byrne: This song is deadly
- Tray Randall: LMAO! thought he said, "needless to say I keep her chate"
- Chris Lew: 🐸😯😯🐸🐸🐸😯😯😯🐸🐸🤖🤖🤣🤣🤫👾😹🤖🤖👾👾🤖😻😃🤥🤫🙄🙄🐞🤣🤣🐞👾🐞🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🐞🐞🤣🤣🤣🐞🐞🤣🤣🐞🐞🤣🔥🤣🤣🐞🤣🤣🤣🐞🐞🤣🐞🐞🤣🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🤣🐞🐞🐞🐞🤣🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🤣🐞😂
- miles morales: I liked that song alot.
- ck COOL KID: ia hear this song alway ia dont no bat this song is especially
- andrew rowson: Nice
- NOTMemeX_: Perfect on 1.25 speed
- E L: Saamme !!
- musa irfan: @Shadow Music. I am from Your Ma OUTPLAYEDDD
- Desiree Little-McAnally: Even if I'm pimpin by ya I'ma need more than COMMAZ nd I'm a president ...uncursed
- Abigail Brownsey: I like paint
- Amy Smith: Left in the dust n less i stuck by ya!!!
- Robert Tomassian: Post are you serious post office
- Mohd Izwan7246: This song very nice
- Lance Wesley: Kinda has ''Going Home'' Vibes from Drake
- Ana Cea: Favorit song
- Carli Lawrence: jk that would be wrong
- Arief Arzami: Love this song!
- Jack Silver: December 2018, anyone else!?!?!
- KingDistX: My favorite is Everything
- PitchForksNGuns: *" Ever Heard Of The Shoulder Touch? "*
- Afiq Amani: didnt spiderman turned to dust?
- IsssScorpio: Imagine you are on your bike and find a sunflower field you have your headphones in and this song comes on.
- A living meme: Julie Iwai I don’t think you did it right, bud.
- XXX FOLLWER Not noobs: Wrong Tyler ideot parsons
- Brandon Sull: Seeds of Sunfloooower!
- Holden James: Best part of the song 0:01-2:38
- saucypillow: This song really hits the vibe bruh
- CRAP: I watched the movie 1 day
- den b: hooked to thus song
- Kobe -: Eeeetyyyygssaqw
- Mili Ganyo Byakumbu: Poop
- Ivan Gonzalez: +kieren024 big l means big lose
- Randomhero: This song makes my soul feel better
- Zombie34 ' '/: My nieghbor always goes on my YouTube acc and plays random music and I have to delete it every time
- Elizabeth Dynes: Loveee this song😍
- Sunny Says: 0:59
- Amal Berry: Love love love this
- SG Python: Anyone can wear the mask. A good deed makes you a superhero. R.I.P. Stan Lee EDIT: HOLY I WAS JUST TRYING TO BE NICE AND I GOT ALMOST 700 LIKES THANKS EDIT: 700 LIKES HOLY SHIZZLE MC NUGGET
- Mark Cusumano: “ Lookin’ at you sideways, party on TILT “. To me i think he means Tilted Towers. Idk that’s just me tho.
- Seth Vohland: I love this song
- 0 videos 0 subscribers: this song is such a bop
- Raul Perez: R.I.P. STAN LEE
- Venom: Put 1.25x speed it’s better
- Daniel Bruno: This is the Best song in the world please like this comment Because if you Do you Be cool like spider man and miles moralise or Gwen stays
- marissa jordan: Stan Lee or Swae Lee??
- Zedaine Dawson: It's a very amazing song but it's way too short....
- Kevin Hodges: Who is here either for a good song or the beats commercial and not the Spider Man movie
- Joshua Chastain: Song needs to be about an hour longer
- Trendco: "She wanna ride me like a cruise" Sony: 😱😦
- Geovani A.K.A Spiderman: I like this song
- ElCarnero Santiago: Song makes me not want to kill myself
- Felicity Lopez: This is my favorite song sunflower have all saw the movie yet?????????
- Lion's Sin: Who's here after watching spiderman into the spider-verse?
- Nathan Rosas: All most 2019
- Alicia Ivana: 1:50 to about 1:56 IS WRONG! It’s this ;“Even if we gotta risk it all right now, oh” I think the next part is correct tho actually Everything else is fine, you’re not google/yt music, whatever Ps, this is my fav song! Tysm!!
- Fatal Equinox: SKL_RIGGED too late for that
- Fuck Off: I’ve never heard this song before yet it sounds so familiar
- pratikshya pandey: What makes u relax and feel happy ..... Meh : This song 😍😍😍😍
- SubGme: I sang this to my crush now she my girl
- TwinJetBirds YT: 1:11 to 1:32 is my favorite part.
- Youtube_guy12 pettus: 0:1
- Coolestgamer07 - Roblox And More!: 1:50 isin't it obvious that it says "risk it all right now" instead of "race, get off right now"
- T.A.M J: I haven’t watch the movie yet was it good if u watched it
- Scopp Zero: cool
- GachaRobloxgamerKate: This is the song Miles barely knows
- Wilber Zorita: xxx
- TheRANDOMkid TheRANDOMkid: Who here is watching this during christmas or christmas eve i know i am😂😂
- DaNk DuCk: 15% people have a lot of likes except for me but your... *FABOULOUS*
- applejack 0301: anyone notice this song is about tilted towers in fortnite? it literally says someone took the big L take the L emote and party on tilt for tilted tower? anyone else notice or just me?
- Mariah Myers: I like the song better because I have not seen the movie I really want to see it though
- tony wacenske: I DON'T KNOW
- Dwyer McCormack: Me and my brothers love this song very very very very much it's so good 😍😘
- Scooby Doo: It dropped pretty hard huh
- panda kk: Love this song❤❤❤❤❤
- SCOTT ADKINS: This song relaxs me....thanx 2 u...
- kellrose64: I'm going to listen to this song at night more often:)
- etfonehome20: Can u do this with arthur morgan please?
- Misse Kasse: The song is way too short :/
- MuhRizqRama Gaming: Bacod lu
- Gydo Keijzer: Hey guys, I made a drum-cover of this song, it's on my channel, let me know what you think! Greetings from the Netherlands!
- Hmongyaj1980: I’m from Wakanda !
- Waqar Ahmad: I just love the song 1 like=1 comment 1coment=1 subscribe 1 subscrib=1000likes! ,,!!!!!!!!!
- Luis Gonzalez: @thatboydolfo
- GiTxSHuM: Swae Lee should of sang after post again. Would finish it off perfectly. Them damn producers 😪
- Reuben Hodge: Favourite song
- El Lazo: How s track with no profanity can be this fucking hot. My jam yo
- The Omega Brix Motion 301560: This comment down here is to much 👇🏼 oh hi it’s Sophia xD
- Phraze: The lyrics are wrong, you didn’t even took the time to watch the whole music video, the most lyrics are in it 🤦♀️
- Dev Kunwar: Is furkin bad ass ,,, keep going on bro
- Maverick Echo: Well some people can't see the lyrics if you can't see
- Haha Haha: *Now this, My Children, Is what You call Music.*
- Rain Thomas: Best song ever
- Mr Footy Trading Cards: kellrose64 I have it on constant loop whilst gaming
- I’m a Bird:/: Wait.... WAIT.. IS THIS *ENTIRE* SONG CLEAN???? I’m not complaining because it’s still🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Edit: we did it: 1k
- Lady Marvel: 1:16 and every time they say sunflower
- Fortnite TV: Australia 🇦🇺 Sydney
- KentGTz 2: 2019 anyone ?
- Its Tejkol: do you guys know Stan Lee is casher,ya?
- Mason Liam TV: baby don t tip
- Nicole Ferguson: yeah
- *cough* Jiya *cough*: My best friend hates this song,and it is the best post Malone song so far!Somethings you can’t refuse so true:)
- MyChemicalJade :#: Just because the movie was rated pg doesn't mean the movie was necessarily directed towards children. That movie attracted a lot of older age groups than children. And besides, thats way over kids heads. Also, who cares? We don't need to find something to be upset about I mean if you can't handle it then don't listen to the song.
- A B: I agree
- KingB1414: 0:27
- Nik F: Verry good👍👍👍
- Jsckjack Odaniel: This is just another comment that you just scroll by...
- M. L. Love: México and United States 💕
- david pugh: want more
- Acidic Lemons Switch Edition: Miles Merales is that you?
- Keel MOUNT: I love post Malone !!!!
- O'V: This song reminds me of my ex
- Brasil_11: Great song post Malone and rip to the great Stan lee 😢
- iiraegxnii: Ok ok, listen up, I've got a really cool glitch *Read more*
- Jason Robles: this song is mad chill
- Magaly Sanchez: YES YOU Go
- SBPS: Post once sharted on the mic. It went triple platinum.
- Adrian Nguema Eyene: j aime trop cette chanson et swae Lee surtout lui
- Kaitlyn D: I love everything ab this song
- Rosa Bucio: 🌻
- sariah henderson: IM SELLING REPLAY BUTTONS 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 ok that will be 0:00
- JoaquÃn Oswaldo PALOMINO MEZA: Like si te gusto la película Spiderman Un nuevo universo. Comentario si es que te gusta esta canción y escuchas esta por la película
- Jasmine 12345: Fuck u if you think this song is bad
- Clementine: +Ali A Well, whatever. My first language is French and Im only 13, so back off.
- Cellina Mclauchlan: Swae Lee sounds like Jeremih
- Furless Bruh: I thought The Music video already had lyrics on them right?
- Issac Lee: sorry my friend is not genorous and also good job this is my favorite song
- cmalacara1: This song is my jam and spider Man is my fav movie
- Gena W: I love ❤️ this song
- Robloxian Kat: I just realized this was posted on my birthday, w0w
- amber cannon: They should put this song in Spider-Man away from home because it was sick yo !
- Gamez Guy21: Why is it short
- Graphiar: Fuck you all. I cried at Miles’s Peters death.
- munif fachruddin: what is wrong with you
- Zdrach YT: Spiderman into the spider verse
- Edvin Mendoza: Mi English is bad but I try to learn some words every day
- Taniqua Bean: Come visit me
- Issa JayJay: If the song was longer like I would never lisen to anything anymore🤪
- Golden Freddy: Yeah
- Icy Mark: I’m just waiting for an asshole to say it’s a old joke
- Amya Taylor: Saw the movie and I loved it!!!!!!!
- Ceann MaGraff: I personally don't like Post Malone or most of the newer hip hop/ rap songs but I'm glad my little sister forced me to listen to this song. It's so pretty!
- E P: Post is 🔥🔥🔥 all his songs
- Cris Medina: This song is like a drug. I can't get enough of it, I always gotta have my daily fix of it or else its gonna be a bad day.
- Depression Pills: /} /} ( ·_·) (>🌻 wanna sunflower?
- Tyleronzo Nation: 2 0 1 9 ?
- John Doe: Relax and unstick
- AND RU: Omg I found this weird video https://youtu.be/S6ngZAMqjUk
- Wah Sardaarji: Awesome song but too short You’re the sunflower😄
- Thomas Doherty: Dope music 🎧 love it keep it up 🔥 👌🏻
- Rain Thomas: Yeah
- Crepey GT: 0:00
- James Sparks: Before million views😊yeah... Who's with me🙌🙋
- Shailina Rashyani: #R.I.P stan lee "if you believe you are the real hero "spoken from a true hero RIP stan lee
- Houseinatou Bah: So peaceful
- Tristin Chadd: What is the meaning behind the song? It kind of confuses me. Is it like referring to the girl has holding the guy back and not reaching his full potential?
- Starlane Stroll: I nust watched the movie, slight spoiler but his dad cuts him off while he's singing at ride so he doesnt say ride me but the music continues playing the same lyrics
- Tay A: So fast
- casual nate dog: this song is sooo good the vibe omg
- I’m a Bird:/: Trappoc HAHA LOOK WHOS TOXIN
- FTL PA: best song by him along with congratulations
- Arthur Gasparyan: Uuuum the replay button is burned by the core of the sun
- Luke Osugi: Nice song Post Malone. Love it!!
- Olumuyiwa Bolaji: I got this from the new spiderman movie,I just came back to 5 minutes ago xd
- Oriza 9007: This song is amazing As well as the movie
- BryanOnTheBeat: COOL SONG.
- Emily Ledo: Umm Actually no it's 2099 for me😉
- Dalia Al-Saji: I was sad that the beginning the old spider man died
- Telepathic Artist Josh: I like broccoli
- Emilia trinidad: My fav song
- Marcos gamesXD: Chingon
- Cold Clan: Truth or dare Dare go see the new spider man movie alone at 3 am
- Steven Angotta: If u think swae lee outperformed post here, u sir are very dumb
- Anli Zuo: 2:38
- TheOdalise: Have any of you heard of the shoulder touch?
- Tic Toc Terra: I'll admit, when Miles sang this, I was already in love with the song!♥️ I wanted to know what it was, and here I am! 😄😍
- Post Provalone: DUDE YES ME TOO DAWG! i already knew this song was dope when he Jimmy did show his 10 preview
- DeBigBoi X: It says “risk it all right now” not “Race get off right now” 1:52
- AllForUke: If you dig this tune and play ukulele, here's a simple tutorial w/ free tab/chords: https://youtu.be/hEJjkKwXyIA
- veggie sticks: This song gives me chills everytime i listen to it🚫🧢
- Maddie Marie: here before it blows up
- Karla Thomasia: Wow
- Nicole: i haven't seen the spiderman movie yet
- Robert Tomassian: Ccc ccccccccccccccccccc c oooooooooooooooooooooooooo ccccccccccccccccccccccccc kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
- idk makeup: Love this song
- forever Grateful: Morena sunflower you crazy,hope you are happy.All for your 💘
- nicholas mccauley: Love it
- Impulse 01: Hi👋 Phil Swift🏃🏻♂️👅👌 here👇with Flex💪💪Tape! The super💯strong💪waterproof🚫💦 tape that can instantly patch👏, bond🙏, seal🤛, and repair🙌! Flex💪Tape is no ordinary tape🚫🚫. It’s triple▶️▶️▶️thick👅👅👅 adhesive virtually welds🥊🥊 itself to surfaces, instantly stopping🛑 the toughest💪leaks💦. Leaky 💦💦pipes can cause MAJOR🤜🤜 damage💥💥💥, but flex💪 tape grips🤜 on tight🤜🤜 and bonds🙏 instantly. PLUS➕, Flex💪 Tape’s powerful💥💥 adhesive is so strong💪💪, it even works underwater🌊🌊! Now you can repair🙌 leaks💦 in pools and spas🌊 without draining🚫🚫 them. Flex💪 Tape is perfect👌👌 for marine🌊, campers🚍, and RVs🚙. Flex💪 Tape is super strong💪 and once it’s on, it holds on tight🤜🤜.
- Alexa Gonzalez: love it
- SonOfTerra92: This song is a banger.
- ThatBoyDolfo: I’m sorry :((
- Kenneth Espinal: Miles morales was here
- Thinesh Waran: Its would more easy if you use black colour for those fonts, anywhere thanks for lyrics👍
- Esss Juan: Song hits right in my heart. My girl of 3 years left me because of my attitude and the stress I had built up and never expressed it. We talked about having kids and marriage and now I’m left alone...😪
- Poland Thiyam: yes
- Michael Hayes: This Is Truly The Best Piece Of Music Work I Have Ever Heard. Post Malone, You Never Seem To Disappoint Us. Keep It Going!
- CPGoat #3: who cares?
- Josh L: Lyrics: [Verse 1] Seriously?
- Yolanda Reyes: Your a sunflower
- 011y C4mpb311: What a lyrical genius like, practically the icon of our generation.
- 『Mako Arisato』: This is the only song that I like from post Malone
- Shyam Govani: Dude this song is so catchy and I freaking love it!!!!!!😁😍👍👊👌
- Pablo Hernandez: Just watched spiderman man!! Lit asf and I hear this song and just see miles ...who with me
- Triggered Nematode: People always get likes for say one word... so ima give it a try. Here it goes... Avocado
- Jalia And Amari: If you listen to the real song it actually says “She wanna rideeee like a cruise” So the song is fully clean. The song is still really great though, I listen to it everyday!
- The Enchant reader: Syria
- Lukhan Hansen: There is 1 problem that I have with song and it's that they copied the guitar strum off kryptonite by three doors down
- Brayden0487: Hi
- Share the love: Cooooooooool
- Meenah: Heard this on the radio, I like it 👍🏻
- James Banks: Speed it up to 1.25. Thank me later.😆
- drake savge: Oof Antonio
- Samuil Larrington: +ll PHANTOM llVX here's a tip stop swearing
- vincent castronovo: you're the sunFLOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWREERERERREEEEERRR i thiNk YoUr LoVe woUld be tOo muCH
- Keevan KK Awesome: Miles Morales died and was brought back by Spider-Gwen... Spoiler alert...
- Brandi Richardson: Y'all r gay
- Haiqal is Batman: Its not a song, its a VIBE
- Mostly Ghostly: #BLESSED
- savage gamer vlogs: This song helps you if you are depress or stress like if you agree
- GraceFace: this songs too short!
- Henao Asa: I love your video
- stregon 333 mago: I like
- Captain Ryan: Sunflower Post Malone, Swae Lee Ayy, ayy, ayy, ayy (ooh) Ooh, ooh, ooh, ohh (ooh) Ayy, ayy Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Needless to say, I keep her in check She was all bad-bad, nevertheless (yeah) Callin' it quits now, baby, I'm a wreck (wreck) Crash at my place, baby, you're a wreck (wreck) Needless to say, I'm keeping her in check She was all bad-bad, nevertheless Callin' it quits now, baby, I'm a wreck Crash at my place, baby, you're a wreck Thinkin' in a bad way, losin' your grip Screamin' at my face, baby, don't trip Someone took a big L, don't know how that felt Lookin' at you sideways, party on tilt Ooh-ooh, some things you just can't refuse She wanna ride me like a cruise And I'm not tryna lose Then you're left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're a sunflower I think your love would be too much Or you'll be left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're the sunflower You're the sunflower Every time I'm leavin' on ya You don't make it easy, no, no Wish I could be there for ya Give me a reason to go Every time I'm walkin' out I can hear you tellin' me to turn around Fightin' for my trust and you won't back down Even if we gotta risk it all right now, oh I know you're scared of the unknown (known) You don't wanna be alone (alone) I know I always come and go (and go) But it's out of my control And you'll be left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're a sunflower I think your love would be too much Or you'll be left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're the sunflower You're the sunflower Yeah
- Leydi Herrera: Still loving this song #2019
- [SM]Sans Minorie: Wanna = want
- xxunicorngirlxx: I'm selling replays :D 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00
- Ato Sauls: True Feel Good Music; In this crazy, critical, negative world, Feel Good music is here and will WIN!!!!!
- Kornel Zak: 1 like is that song good👍👍👍
- blackpinkjisooo: Im in paradise
- Q's: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
- Sam Perez: This is so good and chill
- Tiger Guy: 1:04 the actually song says "she wanna riiiiide like a cruise" there is NO me but you added it in for the song
- Bella ash wood: The spider-man thing moive came out today in theaters 😂 I needed this song in the movie Edit: I love sunflowers
- Chrissy Wild: I was playin my Xbox with my friends and won a game of fortnite
- Rusty Redhead: nice song
- Reecebakervlogs ss: Swae lee trash live
- Alyssa's World: Cairo Georgia
- Symphuny_LionYT: D
- Official none: I hope more people make this kind of music.It's relaxing, peacefull.This song suits for someone who want to learn at Library.
- Morgan Horton: +ṭһє ѧʟıєṅṡ me too
- Picklecupcake 23: Songs better
- HiyaMikaela: first time i heard it i cried my eyes out and my boyfriend asked why tf i was crying for
- Ege Furkan Toker: Aaa bu şarkıyı biliyordum ritmini falan seviyorum bunu
- low battery: It's so short y'all bc it's for a movie it's not for an actual like Radio station or whatever
- Alex Nightkid: this song is stuck in my head
- SAJ KING KHAN: This song touching my heart 💓 I love it 🥰
- D Gilman: Can't believe how much I love this song
- max man: +robert budd so she's not all right
- Sister Jojo: 2019???
- ica sya: Sunflower🌻🌻
- Ethan’s vlogs and gaming: Love it thx
- KevXd Lk: rip stan lee
- Emmie Dunn: #swae lee❤
- John Wilson: This song went from 2018-2019 it's 2019 boys
- Lolatallu: Love this song it gets me going
- Aik Aein: this song is really really good
- M Bean: Para Daniela Mi Hermosa Girasol🌻🌻
- Zara Navarro: Wooow this song is amazing
- Karrie Cartledge: I LOVE THIS SONG PEEPS
- Sukanya Kashyap: Play it at 1.5x.. it sounds like a remix..
- SavvyadmgMendes: I feel like this song would be great for when your sitting in your car with your significant other and then you start singing together and fall more in love🙂
- Ethan Dietze: You’re a sunflower 🌻
- Lauloa Fereti: WOW😘😘
- a x t i p a t h y: +Ejaz Mirza me too me too
- Aubryella Otero: I’m so into this goddamn song
- Maddie Joy: Yesss
- Waqar Ahmad: THIS SO GOOD 🐯🐯😗😗😗😗🎇🎇🎑🎑🎑🎑🎑
- The Aliens: I loved that part since I love this song too
- Jeremiah McClellan: Yes
- morablue soto: This song is way too short
- Ashtin Gragg: I love everything Post does but this song sounds like the lyrics were written in one night. Lyrically, I think it could have been better, compared to Post's other songs
- Hollis Williams: I thought they did a decent job on this and I don't really like Post Malone, I feel like they captured the spirit of the character, just my opinion.
- Saaagar Rawat: Good Af
- Lʏɴ Official: MALAYSIAN
- Aidan Andrews: My name is Jeff
- Nancy Kat: Calling it quits baby I'm a wreck 🎶
- Fabuloussauce 97: The background totally goes with the song
- Blue Hoodie8: New spider Man, a teenager getting beaten up badly.
- CineonVFX: wish it was longer
- Various Movie: 🛑 *Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse* 𝐹𝑢𝑙𝑙~𝑀𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑒: ➡ t.co/1cM23z0LXk ሽ Trending film! #SpiderManIntoTheSpiderVerse Unglaublicher film! Sehr zu empfehlen, es auszuprobieren!
- Stephen Enoric: I love swae lee but for this song I think post Malone singing more would have been okay
- eli miller: That's true
- AxL3 Lawrence: Why does swae Lee sound like Stan Lee's producer name?
- JohnnyDaGuyStudios YT: The lyrics are off but still
- sore ghost: I loved that movie.
- Xzenmore ee: I love the beat
- Teriyaki Tears: Hey.
- Willie Fernandez: Hello
- Dude property: My love he suggest tHis song to me😍😂
- robert budd: Even if we gotta risk it all right now, oh. How does that become, Even if we gotta race, get off right now, oh.
- bitcoinare _lifestyle: Watched the movie 2 days ago, thought is was good and the song is really good as well
- Cesar Aragon: Hey you has the perfect song 🥰🥰😘🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🙂🙂🙂☕️🎤🎤🎤🎤👍🙂🥰👍👍👍👍🎤🎤🎤🍋🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻💙💚💚💚💛💛🧡🧡💜🖤💔❣️❣️💕💕🥉🎫🏅💙💚💛💛🧡🧡🖤🖤🖤🧡💛💚💚💚💚🧡❤️🧡❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🖤💔💓💞💗💖💕💚💔🖤🖤💔💛💚💚💚💛🧡🖤💔❣️💔💔💚❣️❣️💕
- Yoonmin thighs and Taesty Kookies: JustCallMe Dust bitch it’s not like they hate it. It’s so good that they’re triggered it ends so quick
- Allen Cox: Post Malone say even if we gotta RISK it all right now he does not say RACE
- Ketchup: 100% post got carried by swae
- SKL_RIGGED: Here before it blows up
- Kadin Ellis: I like the song
- Arlo Cordell: thanks siri! ur smart
- Stephanie Coppola: Or yll be left in dust...Avengers infinity war...
- hey _itsRuth28: So good ...my replay button just broken .... damn its way too short
- Donut Experiment: love this song
- WWE 2K Guy: Same, I think it is
- Jade Kay: Rmklp is a way for me tomorrow night I only have hfjhg right at night for a day or so late tomorrow morning I wanna I was wondering if y’all had anything to come up for tonight I wanna is your morning I wanna
- WolfAssassin740 - Wolfy740: Florida
- *SLAYED* *QUEEN*: I it was actually hella good. The animations were on point. I loved the music in it. And IT DID have a good plot, finally, since many of the 2018 animated movies had pretty dumb story plots. But this movie was a WIN!
- xboxizzzz: I love this song😍🤗🙃😺😸
- Victor Leyva: Something of this song makes me tear up
- ImmortalHD: The original video is a lyric video lol no need for this
- Sophia Cortez: NICE
- Kiera Robinson: This is my favourite song ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Leah MONTEFIORE: I love this song I’m a big fan
- Kevin Galicia: I like the song sin flower
- Aljay Dixon: U guys know u can watch the full version cause this is not
- WorleyBird 69: Post is a baddd mudafka!! What a fk'n song!!! Post an Swae all day... 🎶🎶
- NockemDead 99: Play dumb. Who's morales? Not that dumb. Had the whole theatre laughing so hard!!!
- A Person: I miss songs like this. Songs where you can just vibe to and enjoy without anything dirty.
- Marvin Wolfe: I love this song
- dragon gamezzz: thecrow for all this text you only got 29!? If i could like this again and again you Will got already 1 million like bro
- Mark G: And i am a 👧 ok
- Tiger Guy: +Brendon Urie since when when have lyric versions been the origanal versions
- Dotty Aster Capasloke: Yo Airplanes?
- Serenity Rayne: This song hit me hard😤😥❤
- Plasma Destructo: How do you relax?
- Zaid Syed: He will be forever remembered.
- Jaiden D: Ummm, it says "baby i'm *A* *WRECK* 18+ Below I though it said "baby i'm *ERECT*
- Will G. Trickshot: What do they mean by “you’re sun flower I think your love would be to much”
- Colonel Deathwish RIP CHEIF: Anyone else watching in 2048.
- C&R/CRJ FILMS: Hard to listen to this without thinking about how bad Into The Spider-verse was
- Roblox Rap Battle: What I think of post Malone 🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷 What I think of swae Lee 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
- Brandon 849: A
- samir gamer: i keep hear this music like eat cocaine evryday :)
- yung ryukk: Goodnight kitty
- Brirtany Lopez: I love you post Malone😍😘❤️
- Alexander Saldana: Its the best
- Psycho Studio: Where it says "Even if we gotta race, get off right now, oh" is actually "Even if we got to risk it all right now, oh" i saw the lyric video from post malone
- Abby Jackson: I love this song
- Nevaeh wise: 😏🤚🏼🙎🏼♀️ “Hey”
- shybonniesenpai: ikr...this song is so freaking good i wish it was longer.
- Kaleah Oros: I love this song...
- Crystal Palma: Why do they sound weird
- Ashleigh Carpenter: Anybody crying rn or just me??
- Ashley Striba: I love this song so much I just want to make it into I need to get an app
- Noe Jimenez: if I hear this song it makes me wanna hear it again
- Kim Anderson: I saw it, it was funny and looked amazing too. And they used a comic book style for some parts.
- Gacha mat B1tch: CAUSE YOUR A 🌻 SUNFLOWER 🌻
- red nosed raider: I saw it when it first came out
- princess keke: USA😆
- oxvenomousxo: Good thing I didnt come here for the lyrics....lol. whoever made this, did you double check what YOU THOUGHT were the lyrics?
- Dat1Fangirl: Ooohhhhh Ooooohhhhhhh Mmhmhh can't refuse Mhmhmh Bahdumbhm Baby I'm a wreck Mymhmhb Baby you're a wreck
- Gena W: I love this song too
- thecrow: So the general meaning of this song is both subtle and strong but packed with meaning. Sway Lee’s verse talks about how he has a big amount of money to keep a girl as well as sexual pleasures. But he didn’t take the relationship seriously. She left him and it hurt, but he continuously plays down her feelings like “screaming at my face baby don’t trip” his lack of affection is a big deal for her and he’s telling her to just calm down. She loved him and he didn’t care too much about it. “Someone too a L, don’t know how that felt.” She lost. Not him... Whereas Posty is a little bit deeper. He basically says that he’s always gone and he feels bad about not being around. He knows that there’s a constant tug of war between his career and his lover. The correct quote is: “fighting for my trust and you won’t back down, even if we gotta risk it all right now.” Which there he means: that there was trouble in the relationship leading to lack of trust. When he’s not there’s it’s impossible for his lover to know what’s up with him. She doesn’t feel important. But regardless he is stating the option to “risk it all” and either quit his career and choose her or risk losing her and keep his career. Sway Lee is talking about being with a girl just sexually whereas Posty is diving deeper into the roots about his struggles with love. The chorus and song title reference the word “Sunflower” as a metaphor for this type of woman. A sunflower is a happy joyous plant that requires the perfect amount of sun and care all the time. Sway Lee’s words could be similar to just watering the plant... keeping it going but only to see it die quickly. Like it’s not the most important thing. He just waters this flower when he can remember to. Whereas Posty’s words are talking about the sun’s rays and nutrients. If post chose her, he’d have to give it the perfect amount of sun, nutrients, water, the soil would have to be perfect. A very high maintenance type of care routine. “You’ll be left in the dust unless I stuck by you.”- if you just leave a plant there after you plant it it couldn’t survive on it’s own. “You’re a sunflower, I think your love would be too much.”- you’re a needy flower, you require too much time and attention and it’s too much for me. “You’re a sunflower” vs “you’re the sunflower.” -there’s always one person in a relationship who tends to be the more affectionate/needs affection type of perfection. Bottom line is, you can’t grow a garden when you rarely tend to it. Either put the effort into making it grow, or let someone else take over for you... And don’t be like Sway Lee. Don’t waste someone’s time. Same goes for both genders... hearts are not toys.
- Pado Dodum: Nice
- Leah Marie: Love this song.
- AinsleeSingsThings: hot take: into the spider-verse revived this song
- Peter Samuka jr.: Best song ever and I mean it
- Mohd Nazaruddin: Spierman nito movie
- nehemiah lipson: St .louis
- fornite fun: wht would life be like without post malone and swea lee I wish post Molane would answer that himself but ik thts not gonna happen
- Sukhjot Cheema: Y isn’t this on SoundCloud?
- Samara Norton: I love this song so much
- Samruddhi Jadhav: I can't stop listening to this song.....
- Ryan Shaw: Lyrics: , youre welcome🙃 Ayy, ayy Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Needless to say, I keep her in check She was all bad-bad, nevertheless (yeah) Callin' it quits now, baby, I'm a wreck (wreck) Crash at my place, baby, you're a wreck (wreck) Needless to say, I'm keeping her in check She was all bad-bad, nevertheless Callin' it quits now, baby, I'm a wreck Crash at my place, baby, you're a wreck Thinkin' in a bad way, losin' your grip Screamin' at my face, baby, don't trip Someone took a big L, don't know how that felt Lookin' at you sideways, party on tilt Ooh-ooh, some things you just can't refuse She wanna ride me like a cruise And I'm not tryna lose Then you're left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're a sunflower I think your love would be too much Or you'll be left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're the sunflower You're the sunflower Every time I'm leavin' on ya You don't make it easy, no, no Wish I could be there for ya Give me a reason to go Every time I'm walkin' out I can hear you tellin' me to turn around Fightin' for my trust and you won't back down Even if we gotta risk it all right now, oh I know you're scared of the unknown (known) You don't wanna be alone (alone) I know I always come and go (and go) But it's out of my control And you'll be left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're a sunflower I think your love would be too much Or you'll be left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're the sunflower You're the sunflower Yeah
- connor njikn nojnkm,: good song
- Spiderman Fan 2999: some of the lyrics are wrong. even if we got to race ? its even if we gotta risk it all right now
- No Moose Is Famous: +Ugly bout Chino it's at 813k rn
- Anime Gamer: why is this giving me a sad euphoria ;-;
- Rrianfurr: Heeee*voice cracks*eeeyyy
- Blacker Momba: Great melody , subpar lyrics. Sry!
- O'V: Unicorn Bite aww thank you, you’re so sweet 🥰
- Bowe Mikkelson: So am I the only one who listened to this song before that spider man movie came out
- Evelyn Robles: I Came Here From Spiderman
- laone lucky: Post Malone is crazy this year ,,,,he makes hit after hit
- Marsh mellow: The first takes 27 sec it makes it shorter cuz of that
- Mike H: The best things in life are short and sweet....this proves the case
- ariola gronola: dis is good :)
- Felicity: Same. I saw it when it first came out and I wasn't fond of it but I saw Into the Spider-Verse yesterday and now it grew on me and I love it
- The DerpyDuck Pond: Great song 😎😎😎🐣🐤🐥
- Annisa Maharani: im addicted
- Michelle Ampofo: What was the point of this video when the main video has the lyrics in the video????
- Hayden Bransfield: The Vibe this song produces *Close your eyes, picture you in your car, windows down, the chill, not a strong wind, but a breeze. This song blasting.*
- Pat Goolsby: Fuck Spider-Man this song needs to be a single
- Gertrude Upshaw: When he said “party at tilt” I thought he was sayin Fortnite
- Fif0. Mph: Should I write this to my crush?
- Captian Marvel: +A akbar
- justice Pickett: aa man im late on this song this song came out 2 months before the movie came out :(
- Curtis Smith: What is the meaning of this song?
- Trenton Williams Jr.: It's sooooooo dope
- marloncerna: Shabbazoo 🇯🇵
- Martha Gallardo: me?
- ErikJr Torres: ❤❤
- Tyler Stanbery: I miss you Nina
- NewMike 13: Finaly a post Malone song without swearing, Beautiful
- Okaaan: Gefällt mir gar nicht
- Pro Fortnite player: Love song
- PZV Stynax: This song sucks lol
- ILostTimesI: What does take an L mean?
- Angel Canfield: This is the song I listen to when I think about my friend
- E money J.: Lol love it
- Meowze rxs: Here before it blows up
- game play gamers: :)😀😀😀☺☺
- jr Hurtado: Some things u just cant refuse
- Caleb cj tmnt Tobler: You know I just realized something in the movie you can do anything if you put your mind to it if that means to take away your fear to go on a rollercoaster, or touching the scaryest animal's out there what I'm trying to say is that Stan Lee was right about one thing any one can wear the mask if your not bitten or bitten you will all was spiderman no matter what other people say \○/ BE ANYTHING | DO ANYTHING /\ JUST PUT YOUR MIND TO IT
- Wiener dogs rock: I sometimes feel like this.
- Matthew Carl: I’m surprised there no talents made a deep and good song
- Eboney Walker: This song should be longer and they should do a remake of the movie Purple Rain for the video .
- Christen_ Animations: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- Logan Bullard: OMG it's from spider Man into the spiderverse ☺🙂😎
- SDM: I wanna jump out a plane to this song
- Houseinatou Bah: First heard this song today
- Mela F: Omg!!! MUST BLARE THIS TUNE IN YOUR CAR!!!! Post Malone and Swae Lee nailed it!!!! ❤ it!!!!
- Pauline Susan: who keeps having to rewind this song every time it ends?
- Jame the killer/crazy/pretty/sweet: December 15th watched the movie YESSSSSS!
- Mr S Is the Best: love the main riff here them chords are very "take my breathe away" catchy as fuck tune this guy is a good artist and swae lee does his thing well here too
- MONEYY Jix: my mom
- Alan Tseng Ching Lien: Umm 😐 1:50 it’s not even if we gotta race, get of right now. Its: even if we gotta risk it all right now. DUDE!!
- Sophia Garcia: Press like to get back to 0:01 --JK just press the blue number.
- Bella’s world! !: Now yah it’s short but what you said that’s extra
- Bryan Suguitan: Spider-verse brought me here
- Joshua Osorio: Weird how this song made it into a children’s animated movie.
- Rian Hamblin: :D
- A living meme: This is fire on 1.25 speed
- Mavey: This is not the original video. The real one had over 7 million view before you posted this.
- Memes 4 Life: Spider Verse brought me here
- Vaiolett: +Longshi Mozhui Excuuuuuse me What?
- Carina Rodriquez: Peter Parker : what makes you relax Miles : starts singing the song Peter Parker : Oh my lord Me :😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😆😆
- Houseinatou Bah: It makes me feel like I’m in a sunflower garden next to the sunset and the song turned on
- Mohamed Sharif: 😁😁😁
- vanessa rios: I love this song
- Scooby Snack: Im from Finland\belarus!🇫🇮🇧🇾 SUOMI PERKELE!!! Беларусь!!!
- Killerelite 73rd: Just got back from watching the movie handsdown one of the best movies ive seen in a long time
- Etan Weiss: Needless to say, do you now de wae Sorry for the cringe
- Adan Ramirez: I can’t stop listening to this
- Adrian: I appreciate this truly but..white words on slightly less white background? Not good 4 the eyes
- Amrit Joshi: my best song
- Zed: that auto-tune......
- Aurora Wilson: The best songs are so short for some reason
- Keelan: 0:27 is the best drop ever
- Johnnie Burs99: I wach the movie I love it
- Daisy sunset: _this is amazing♡_
- Cheryl Teegardin: Love this song
- BLADE Snipes: Listen at 1.25 your welcome
- Blue Minecraft Gaming: Love song
- David Bailon: California
- Rawan Abdulla: I'm srs I can't stop lesning to this 😂
- •allstopblue •: First verse is absolute trash! Lol I mean seriously it’s so incredibly shallow and doesn’t even make sense. He goes from speaking feelings about the girl to making fun of her saying she took an L. But then she wants to ride him. But he ain’t gonna take an L. Lol fucking garbage.. Second verse is solid and coherent. Second guy should’ve wrote the whole song
- nathaly Martinez: I'm from el Salvador and Mexico
- Astrid macias: 0:27
- D Gilman: "Even if we gotta risk it all right now oh..."
- Anna Fink: Right-click > Loop > Enjoy endlessly
- Cameron Cameron Hegney: Cardiff
- Chief Speed: Yeah
- langh thang: I’m from the Atlantic Ocean
- H DLT: Wrong color letters with that same color background
- Aero: Post malone updated it himself give him credit not a reupload
- Stin W: Mark Cusumano yeah that’s just you
- 2gpowell: Post Malone !!!!!
- Fiona Animates: I’m from Chicago.
- Henao Asa: Watch more
- Hyped Lauren: Everybody talking bout this song and bruh this shit giving me them vibes 👏🏻🤩🔥
- jason roman: btw the lyrics is wrong
- Noo Sike: your mom fat R/woooos
- Andrew Macias: It is a good song
- Omega's Gaming Channel: Never listened to Post Malone other than the time he was on GMM before this, but damn, didn't know my boy Miles was a fan. And damn, this is a good beat.
- Frosty Wicked: 1:29
- Camila De La Torre Gonzalez: nice song i love it yes
- Cffx 45: Here at 4million I think I'm kinda late
- EPIK: “Someone took a big L”
- connie ivory: I love this song😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
- xXBlue DivaXx: Thank you
- rambo321: this song is missing 2x verse 2x chorus
- OfficialZarco: Someone took a big L, don’t know how that felt 🔥
- timoty yubel: Ayyyyyyyy uuuuuuuu ayyyyy uuuuu spidey
- Swish 325: I picture being Spider-Man tbh
- Vizzi0n Marz: * Default Dances to beat and can't stop * 5 minutes later *ambulance pulls up at my house the song plays and they default dance too*
- Jugami Basumatary: Nice song
- Henao Asa: daughter texted
- Dan Man: The spoilers in the music vid was to much
- emma frick.: omg I'm in love w this song damn it 😂🙏🏽
- JlOZerO15 Y: Baby I’m erect
- TheMegalodon Likes Pancakes: Longshi Mozhui wait.... wut do u mean?
- HeyItz_Sia J.: It’s because the lyrics are a little slow
- Changing Magazine: I wanna know too
- Chanelle Andrew: I love this song but it is a little short.
- James Gore: I ate a sunflower once
- Marc Grijalva: We need more songs like this
- Jeremy Lapointe: Yo posty malony comin bac
- William Lavergne: Can you do falling by Trevor daniel
- Rodneymelo Malet: That made me almost cry
- Mr. Sander: How can you not love Post Malone?
- Shreya: Element Of Infinity ugh I wish I did
- nona kay: Miss you
- Vanrohlui Fanai: My sunflower......
- Big Brickz: Internet: **no one cares**
- Driyanne Marzan: Wow
- kenny kris nanto: 1.25x speed !
- Kayla Labuguen: I know right and then the worst songs are like 5 minutes long like WHYYYY???????
- Abdi: I was disappointed when I saw someone else was featured in the song, I was gonna search for another version of this song with only Post Malone. But it turns out, Swae Lee is actually good, just follows the flow of the song and doesn't bring annoying rap in to it, unlike the guy from "congratulations"
- Jmm 0225: I’m so STOKED for the movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ❤️💙🕸🕷
- Alejandro Olivarez: If you disliked this song your a freaking butthole bacon hair shaved rat living under a rock and a box noob
- Charles Carrick: Good song
- Lil J-Dub: At 56,104 views right now
- 1000 subscribers No content: Who else came here from Spider-Man?
- Ian Dodson: I just finished watching the movie it was great😁👍
- Raven of the night: Where's the extended version?
- Anfernee: So simple, yet so ICONIC!
- David Mackintosh: In love this song I listen to it every day on the bus and at home
- Jay Cee: some of the words you put in the lyrics are not correct
- SaturdayNightStreams ##SATURDAY: This song is pure 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
- FluffyTiger: I love the music . but I don't know the lyrics
- kbear girl: Here before 500 ❤️ love my posty
- Annissa Martinez: Love this song ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
- Evelyn Hernandez: Hi guys give a thums up to my comment
- Babais1337: This song is really addicting
- Darcey Hazelnut: Legendary Player DANGGG 😧😧
- PH AN: ItsMeSavannah12 omg you’re right
- kawii potato: Random person 1: i like your acsant where you from Random person 2 : im from CHINA
- Lea Elui FP: Amazin song post for a guy that they said was going to have a one hit wonder sure is still killin shit in my eyes. Keep killin it post. We're churchin what you preachin keep killikg that shit and fuck all you haters
- daron Bar: The Movie is Sick All I have to say
- Mai Chi Khang: "Leap of faith"
- DOGGO BEPIS: Dude,the music video IS the lyric video so this video is completely useless
- Ariana Gonzalez: What kind of idiot would say miles made me listen to th is song you could see it at the bottom
- maia L: Spiderman where you at??
- Mercedez Negron: This is a bad azz song
- Katherine Goss: I LOVE THIS SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Megan Gottshall: same
- Nioka Groves: Keep it up your songs are great
- Peyton Clark: Good combo
- AlyssaRox0utloud: #RepeatRepeatRepeat
- Ugly bout Chino: Iron Warrior I don’t think it’s gonna reach 1 million
- George Stovall: Hey Lol
- ramon Puerto: Thanks bro this helped alot
- sighter might: Who hered this on the radio an thought it was paper air plans 😂🤣😂🤣
- planet I: FBI! Open up!!!
- Will Gutierrez: Amelia 😎😁😎😀😅😅😅😅😘😘☺😍😉😄😍😚😍😉😅😀😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄
- johnnywithaZ 23: i think this song was for peter
- J S: Can someone explain the meaning of this song? The lyrics seem to contradict each other
- GamesDotJohn: Canada
- Austin Handle: Great song
- Sam Rothstein: This song is Awsome . Just wish it was longer
- Holiday Armadillo: Yes, I was. Song hits me in the feels.
- Devon'sWorld: wow it gained over 1 million views over night good job Shadow music I thought about subscribing and I did
- melissa howard: Melody is beautifully but lyrics suck
- The Legend Ari Gaming: I'm selling replay buttons This costs 1 like 0:26 0:26 0:26
- Johan Lalhumhima: Best song ever..
- Thesnipergod 23: This song is amazing
- Da Kid Wonder: 1:43 is “even if we gotta risk it all right now”
- EVERYTING CHANNEL: Ahh it’s amazing
- Arthur Gasparyan: What you talking about im in 776098
- Jibran Miah: Best song if you watched the film (DAD):heyy 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
- Lalrem Chhungi: e e e eh. o o o o ohh..
- Avion Boyde: *Puts hand on shoulder* Hey
- Christel Ongio: I like this song
- hemiW8: I love this song
- Venom The Symbiote: *_Please Rise For The National Anthem_*
- Miri Vlogz: I have done a cover of this song :https://youtu.be/9E94_u26Us8 please check it out and for more content subscribe. Thanks!
- ALECKY: I'm the one who took the big FAT L tonight.
- Matthew Mosqueda: Me too even though she's moved on :(
- Amelia Playz: <3 <3 <3 I still haven't watched the movie ;-;
- Aaron L: I hate to break it to you bro but they record a song with little effort and it makes a million or so. If you were already on top of the game you would just create songs just to do it and it would be considered hits.
- Joshua Merriweather: Great song
- L.A. Hensley: Perfection ♡
- Carolina Morales Parrales: Makes me want to go see the new Spiderman movie
- john romanowski: i love sunflower
- Melat Worku: I love this and I got it from the spider man movie so positive and I’m singing it right now
- kamarha Sigler: I want a boyfriend now I'm 9 almost 10 I love this song who wants to be my boyfriend I'm hot i can belly dance
- Unicorns Outlet!: Ikr
- matteoren: you're saying Bohemian Rhapsody isn't one of the best songs? hmmm
- Brooklyn Hill: i thought he said “ she wanna ride me like a bull” 😂😂
- Alpha Clips: If you ever feel sad or depressed, remember don't Lace your drink. Introvert yourself Go and die Make cuts on your arm Always talk to someone. Bake yourself to death Attack a dog Locate yourself to a foreign mountain Let yourself die Set yourself on fire. Now read the first letter of every word.
- Unicorn Girl: 🌻🌻🌻🌻
- brandon blmo: So good but should of made it long
- Magnus Lindqvist: so god
- Zhong Jie Lum: Try the song in 1.5 speed
- Carla Morrison: I am soooooooooo happy my grandson loves a song I like.. Thank you, Swae Lee, Love your song's from no flex to Christmas with Swae
- Matthew Fehling: Anfernee well I’m not singing this in front of my parents 😂
- Adrian Rodarte: This song is so good thanks for this amazing song
- Markai Mcintosh: This song is amazing 😁😀🤘
- JustStop 25: I have a broken leg and this keeps me relaxed
- Tavie Buckner: 😍 I'm so in love with this song💖💖
- Victor Ibarra: R.I.P My IPAD Mini December 2012-November 2018
- Jharahz Gaming: i know im not the only one who clicks on music videos and goes straight to the comments :\
- Shealy Carline: I love the song
- Ninja Bros: 2. 0. 1. 9
- [christian]: Elementary school?
- Makaira_Chan: What did the librarian say to the kid? Read more
- Ellena Brooke: Post and Swae should really do more duets together!! ❤️💯
- Krach: Why would I lie? I watched the movie today, and it was one of the best experiences of my life. Now, I've been listening to this song for two hours. This is magic.
- SiLvEr BuLlEt 9000: If your a kid then you won’t understand it stay small kids stay small
- Deonte Noel: Fego
- x_Nightmarez _Sanity_x: I wish this song is longer
- Dee Nathan: I love this song, only flaw is that its only 2:38 :(
- Lanyah Qveen: 2019?
- Jose Galvez Tirado: I have seen the movie! it was a screening
- kenny watson: the problem with this song is its too short
- Tanner Grinzel: Victor Ibarra miles morales is played by shamiek moore
- Amiel x: This song reminds me of happy times i never had 😃
- Bel Pepper: Omg I am in love with this song
- traprapbrat8 B.: 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌱🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌱🌻🌻🌻🌱🌻🌻
- Aqua Tempest: ny bros!
- alex_ 26: Both
- JRobbo05: Did you know on post Malone’s channel for this song the line “She wanna ride me like a cruise” is censored? Instead it says “She wanna ride like a cruise” I just found it out lol
- Jariganed Master: ???
- King savage Army: I love the song
- Sanniyah 08: I just got out of the movies from watching the new cartoon spider Man movie it was amazing OMG and I luv this song so dang much
- Joseluis Salvador: happy new yaer
- Neal Stetler: I just have one thing to say from an anime. Props to whoever understands it. "chasti spear chastiefol! Fourth configuration : sunflower!"
- Ely Vato: I cant stop playing dis song. Dis song got spirit 😂
- Laura C Wankel: Life. Right. Now.
- Ruby Leinberger: Why does this song have so many dislikes
- Michael WestDominguez: Can we get an ALL Post Malone and Swae Lee album now......Spoil my night and then Sunflower first 2
- Elijah Chung: RIP stan lee
- Christian Heppel: I love the song
- Harvey Anderson: When I was watching news on the morning I thought did Stan lee die or what happened and I didn’t know this music was released
- Lylah Beasley: I love this song
- Hollis Williams: For the people complaining about the lyrics, I think they actually capture the true character of Spider-Man, the real one with its joy and simplicity, but I don't know if that's just coincidence as they could just have a similar outlook to the character which translated into some lyrics which they rushed out
- warren villadores: I watched spider man in my titos computer
- EpicCrazyAngel: I love 💘 your songs
- kawaii anima: wow is aminzing
- LIA: miles!!!
- justice Pickett: i just seen this song on the same day spider-man:into the spider verse came out :)
- Ginny Harrison: Elizabethton, Tennessee
- Elijah Campos: Who watch this before the movie
- frankie monvias: This song is catchie
- BigBallerIvan: this isn’t how CALI WORKS!
- ATMUS: It would have been so cool if Jai wolf did a remix for it. Well he didn't, so I did. Go check it out on my channel. :)
- 1000 Subs Without Video's challenge: Clean version sounds better than the original one
- Fanny Perry: 🔴 AIʀᴇᴀdy wᴀtched *Spidᴇʀ-Mᴀn: Into thᴇ Spidᴇʀ-Vᴇʀsᴇ 2OI8* fiIᴍ ~ t.co/g8QxM0G37S Unglaublicher.. film! Sehr zu empfehlen.. es auszuprobieren!
- CriminalIntent89: not really a dream anymore since any kid can make a good beat and have a flow its really easy to blow up now
- cy_young_9: That wasn’t much of a song 👎
- Preslie King: Fav song ever 👌
- Whale Cat: Relatable!
- Abdulrahman Mohammed: "Even if we gotta risk it all right now" not race!!
- Annette Anderson: Best SONG EVER
- Harry - GamingWithHyper: 0:28 is what u came for
- Seth Turner: Me
- johannababy143xo: You'll Be Left In The Dust...
- Vera Avalos: I like this song
- Daniel Wolfe: You know! I didn't like this guy, or his music for a long time until someone i know drowned me in a bunch of it. It's a lot easier to appreciate his work, now. Even if i don't approve of his lifestyle. Lol Very chill songs.
- Nikki Star: Lucas Saunders 😅😂
- shaffy Qureshi: The best song
- Flameonyou12 GAMING: Best song ever who agrees? And please sub to me i am desperate ill sub back
- LINX29X92: “I’m so proud of you.”
- Passive VII: +Luis A that's not beautiful lol
- Amy Corrigan: Same
- Potato Life: ❤this song👌
- miraculous forever: Aww hiw sweet man good job bro!😁😣😮😇😆
- Budlit Jr: Yooooo
- Manish Subedi: Swaa lee is my best
- Jerrod Dennis: I like sunflower
- Angel Gomez: Came here straight from spider man
- kieren024: what's "BIG L" ?
- Paul Davidson: In this version you clearly hear him say 'ride me like a cruise' But in the vevo version they skip out the word 'me'
- Lydia Rodriguez: Haz letra de devuelveme de ozuna plisssssssss
- Camila Liranzo: Who else it sounds like miles singing as swae lee
- Shay Walker: The best in the beginning of the song I already know this was going to be a hit 💃🏿‼️
- SAVANNAH PINEDA-SALAS: I luvvvv this song
- Albin Saji: I'm gay and love balls
- Michael Moon: ᎪᏔᎬᏚᎾᎷᎬ! ᴛʜɪs sᴏɴɢ ɪs ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛɪғᴜʟ. sᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴍᴇ ᴀ ᴏɴᴇ ʜᴏᴜʀ ʟᴏᴏᴘ ᴏғ ᴛʜɪs
- Aesthetic Xxx: 2:38 NOOOO😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Ian Rosa: Love this song
- AstralPlaysRB - Roblox And More: Peter: im sorry Peter: -turns to dustx
- TheWolfman112: Why do all these lyric videos have the wrong lyrics. 😆
- Finn Mccord: I ❤️❤️❤️❤️🧡🧡🧡🧡💛💛💛💛💚💚💚💚💙💙💙💙💜💜💜💜 this song my favourite song
- Galaxy Panda Watermelon: OOF
- NayNay Marshall: I thought that was the reference though
- horse lover x: this has to be the best song I've heard , I'm obsessed😍
- Diego WhyteTv: This also calms me LOL
- Lillie Kong: I just wanna private this song for forever ever.
- Alex Green: My crush introduced me to this song,now I love it
- oddpenny plays: I'm pretty sure Post says, "Even if we gotta risk it all right now."
- Dulcee Hedgecock: I love this song
- Steve Nash: That many dislikes!!?
- Paula Vincent: 1.25x speed
- Unicorn Bite: O'V girl you are gorgeous
- Darian Shimizu: this song is way too good to be way too short 🤧
- Dawnslight16: Anyone here because of that Miles Morales video?
- muna mahfud: lit
- leslie futrell: Song*
- Dayveon Westerlund: Hi
- Victor Ibarra: Stan Lee Never Dies
- Michael Ruelas: I would love to hear a Simlish version of this song in the Sims 4 game.
- Endis PlaZe: Post M Post Ma Post Mal Post Malo Post Malon Post Malone Post Malon Post Malo Post Mal Post Ma Post Ma Post M Post Pos Po P
- Lѵnatic: Probably I've added 1k views to this video by myself
- Can we get 5000 subscribers with no videos?: 70% Post, 30% Swae
- Diamond MSPShine: Is everyone from Spider-Man into the Spider Verse
- Max Magallon: This remind me of my little dog how past away
- Cachebache: Or you’ll be left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You’re the sunflower You’re the sunflower
- RamjanCS: Swae lee's voice is keeping me alive💕💕
- Benny G: I love you so much post milone
- Mapuii Fanai: Very nice
- Natalies animation Productions: Ye I watch this song al Lot of times XD
- joe_ mamma84: i cant wait until this movie comes out
- CHARisma 888: Beautiful sunflower🌻
- Andy lear: Best song
- Sukrut Jadhav: Nice..100th Comment..
- tex clickmaker: Who came here from Spiderman into spider verse
- SAJ KING KHAN: UK 🇬🇧 beautiful song happy new year everyone 👏✌🏼
- Nicky Cooper: dis song is da best
- Syrinx Year: 2019 where yall at?
- Alan Gonzalez: Like if I pranked you
- Dwaine1250: I live in the mountains and in the morning when the sun is going down I play the song and it just makes me feel so good and it’s my fav of 2018 and 2019
- jimmy king: best song ever
- KeepinItDank: This song describes my relationship rn, we are so happy but recently found out my gf is moving back to Mexico in a while with her family and I think my love is to much and we are scared of the unknown💔😭
- harsa pradhan: Stan Lee R.I.P
- Felicity Lopez: texas
- The Walkers Edge: It's 2018 you ding dong-
- It’s.Amilie Samim: This song reminds me of my friends crush
- ItsZavon: 1.25 speed Thank me later 😁
- Luis A: California is pretty overrated, how about a beautiful country like Mexico or Guatemala
- Valeria Encinas: i like this song
- Sebastian Acosta: Wana sprit crambary
- Jason Burden: You would have to know my life situation to understand how much this song connect with me I give the man props for such a beautiful song thank you
- Willie Fernandez: Hello
- dragon gamezzz: I am from HOLLAND 😂✋🏾
- ninja sniper x: Yo I watched the movie and then I found the song
- woah11ify: Very similar drum track
- DBZ Sayian squad: Who wants to watch the movie
- Totally real countries international: Catchy
- Christy: Posty needs another verse in this song
- Chrissy Langston: I think it's "Even if we gotta risk it all right now, oh" instead of "Even if we gotta race, get off right now, oh"
- Harvansh Sidhu: You're the dirty minded one, he could've meant piggyback riding
- Patricia Earls: Good music !!!!!
- Mako Shark: O. Juice same tho
- Jessica Ann Jensen: 😍😍😍😍😍😍
- monkey man: and saled the car
- GZGVNation Verissimo: y'all broke up didn't you...
- Anthony Cummings: This is a great track love it. What's buggin me about it is the intro drum loop. Is it sampled from Prince Kiss or this track. https://youtu.be/X796tOKI5kE I know the loop but I cannot bring it to mind if it ain't either of those what is it!!
- lakerboii mamba: of course he’s black so he rocks Jordan’s 🤣🤣🤣
- Paradise Gaming: Miles morales: He he he he keep her check mhmhmh nevertheless Callin' it quits now, baby, I'm a wreck mhm mhm, babe, you're a wreck edit: thx for the likes, subscribe please! :)
- Xpz_Rage: Sorry for ur lost
- Dallas Cavitt: I think it's talking about Peter Parker and Mary Janes falling out!! I could be wrong!! Just a thought!
- Tsm Froggey: you stupid
- VIP Crabby patty 88: The best songs are always too short
- Olivia armbrister: My favorite song like if you agree
- MrFordaladies0822: Sunflowerrrrrr ay
- Laura Foster: This song makes me feel so happy inside. Everytime I hear it, it makes me think of my boyfriend and knowing he is with me forever makes me so happy. I love him so much
- Debbie Conde: I watched the movie some of it made me cry
- Aik Aein: GOOD!!!!!!!!
- andrea davis: I listened to this song every day
- Earla Barnes: this is one of post Malone best songs
- itzdogegamer _: Post malone sound sick with his new beats bruh
- emaxx29: Good post Malone
- Poppin Lyrics: can u sub to me
- Brianna Aguilar: Y do the song u know more are the shortest but its a good song👌👌
- Arielis Montalvo rivera: Wow
- Kathleenuh: swae lee has blessed our ears once again
- Charlie Powell: 1:00 is so aesthetic
- lethalharmonic: When someone takes big L is the like a long snake the coils around the bowl but just shaped like an L ??
- Musicholic: Way too short 😩
- christopher mendez: Does anyone feel like this song sounds so familiar like they heard it years ago?
- why tho: Cant relate😕 but i’m still happy for you
- Ban Me: 0:26
- dom crossfire: "Even if we gotta race get off right now..." Even if we gotta risk it all right now
- Janiyah Hale: Love this song
- Fabulous Fab: What's the meaning of the song to you? It sounds like a one-night-stand kind of song to me.
- Frances Rei Quiazon: Your the sunflower
- Matthew Mayfield: Lol I can’t 🤣 “She rides me like a cruise” post finds a way to make a sex joke in a kids song
- Giani Hairston: 2018?
- Kar_ Lambo_Lover: me :3
- zoenjude gadzala: ive seen the the movie and loved it and all the songs in it
- Christina Rhymer: Virgina
- lightningbolt 943: R.I.P Stan Lee
- Deonte Noel: Liiiiiiiiiit
- Jerry Bloomfield: Nuku’alofa,Tonga
- Sam Kamal: Stupid
- Angelynn Yellow Earrings: 🤟🏼
- flower msp: I haven't watched the movie yet :,)
- Shreya Sharma: Nice song
- Sue Stafford: Love it
- Kyle Oliver: Why are the good tunes always so short? 😥
- savage girlgames: Im your 1,000th like
- Tariq Farooqui: Yrr mai is song ki sari video mai comment kar rahi hu ......Mil ja yrr jaldi se....😐😓
- Victor Ibarra: Ruby Arroyo as Oscar Leida M as Lenny Victor Ibarra as Angie Edgar Ibarra as Lola The Fairy Godmother (Shrek 2) as Don Lino Darla (Finding Nemo) as Frankie
- Awesomepikachu9 Games: Love this song
- Davidtheman Gaming productions: Brooklyn then moved to Staten Island
- Lylah Beasley: I just love this song
- it’s ya girl thandi: I littery watched this today
- Elite ECG998: What’s so sad about this comment is that it should have like over 3k likes but it only has 16 but thanks anyways
- Que White: Who's here from the Spider-Man movie trailer
- Dankzel 2: 1:32 🔥🔥🔥🔥
- Avery Boozer: This is my cousins favorite song. When I miss him I listen to this song over and over again. Even tho he lives right beside me and I can see him whenever I want to.......
- Ariana The fox!!!: *2018?*
- lord ceeday: when my girl friend dumb me
- Deadpool 1901: Swan Lee for life✌👏
- puppet gamer123: Cool song
- Laughing Matter: Right-Click Loop Perfect way to Study
- KenzaIdrissiSoussi Kenza: Bro this songs sound so chill in .75 speed
- Lavern Davis: This si my faaaav song..... but I like SWA Lee's part better
- YeetOnYourMom69: What a way to start 2019 :)
- __spencer__: Did they sample breath of the wild hateno tech lab music?
- Phantom Star78: Master peice
- Victor Ibarra: Happy new year 2019
- anime anime: I like it
- Felicia Lundberg: Älskar den här låten så jävla mycket 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩😍😍
- Gamer 37: This song describes spiderman and black cat relationship
- Jazlyn Sanchez: Why didnt I hear this sooner
- Bruh Low: There's 1 problem with this song..... It ends😞😞
- Whitney Owie: Ok not bad
- legendary pony: For ppl who broke the replay button 0:00 0:00
- Haawi ·: Voicecracks these days I can't sing it while am squeaking like Herjqowbebdjdknq
- Rajesh Soni: This song ends very quickly don’t know why
- panda life: I love Post Malone
- Xarvis90: I do not get why people like this song?
- iRunThat: Ay ive seen you before on the Official Post Malone spider man video
- SuperDJrobloxian Beard: The song says risk it all not we gotta race get off right now
- Donald Trump: Here's my free dounts
- Krystina Rosado: Baby I’m wreck Baby I’m a wreck
- Judylore Obenza: This music is good to the ears
- Richelle Wells: I watched this so many times
- Matt62895: This song while good feels too short. Part of me feels like it could use either another verse or more of an outro. It ends too abruptly in my opinion. It’s frustrating because I want to hear more and feel more...
- beauty: This song is like a beautiful sunflower 🌻
- Amarjit Singha: Still listening in 2018😍😍😍
- Andres Vazquez: Spider man into the spiderverse 2 coming soon 2020...:V
- brandon perez: Brandon A sound track
- kaleb sloan: #Baby your a wreck
- Aliyah Barreras: 2 0 1 9
- mEgA oOf: Love to Stan Lee
- candra putro: The. Song is in spider man go to the spider verse
- Grace G.: Is this song in the credits?
- Issac Lee: GOOD JOB
- Might beans Hackers: I love you
- Cruz Reyes: Sunflower is my favirite song
- CarrotyFish: Yup..im addicted
- Thomas Filius: brooklyn
- D_unknown Picklewinny: My grandma came in my room and said play it on the speaker
- KidCan Playz: It is a leap of faith
- Joni Tackett: My friend on fortnite show me this and now it's our song :)
- Eric Baumgartner: These songs are so weak i really dont know how anyone with musical ability could listen to them twice
- Hayley Leon: HEY 😏
- loran Kimani: I love this song
- IRFAN YUSOF BIN IMRAN YASSIN -: I am watching on YouTube
- laylah: was it good i kinda wanna see it but idk
- Earthquake Agario: This songs makes me in joy
- MAKE OUT HILL.: 0:59 - 1:31 is like heaven
- Wild Gaming: On the radio, this song seems way too short. Is it me?
- Adrian Mahmudovski: Just an amazing movie I ♥️🕷️👨
- funny friends fails and wins: Wheres the music award?
- Sangeet Quincy: To every one who has lost his/her small bro/sis. They are sunflowers and are blooming somewhere😇😇😇
- Izzy Herrera: I wish this song was 23.20 minutes long because that's how long it takes me to get to work
- Blak Nite: +Kayla Labuguen you got an academic presidential award too. When did you get yours?
- joanna rachlin: YOUR MEAN
- Preston morgan: Post Malone and swae lee
- _kyvngsvk: 0:25
- Emma Jelagin: https://www.redbubble.com/people/emmajelagin/shop?asc=u Get some stickers for yourself or a gift for your friends or family :)
- VenoM BomB: I love post Malone’s voice
- shut up nerd: danced to this 3am like crazy love the vibe
- Nicholas Bennett: Ashleigh Carpenter me😢😢😢
- Janja Hyena 2: Lyrics are kinda hard to see
- B O E F: I broke the replay button 😢😢😢😢😢
- Mr Dora: Tryna ride me like a cruise? Um no thanks.
- Sophie summers June 4th: Me lol
- Holiidayseason: Never thought a Spiderman movie would give me good music to listen to
- Iraq Lobster: Iraq lobster song is better
- Hanny Janetta: 🛑 *Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse* 𝐹𝑢𝑙𝑙~𝑀𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑒: ➡ t.co/1cM23z0LXk ሽ Trending film! #SpiderManIntoTheSpiderVerse Unglaublicher film! Sehr zu empfehlen, es auszuprobieren!
- CriminalIntent89: not really a dream being famous anymore any kid can make a nice beat and throw some shitty lyrics with a good flow over it nowadays
- John Lopez: This is a good song
- Everything Freya xx: Already know the words in one day xx
- Mark Dimawala: Nice..
- Savannah Lavoie: im obsessed with this song now
- CorruptAxel 163: This video is clearly for Miles. Cause that boi don't know the lyrics.
- Dale Traverso: wish song was longer
- Jason Bean: Your the sunflower
- Divine Saiyan: At 1:50 he says "even if we gotta risk it all right now, oh" 😑
- Liv_grageda: when he sings the part when he says "party on tilt" does he mean Tilted Towers...😐
- Claudia R: This song fells like f### Witch means cool
- Symphuny_LionYT: 1000
- PLAY NATION: Beginning was awesome and ending was tragic as it over so fasr
- Kiel Kimbler: Fegwss
- Addison Roberts: Wow the beat dropped so hard that 2.3k people missed the 👍
- Elevate 2motivate: Oklahoma
- melo dy ralte: this is my song 2014
- Lil rae: 2019 - 2020 i love this songe
- Addi_The_PoPtart: oops broke the replay button
- Cameron Dobie: Ann Trinh not me tbh heard it on the radio and now I’m addicted to this song
- Angeles Zamora: Lmaooo this reminds me of adventure time, the beat of this song is soooo adventure time ya’ll
- Lino Landaverde: cant stop listening to it
- Andrew: 1:48 if you listen carefully the "even if we gotta race,get off right now," is actually "even if we gonna risk it all right now" im 99% sure
- Baraa Rawhy: Iam the 681 😉😉
- Miles Kessler: Post I love the song but you can tune yourself-don't use autotune it ruins your voice quality.
- Gina Gones: Here are the lyrics WATCH THE VIDEO!!!! ;)
- Farooq A: 👣👁🤙🏽
- Heeral Kakkad: YAYYYYYYYYYY
- MandatoryMist77: ok well fck opinions I guess. Honestly Post was good, put Swae's part is more memorable IMO
- nathan miller: MIA Paper planes. Thats all Im gonna say.
- Angie Gavin: love this song
- Neel Kaneriya: It is different from real one
- Josh: Sometimes I think maybe people are just not musically talented but then I realize they sing with their voice without autotune and then I hear stuff like this and while sure it sounds fine it's fake as hell
- Taylor Goyette: Same
- Frank Oppedisano: I love this song
- gamer 15: Someone took a big l lol just like fortnite
- _U DUN NO DE WEY_: brayden Whitaker stan lee wasn’t 56... he was 98
- Willie Fernandez: Shut the fuck you dumb bitch
- Airell Zaidi: Best song ever Best song ever Best song ever Best song ever Best song ever Best song ever You stupid
- niya •: im here from the damn beats ad
- no vids 200 subscribers challenge: Unless we stuck by ya
- Harbi Smith: Hey guys, I would really appreciate it if some of you would check out the remix I did for this track in the link below! I really love this song, been listening to it non-stop and decided I wanted to try my own flip of it. https://youtu.be/cbC5ZlpkOVU
- Ninja Johnson: Someone took a big L I don’t know how that felt
- delta matthew: Thanks
- Amiel x: Only problem with this song is it's not long enough
- imTKable: this has got to be the greatest song of all time
- Brayden Reece: Post is the best
- The Meme God: I’m gonna sing to my crush (if I get the guts)
- Ok first of all: Sunfloowwweeeerrr
- Random: BOI ONLY 2 MINUTES ?????
- Gera8i Chacon: Baby your a wreck
- Micheivous duo: Out of all the songs this is my favourite 😻😻😻😻
- Mia Jordan: spiderman enyone lol 1 like=1 heart for spiderman
- GavBotGamer: This is great for calming people down
- kawirider920: No, I'm not from Spider-Man, I just enjoy good music.
- XOX ya Boi nub: Brain implant plz
- KittyKat Production: Just watched this movie today and it was AMAZING!! 1000000 stars
- LONLEY !: Sunflower
- Lasagna Boi: This is what gibby listens to before he goes to bed
- Levei Tauti: This song is so good ✌🏽🤙🏽
- BigBen Bittner vlog & gaming channel: Like the song
- Jami Stakich: This song is stuck in my head 😍
- zebulua 0983: I have no friends sorry to bother you its quite depressing having no friends
- Ninja Bros: 2. 0. 1. 9
- Brudz Beatz: Im i the only person who plays this song again and again
- Ross Santonoceto: i love this song
- Kylie Garcia: My baby Brother can't stop listening to this song he knows all of it
- Moly Hayes: GZGVNation Verissimo lmao
- Chaylee McCleery: Am I the only one here from the ad?
- Condonious: Immediately saved
- AmaanSahib15629: this is wrong it says even if we got to risk it not race it
- isabel rodriguez: Oooooo love it
- FSU_Zo2: +Roman Pierce they prerecorded cameos
- Luke Carchidi: Smokin
- DERRIKA Lewis: Leo Brazz but why do they make the good songs short
- Randomly Nicole: USA
- Serenity W.: This Song Is So Gooooooooood, It’s Way Too Short ! ❤️❤️ 🔥🔥
- John Fuchik: Your lyrics are incorrect at 1:53. It should be “even if we gotta risk it all right now” not “even if we gotta race, get off right now” like that makes absolutely no goddam sense lol
- Josephine Baetiong: It coo
- carlijn muylaert: 😍😍😍
- Mercedez Negron: This is a good song
- Kyree Johnson: I LIKE TUTLES
- Zlatano Ibrahimovic: Girl: do you even want to be with me forever? Boy: noGirl: do yo Girl: do you even like me? Boy:no Girl: would you cry if I walked away? She heard enough and was hurt...she walked away with tears in her eyes The boy grabbed her arm Boy: your not pretty...your beautiful Boy: I don’t want to be with you forever...I need to be with you forever Boy: I don’t like you...I love you Boy: I wouldn’t cry if you walked away...I would die if you walked away Boy whispers: plz stay with me Girl: I will tonight at midnight your true love will realize they love you *something good will happen to you between 1-4 pm tomorrow it could be anywhere get ready for the shock of your life *if you don’t post this to five other videos...you will have bad luck in relationships for the next ten yearsGirl: do y
- Benedicta Regino: Which ones better swae lee or post molone
- MCE: Would be amazing, their voices would go together so well.
- Pawknee123: Can’t see the words
- Bluepelt: Is anyone else notice how you can hear the noise it makes when you change the volume on an ios/apple device in the background?
- Christina Marais: I haven't even watched this movie yet but I'm so in love with the soundtrack already 😍
- Tea sipping sister: I love this song so much omgggg😻
- Phelim Stewart: I like the song better now that I’ve watched the film
- PrivacyInvader: Why do I keep hearing “I keep her in check.” In “I keep in check.”
- Elizbeth Rios: great to make you feel better this is the best
- LilDuke 713: How do I know when I'm Spiderman ? You won't It's a leap of faith miles
- Sergio Life: 👍👍👍
- Hanny Janetta: 🛑 *Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse* 𝐹𝑢𝑙𝑙~𝑀𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑒: ➡ t.co/1cM23z0LXk ሽ Trending film! #SpiderManIntoTheSpiderVerse Unglaublicher film! Sehr zu empfehlen, es auszuprobieren!
- darlyne chinn: "I keep her check" "I'm keeping her check" "even if we gotta risk it all right now"
- BrysonHearl: wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle You though
- zebulua 0983: I love you too
- Adrienne Radley: I love your songs
- SLIQUE07: I wish Swae had two verses on here and dropped Post, I always restart it when his part comes on
- anthony serna: +Moth Nibba Yanny OR laural
- NayNay Marshall: I swear I wanna watch this movie soooooo bad
- SwedlePOP: Listen to this on your headphones in a subway train. Sit next to a girl. She’ll hear it. She’ll like you 😆
- Mr Footy Trading Cards: kellrose64 good to hear buddy
- Raafi Perkasa: Indonesia like 💓💓
- Dusty Miville: or medicate while I'll educate
- TheRealGinger Vlogs: My mom and I love this song
- Abbi McGee: Every time my mom hears this song she’ll say “Abbi it’s your song!!!” 😊❤️
- Thicc Than0bama: The original video shows all the lyrics
- Carlos Otero: Anything that sway lee is on becomes a master hit and now you throw Post in to this joint. ... instant classic
- George Galicia: Spider-Man Into Spider-Verse and this 2019 huh who's with me!?!
- Blak Nite: +Have to wait 90 days To change my stupid name oh ok.
- DON BON: I love this song AYY AYY ooo
- Aubry Birkin: Stop making fun of legendary player maybe he was just trying to help some people cut him some slack dang
- sidharth sundar: People who disliked are all probably dc fans or even worse.................. justin bieber fans Tan...tan......tan
- Moly Hayes: Harvansh Sidhu I doubt it. He’s a rapper and a rapper in this day and age can’t go one song talking about his private area and how much prostitutes he gets. Grow up. Stop trying to make excuses for this man child.
- Pallvi Bharol: 2019???
- tinker juinio: LMAO I WAS TRYING TO FIND SUNFLOWER BY *SIERRA BURGESS* BUT RAN INTO THIS MASTERPIECE Edit- holy broccoli 🥦 I didn’t know people would actually see my comment thanks😂
- The Bynx: Avion Boyde ha
- ZbladeVX: This song is so good. Im a violinists 🎻 i understand music and melody, and all the cadences you use. Thank you for putting out such beautiful music you two truly are the musical genuises of modern pop culture. I came from a one room house in China the same size as most Americans bathrooms and now i live i a 2 million dollar house in Canada with multiple properties and cruise in a /////AMG Benz at 23. I can relate to your success and life. Thank you for the inspiration and motivation. Keep working for your dreams. Cheers.
- Basketballguy: Fucking like whores
- jenna manney: its me the annoying one Ava. nice song!
- Adrian Erler: Swae lee haz such a high voice
- brandon5645: Good song
- Bud Gaming12342: +Unicorn Bite fuck you bitch you subbed to t series
- Income Tax: hold up.... Sonic 3 Credits?!
- Jayden Diaz: 0:48 best part
- tracey craddock: uk la canda and usa
- roblox girl: Jack Silver here
- Roblox Rap Battle: (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)͡° ͜ʖ ͡°( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)¯\_(ツ)_/¯(︶︿︶)(ᵕ≀ ̠ᵕ )ಠ⌣ಠಠ_ಠ(ಥ_ಥ)﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ O'RLY?(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)(ง'̀-'́)ง(☞゚∀゚)☞(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻♥‿♥ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一ʘ‿ʘ¯(°_o)/¯(^_−)(^_・)(^_・)(•́ι_•̀*)(^_-)~ ・ิ ・ิ?))( ・ืω・ื)(๑・ิω・ิ)っΣ(・ิ¬・ิ)(๑・ิω・ิ)っ★(・ิ ・ิ〃)(๑・ิﻌ・ิ๑)( ・ิω・ิ人・ิω・ิ)(〃・ิ-・ิ)ゞ★(〃・ิ-・ิ)ゞ★( ・ิω・ิ人・ิω・ิ)( ・๎ω・๎)((∩•́ι_•̀*∩)) (´。・v・。`)( ・ิД・ิ)ノ(҂ ー̀дー́ )(๑・ิ-・ิ๑)(〃・ิ-・ิ)ゞ★( ・๎ω・๎)(^_-)db(-_^)( ・ิω・ิ三・ิω・ิ)(^_-)db(-_^)🐫🐎🐃🐴🐈🐆🐽🐫🐑🐰🐨🐫🐽🐎🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐄🐪🐪🐂🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐
- Sir Douglas Howel, 5th Seat: been jamming to this song day and night for a few days in a row, it made me paint, made me cook, just wanna enjoy life, so happy to be alive and have this shit in my life
- benjamin Segundo: Happy New Year's eve
- Amilynn: Might wanna change even if we gotta race right now, get off right now to “even if we gotta risk it all right now” lol 😂
- Sydney 1410: Needless to say, I keep in check
- Jennifer Adams: Even if we gotta race, get off now? Huh? It says even if we gotta risk it all right now.
- Fabedog9: I hear a Schooly D sample....can anyone guess which song?
- Hunter: i listen to this all the time every time i listen to music i have to listen this song! i love this so much like a 100%
- Sub To my other channel DeadShot: Liv Vlogs and second don’t listen to those bums
- bryan enriquez: 0:59 those vocals though!! The Best part of the song. Thumbs up if u agree
- Ee Fung: Me
- Radical Ryan: Best song love post melons
- Animate Zone: This is how I go to sleep and wake is with this music
- Allison Boggs: Okay, I'm not too into rap and R&B, but this is pretty good.
- Alex Hernandez: Me like this
- Motivated Dolan: i wish it was longer
- Braxton Stinebaugh: I kinda think post Malone ruins the song
- Micaiah Fly: I like this sunflower song
- Jack: Fucking amazing. Post Malone never has had songs.
- secret zion: 😂
- Dwayne Detz: Hi I love this song
- Tabby Lewis: Post Malone and swae Lee's voices are so unique and good!!!
- The Hyper Gamer: Miles said drive instead of ride, and in the video with clips of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse on Youtube, it says riiiide like a cruise.
- Unicorn Memes: Damn i could totally rock to this song like Miles was in the beginning of the movie
- Justin Lin: The ad i got was the song "sunflower", how lucky
- Candy Gonzalez: the beginning gave me kung fu panda vibes
- Naxion DustKeeper: Miles you gotta unstick what do u do to relax *playsong
- Sansta Stalin: Sunflower bro is the best
- libert masancay: Short but damn man played it 20x already.
- kellrose64: Aww thanks:)
- Sabitri Sahu: Such a beautiful song 😊
- Nate Putman: Give ten likes if you like this song
- Trenton Breaux: Swae lee is the black jb 👍
- rehan muhammad: i was listening this song from the last 12 hours no-stop :0 (:
- Kaley DaRos: i love this song
- Andrew Schifano: Spider man into the spider verse
- spookshd HD: i love spider man into the spider verse
- Samuel Payet: It's a best
- Ratzombie81: Post can do it all
- Only Me Sarah: OmG ThEy GrAbBeD a BaGeL 🥯😂😂😂 the movie was really good
- Jenny Knight: I love it but how do u play it on the drums
- Crystal Souvannarath: We'll sing and cry together lol
- Zyper Roche: SunflowERRRRRRRRRRR!!!
- Tyler Thomas: Even if we gotta risk it all right now .. *lyric check *
- DJ CAT EARS watermelonGiRl: this strait up reminds me of spiderman now i bet your shoes untied:D
- Juniers Studios: Hey guys if you like this song and you like halo look at my latest edit! https://youtu.be/ZiC35jNDwiM
- Anna Nguyen: Hi
- Jeannette McDonald Keeley: Is that it
- Reversaltation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewRjZoRtu0Y
- WIERD WIZARD21: Why so short Make 1 hour version plz
- Yeliel Mantilla: This song is short but good make a remix but don't add weird sound effects and stuff
- madelyn sabillon: I love this song!!
- Stefanie Amico: 🔥
- Mario: (spoilers) omg spider man actually dies in this movie
- brandon perez: Isn’t it eheh instead of ayyayy
- Naia Kalani: +Abigail Jones i dont know how many years ive been because i stan them since smrookies😂but btw hii familyyy❤❤
- •Euphor Kookie•: I got dragged here because of the spider man movie
- Jay GAMING: Yea I'm ready for this album
- Alex Ramirez: Are you kidding, the ad was the song but the video
- Amy Corrigan: I think I broke the replay button 😁
- OlliOtter1004: Lol that first screen is just some noises
- -`, lil brady `,-: why do u sound weird :^
- Lê Gia Huy: vietnam
- Brayden0487: You took the L😂😂😂😂
- Catherine Haley: i like the song i seen it like a thousen times keep doing great
- Ifeoluwa Lassissi: I'm from New York😎😎😎😎😎😍
- game x YT: coooooooooooooooollllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Emely Pineda: My brother doesn't know this song wow😂
- Shane Mathews: WOW
- Evan Animations: Lyrics are wrong, it's, even if we gotta RISK IT ALL right now oh. No hate though:)
- ninja boy snipe: you f********
- ash gray: Love IT!!💗💖💋
- kimlee hame: It's my boys fav song so I just wanted to hear it once, I don't adore post Malone much, but after hearing this I am like was I a dick??
- caroline ojelade: I love Post Malone's voice
- MrLSalazar714: Why am i just Now hearing this? My ears have butterflies in their stomachs.
- DJ Roa: how mutch you got on that check
- 陳楚正Bill Chan: This is what I would listen to when it’s the end of the world
- Joey Vidovic: I love it
- super ken: This lyric video isn’t even accurate big fans of the movie and the song would notice it straight away.
- LIL FAITH: And some of those lyrics are wrong too
- Monique Castaneda: this song got me hooked up on it and now i listen to this song all the time
- Game _Life: I’m from Malaysia!!
- Mung 487: The best song yet 2018 by far
- Chan Sophors: My favorite song
- Noor El Marasy: This is so good
- Joni Tackett: GACHAVERSE
- Matt Lopez: Sped up at 1.25 is 🔥
- Socorro De Gomez: Good
- Shane10 Cohoe17: Im in love with this song😇💕
- shimada3 1010: Dude ur deaf
- Zain m: love it
- ABDOU BOUABID: oh my god it stuck on my head even when iam a sleep
- Justin Finney: Best song ever
- Victor Ibarra: Jaclyn Carr as Miles Morales Melissa Paez Diaz as Peter Parker
- Kendall Short: Am I a sunflower 😊
- Clone306: Ik a way to get likes easily just read more Pineapple are good Like if agree Like if disagree
- Leslie Liwanag: The movie was so good!!! Like if you enjoyed or watched the movie!
- Michael Andrei Sayson: Miles, relax!!!!
- meme king: I’m from wonderland
- Luis Montano: Post malone is getting much better from the bad words and smoking and talking about girls in his songs. I am loving it.
- Waqar Ahmad: Where are you from 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Jayda’s world Me and my friends and family: Australia
- Crystal L: 💕
- NORMAN BLAZE: this song removes my anxiety better than any med ever could
- G5 joell: Gs
- Maddy: this song reminds me of Paper Airplanes by M.I.A
- iiKaiWolf: Fav parts Swae Lee; "You're the sunflower" Post Malone; "I know you're scared of the unknown"
- Jordan cathryn: This song makes you happy and also want to cry. Lol
- TallerCanoe 2237: Miss my little bro Rest In Peace 💙DJ💙
- Lego Adventure time: Speed x2 is crazy
- Farhad Hussain: I feel like crying, this is so good
- YTH ApEx: This makes me want to sit on my tv and watch the chair
- Makayla Stargell: I love when Post Malone does collaborations because his voice is so satisfying
- Big Brickz: me on school bus: hears it in the radio. 3rd time: its alright 10th time: stops . gets hyped. AND YOUR LEFT IN THE DUST IN LESS I STUCK BY YA YOUR THE SUNFLOWER
- D’SleevedForLife: Omg
- black panther marvel forever: Thanks Stan lee
- Mercy Aki309: They should have songs related to Stan Lee Rest In Power Stan Lee
- lucia machado: ame
- Xkalliber: The lyrics at 1:04 or 1:05 has a dirty joke
- moon gacha plays: i love the movie
- DogeIs DANK: 666 likes i will make it 667
- Ann Trinh: Whoever heard this first from Spider-Man into the verse like this comment
- Shadow Music: Where are you from?
- jhaz yyy: why it sound like paper planes the start
- Jonjackpumpkin Zeus508-14: Pray for Swae Lee a person throw a phone at him and his mouth was bleeding and his lip got messed up.
- Keitha Simpson: 56th
- Dinesh Dinesh: Suuuuuuupppeeeeeerrr...😘😘😘😘
- maike 7002: I'm from Germany🇩🇪
- arjay2002ph: miles morales brought me here
- Nikki Star: okay, but like... i thought it said “she wears a backpack, nevertheless” 💀
- Tomaya 5: Love this
- rebeca gamino: Hi
- Sam Gauvin: how do i type on here? plz help
- pain: Hawaii
- Mr.Aaron jarvis: me to
- Jason gittens: You are good 🤗
- Joe Gray: I've seen the seen and it is awsome
- Daniella: Brandon A both I love both
- Jamie Eldridge: Mass
- M- Gaming: No more hero :'(
- Sandy Afonso: LUV
- Julie Iwai: Love you this song
- Jade Kay: AniyAh JADE
- Albin Saji: Yah the boys
- Animate Zone: Make a remix
- Puppet Master: *l've listened to this too much, now I'm making a MAP out of it, h e l p?*
- tceqasm •: 1:10
- Brian Gibney: 2069??????
- Amazing0210: Nope not a way to get likes sorry bud
- Shashwat Prasad: whoever doesn’t like this are kingpin’s followers
- CRAP: I am from UAE and I love this song
- Yepthomi A.k.: lol this song is fucking cool😈😈
- Adrian Verastegui: now I understand why miles likes this song.
- Buddha Mitchell: I don't see why anyone would dislike this song
- April Ngo: i thought this song was just another one of those over played song and then i watched the spideyverse movie and i feel so awake
- Cherish Hurndon: I love this song 😍
- Adrian Erler: Don’t you mean swae lee
- Preseted: +Michael Mendez Thanks I never knew this was a thing 😅😅😅
- Hannah Devries: I love post Malone
- Keni Fraser: I love this song everyday I'm listening to this😘😘
- All the tea: The Groovy Guitar Dude Grooooooooooovvvyyyy
- laken clay: this song is the best
- Porkchop 17: Does anybody know what this song means?
- BigMfn Stepper: Short songs are always the best
- Edrman_ and more: This song is life changing ❤️
- Ryesha RunningHorse: Ohh ohh some thing you just can't refuse best part
- Thetacomadness 24: thank you miles, very cool.
- BlobbyIsAnAnimator: "Teenagers are just the worst."
- Legendary Vlogger: This song is stuck in my head
- John Caius Tinio: Cool song yet it is super short.
- Zyllah Schwarting: This song is leet
- Quinton Wainwright: Is it risk or race?
- eksine: the lyrics come in too slow, thumbs down
- Sanborlang Lyngdoh: Sngew tynnad bha jngrwai I malone te
- Brendon Urie: Tiger Guy yes..... this is the ACTUAL SONG
- monkey man: i ate spaghetti before this
- Laueug hi fuff9p 9 g7y7h7rn Watts: Knx d's jdddj sweet(jjjjkzakk((nmm(mm(knk.nn.n.b.n k I nnjnb BB b,bjjb b,jjhhj j ok ooooij hi 8ii\uh;juju hmmmm jp o dii we 9eooeooe
- Bailey Matejowsky: Hawaii
- Space expert: I love this song!
- Alejandro Saucedo: These lyrics are wrong
- Mariza Guimaraes: Am I the only one who doesn’t like spider man and just likes the song...
- blooming roses: 0:28 i like that part
- NinjagoJay Pokemon FNAF fan ッ: When I first heard it I heard backpack instead of bad bad who else did?
- SIMPLE ROS: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwhYyO-PFgi_nLDWcvu40XQ
- Sid Tube: December 31 2018 anyone
- DLOADING: Song getting overplayed
- Smiley563: who needs violets or roses, #SunFlower
- Mary Sealey: Both of their voices are so amazing I literally can’t deal
- Mr.Aaron jarvis: This song is that stuck in my head that i sing this at school but so people cant hear me do it
- Lucky Loser: This song is every fortnite match
- EPIC MEMES Ur mom: this SUCKS(I bet people will reply)
- Matteo Littman: So goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
- Ismail Mazlan: Should be more invisible
- Jesus Lucero: I'm here before one thousand
- angel_felix601: Lmao Peter dies at the end
- Dnreb Frodneffap: We need a non Stop Version of this!
- Sharon Vasquez: I listen to this song ever day
- Karina Cirillo: I love this song so much.
- Tinece Figaro: Why so short? Why?
- SkullyTheCreator: lol nice
- Dork Wad Squad: And your left in the dust unless I stuck by you your a SUNFLOWER
- Trisalty: She wanna drive me like a cruise
- New Music Lyrics.: here before 1k views
- dope foxy extreme: Love the songs 😎
- Big Chichi: California love this song good job
- Damario Curley: Needless to say,i keep in check she was all bad bad, nevertheless yeah callin' it quit now, baby, you're a wreck wreck crash at my place, baby you're a wreck wreck needles to say, im keepin in check
- Ariana The fox!!!: Sunflower Post Malone, Swae Lee Ayy, ayy, ayy, ayy (ooh) Ooh, ooh, ooh, ohh (ooh) Ayy, ayy Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Needless to say, I keep her in check She was all bad-bad, nevertheless (yeah) Callin' it quits now, baby, I'm a wreck (wreck) Crash at my place, baby, you're a wreck (wreck) Needless to say, I'm keeping her in check She was all bad-bad, nevertheless Callin' it quits now, baby, I'm a wreck Crash at my place, baby, you're a wreck Thinkin' in a bad way, losin' your grip Screamin' at my face, baby don't trip Someone took a big L, don't know how that felt Lookin' at you sideways, party on tilt Ooh-ooh, some things you just can't refuse She wanna ride me like a cruise And I'm not tryna lose Then you're left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're a sunflower I think your love would be too much Or you'll be left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're the sunflower You're the sunflower Every time I'm leavin' on ya You don't make it easy, no, no Wish I could be there for ya Give me a reason to go Every time I'm walkin' out I can hear you tellin' me to turn around Fightin' for my trust and you won't back down Even if we gotta risk it all right now, oh I know you're scared of the unknown (known) You don't wanna be alone (alone) I know I always come and go (and go) But it's out of my control And you'll be left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're a sunflower I think your love would be too much Or you'll be left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're the sunflower You're the sunflower Yeah
- XxSpirit Wolf GamingxX: It's so short 😭😭😭
- sharika copney: And you’ll be left in the dust in les I stuck by yu
- Emalee Hernandez: I love this song its so amazing and its pretty cool that your using it in the Spiderman movie
- TJ Chimichanga: White on light blue...nice
- Emily Schutt: OMG! I LOVE THIS SONG!! I CAN'T stop listening to it!! like if you agree 😁
- Zaddy Ybbaz: Good vibe lol
- max man: +Ariana The fox!!! even though u got a line wrong
- Eli Perkins: pretty good.Madye
- Avengers Endgame: Lance Stewart & Lizzy Wurst
- ena alvarado chacaya: William Roby padre sfolfoo
- Christine Bowen: I love this song
- Satans-Gems TTV: When I first heard this song I thought it was gonna be loud and amnochise but that I listen to it I sleep to it lol
- Brett Kimball: This is a quick song thou
- Tiante Preston: It is ok
- GAME ON !!!!: I've see Spiderman into the spider verse
- Corrie Robert: Here because of the new Spiderman movie ☝️
- SprinterHype _: Ninja Johnson an L in fortnite
- commander king: I LOVE THIS SONG
- Lailai Islam: 2019??😃😃😄😄😉😉😉
- Sneaky Castro: Great song but would of been better with the weekend instead of swae lee
- SANTOS-LEADER -: shut thefuck up
- Emilia Balvanera: Im putting this here so i can keep reastarting 0:01
- Falling 123: I’m from hudson
- honestliarman: 10 hour is better
- Arlo Cordell: probably cut off the ear of the man who assaulted his lover and wore a bandage van gogh not shin
- shabaz rashid: 0:59
- Alex Cowlin: Lmaoooooo
- rossyroy76: Way too short... I like the lyrics but I don’t like the duration. u tried ur best, Post Malone and Swae Lee
- Claudia Ramirez: Im in love with this song
- Killer Wyatt: Party on Tilt -ed Towers-
- Eduardo Rivera: I love this song
- Luis Martínez: If anybody knows of a 10 hour version please send the link!!!!!! This is so short Its a crime!!!!
- Kyle G.: 🔥💯💵👑
- miraculous forever: +TheFireBallKid02 lmao😂
- ᴅᴇᴀᴅʟʏsᴘᴋᴇʏᴛツ: +Holly Wallis oh ok its free cause i need to use it
- Lei Yan: Very nice movie. You guys should watch it
- Kyle Gadson: Spider man and the spider verse is amazing spectacular fantastic stylish and the ultimate spider verse
- Jeon Jungkook: Stan Lee you were the sunflower
- elizabeth corcoran: cool song
- Mili Ganyo Byakumbu: Poop
- Dwight Crawford: “The shoulder always works like this: *says like creepy guy that thinks he is cool* hey.” Next day Miles: **puts hand on Gwen** hey.😅😅😅😅😰😰😰😰 Gwen: heyyy....😑😑😑😑🤨🤨🤨
- WarlockDustin': +李美芬 為什麼你講中文呢? 他們不會講了,請講英文 你會講英文嗎?
- Justin Cooperative: "Even if we gotta risk it all right now" Not "Even if we gotta race, get off right now." lololol
- Deku Skrub: Wasn't it "Even if we gotta risk it all right now"? Not "Even if we gotta race, get off right now"
- NIK MUHAMMAD ZAHRI BIN OMAR -: this is relaxing!
- gracie dison: Honestly I’ve heard better lyrics but his voice is awesome in this vid 👏
- Carli Lawrence: the song issssssssssssssssssssss asfvn mkbbbv
- Jude 516: 0:00 is so relaxing
- achely81: I love this song everyday and every time I really love this song
- Pugthegoat: 1:53 idk it always gets me in tears
- jia nicole: 12:47💖
- Antonette Fernandez: Hello
- Morgan Horton: Team Swae Lee or Team Post Malone
- Renae Scrivens: 0:54 off
- Noah Wells: At 1:51 I think the lyrics are “Even if we gotta risk it all right now”
- Eleanordoes Wwe: I bet this comment won’t get over 20 likes
- Poison Warior: this song is so cool yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhh
- Daniel Duenas: On Christmas Day Stan Lee got *into the spider verse*
- HTS: We gotta race, get off right now. Bruh he said risk it all right now
- Neila Not putting my last name: 0:27
- Daijha Synigal: this song is the best
- Asia Breaux: 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
- Willie Fernandez: I love This guy and I'm a guy just kidding I'm not gay
- Bryan Nongrum: Nice songs
- I: A good animation with a good soundtrack and good story Best animated movie of the year??
- Aishah Jenkins: came from brother nature
- Razan Syahrazan: Nice
- ERIK: oof
- Robert Zamora: Min 59 so beautyful
- Papa Smurfy: Post sounds different here
- Spongebob Troll: Any 2019
- Gabrielle Cales: Have this on repeat
- bum bum: My ears are bleeding GOLD
- Hannah Clark: Instead of it saying "ride me like a cruise" it should say ride me like a bull😂😂
- Lѵnatic: +LogicallyLexiii what are you hi-ing at nibba
- Talib warner: This is my favorite song lol XD
- César Peña: Can someone tell me the real meaning of the song?
- Dennis the hedgehog: This song is beast Read More
- Cayden Napier: Good Vibes
- Darkie Playzz: right bro
- Alex’s Life: I liked the video sunflower oooooh if you guys love the music give this comment a thumbs up
- Diego Ronaldo: f u
- Roel Yoon: Who's here after Spiderman into the Sipderverse?
- Spider59er: Best Post Malone song for all ages anywhere👌🏻
- Space worm 395: Make more songs pls. There amazing
- Gehfisbx xxx12: AYY,AYY,AYY, OOH,OOH,OOH,
- Aluminum Wire Flowers: Spiderman Iino spider verse
- DERRIKA Lewis: La Vie Ashu I love 2:09
- YoBoyVictor001: If u like the song like and if it is okay write okay
- Payday Productions HD: Wow, this is great
- Deez Nutz: R.I.P Stan Lee
- Dusty Miville: *during
- Preston morgan: Good song
- k24civic: Im just going out on a limb here.....but ive heard two dudes fuck that sounded less gay than this shit...
- Gracie Susick: I heard of this from Vanessa Merrell! And I’m loving it!
- Tracy Slettvet: 👍
- al4dana: Missisippi
- LAZ00R _SPIKE: so amazing
- Sebastian Tristan: Loved the movie
- Rusty Redhead: brandon mb
- Bianca Islamovic: Your the best
- shaik bashir Ruddin: ❤🌻🌻🌻❤
- GameIn !: That’s too much
- Unique Rhino: I need,the new spider man no time to watch it 😭😤
- SMOKEEATER373: I really love this song it is my jam
- Marnie Roberts: 💖🌍💖
- Freddy Guerrero: finally something good from this new generation rap
- The Nerdy Birdy: This is literally good vibes as a song. I love it.
- Mega Aries: I perfer to sed the lyrics alittle bit ahead becausr in the video they show up a bit slow
- Ivo Playz: this song is from spiderman spiderverse
- SpyCat Pink: I love this song
- Alexander Mustain: This is my new favorite song
- Amazone Robloxin: Mom:YOUR BAD-BAD Kid:at least im not the one who's calling it quits
- Omar Ali: 50 likes from the people who watched spiderman
- HeyItsRayo: YA GIRL JUST COVERED THIS!!😫 come let me know what U think!
- Sid Tube: I love this song so much!
- ItzJoey: Like and then comment ur fav part of the movie Mines is when his uncle taught him the shoulder touch😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣😆
- Patience Yass: Wow......😎😎
- Austin Small: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse is a vain attempt to appeal to older audiences since it's to late to save the academy award for best animated feature.
- Chris Rey: Who’s watching from 2016?
- Holly Wallis: 0:00
- Abigail Jones: +Naia Kalani yesss been on for 2 years 💙👌🏻
- Samurai Ly: Spiderman swung me here
- Virgobabexo 94: Make a viinneee haha
- George Di Martino: I am wrong
- Chasity Cox: Love this song :)
- truesonic: Thought it was maroon 5?sounds like Adam Levine.
- Fantage Apples: post and swae must’ve made more than i could ever in my lifetime just from this one song 😭
- DRyoPlayZ: hey
- Sharkz Gaming: Me
- Onyx Kefa: Nice
- we johny test: Who else just looped this on and on cuz it is too catchy? And came here from into the spiderverse
- Jordan Gaines: No she dos not want to
- Over played: Best part 0:00
- Apurrfect__person 56: I know who sung this but when I looked who sung it on my Xbox when I was looking at the same vid it said these people sang to are correct one is wrong XXXTentacion, Swae lee, Post Malone I said that’s not possible x is ded
- Jacob 11: This song rocks
- IRVIN Rodríguez: Crash at my place, baby you’re a wreck
- this blue eyeshadow is disgusting: this is a *bop*
- email serbaguna: Follow lyricsnomorsatu channel for true sing n lyrics thanks
- Hamna Chaudhry: Nice
- SIdTheGod: ooooo ooooo
- Zaid Syed: That was random
- Fidele Tomlinson: This is such a beautiful song
- woah11ify: poiuytdxcvbn yeah that’s my only gripe about this song. Would have loved to see them harmonize or have interweaving vocals towards the end to go along with a bridge. Seeing that the song is short, it definitely could have used it to make it go from a good song to a great song.
- Verena Jakob: Austria
- Pranav Puranam: No no no... More like "hey"
- shumishumishu shushu: Post and Swae make a good combination. They should make more music together in the future.
- Jotham Akinlade: I play this song over and over again
- Makinsey Pearson: legit tingles.
- Bluberripai!!!: 1:50 it's even if gotta risk it all right now, not that
- Sony Kumari: What a nose song
- Ryan Yashar: Is it just me or does it sound like jealous by nick jonas
- Finish ur Croissant: this is a perfect 3am song if your reading this, have a good day, no matter what worries you may have.
- SIdTheGod: auto tune?
- frank uduma: Song is too short but overall the song is great! 👍😊😐👍😊😐
- Nasir Harrington: This song gives me some type of vibes
- Nigel VS Justin: Deez Nutz R.I.P. 😥
- The Impartial Savage: Songs too short.
- YoBoyVictor001: Love this song so good
- trav W: ßųłł ßhıť I think Posts part is deeper in terms of relationship which is why I like Posts part better. Swae is a great singer tho forreal
- Tom Illingworth: This song is perfect
- Stacy Ann De Castro: DARN😍😍😍😎😎😎😇😇😇♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♧♧♧●■
- Christian Ruiz: If you did watch Spider-Man and another dimension please give this a like
- Julian Cruz: Get ready for this to be on the radio non-stop😁😁😁 I’m not even mad about this one tbh
- Sleeper: True
- Family Takeover: Who came here from spider man into the spider verse
- Michael Iannicello: it’s “even if we have to risk it all right now” not even if we have to race get off right now
- Emoji_ Ween: I was like what? But this song is way too damn short.
- Pherris Wheel: Micah, you would've loved this song. We are wild teenagers; complete fuck ups,and totally in love in our own little way. I miss you. Hope you're good up there.
- NathanRocks 13: This is one of the best songs in this movie
- Jeffry Ayala Hernandez: Even if we have to race get off right now? It's even if we gotta risk it all right now
- Elliot Hellmann: Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
- Shannon Allison: Whoever posted this is an idiot. He is saying risk it all right now. Not get off right now. Fucking dumb ass!!!!
- Karolyn Chhat: Heat song
- Caitlin Southforce: Is this a type of song for a slow song at a dance? Reply pls!
- hallie bear.: This is like a bop 😂
- YBN_ Anthony: Element Of Infinity hi
- I LikePotatos: _H e y_
- Lps Brookie: Tyler Parsons ikr
- Ethan Hound: Thankkkkkkkssss 🙏🙇🙏💕🙏🙇🙏🙇🙏🙇
- Da dude: I love this song
- Pansexual Peaches: mr stark i dont feel so good ;c
- William Batton: The Song is Awsome and the Movie is better
- wells: Why would you say such a thing...this song was my happy place :(
- SANTOS-LEADER -: eat my ass
- Everything Freya xx: Love it
- Sojo Camp: 🌻🌻
- Eunice F: i cant get enough of this song if anyone wants a similar song to it, listen to ‘poolside manor’ by 88rising.
- landen perry: I love this song
- Bruce Wayne: This sound very 80s
- vanessa sanchez: Wow short song leave a like if they should add part 2
- LordJaeger6277: I usually don't listen to Post Malone, but this is actually really good.
- lps video fan: My favourite song 👍👍👍
- Robel Nuguse: I was just from cinema watching came back searched it and I found it
- ReformedOrderPart2: This song has such a sexy & sensual beat to it. It makes me think of watching the silhouette of a tall, slender. nicely toned muscular man leaning up against one side of a doorway naked, arms folded, staring at me waiting...... (*_*)
- Tania Sandoval: Nice
- Virgobabexo 94: This is a good song 😃...you know when you dont like a song you hear at first but when you hear it again and again you start to like it ? Lolz smh 🙈
- Aiden Perricone: nice song
- Mason Gaming: Ooo I love this song!!!
- Martha Arce: My daughters favorite song since she seened spiderman
- Mr. Animate: thats the reason i came here
- Sophia Seward: The movie was amazing!!! ❤❤❤❤
- Kyler Kaminski: *someone took a big L* King Pen
- Htwe Htwe Myat: *Who Else Tryna Add This In Their List?* 💗🔥
- Ctuck 62: Even if we gotta risk it all right now**
- y e e t: _"She wanna ride me like a cruise" _*_-h m m-_*
- Say meme: Lol this made me laugh cus its T R U E
- Cheyenne Bjork: Oh yeah
- Xedblack: Very different, very good
- Andrew Skipper: Best song ever 🤓
- Lety Franco: I don't care if it's short it's so cool
- 1 Subscriber with 100 Vids CHALLENGE !: Swae Lee, Post Malone- Sunflower
- Samantha Lewis: Posty keep posten the bestest shizzle ever.
- CloutSvc: Watched movie today(DVD) and it was tras.......I mean fire fire 🔥
- MR. Zrchy: How do you do that!!!!!
- jas gakhal: cant stop listening to this
- Amanda Crocker: Back again 🤗🤗🤗
- Can Man: i love this song and i listen to it like 1,000,000,000 times a day
- Aanya Bhartia: This is so good
- Zach Storm: I love this song
- Warnedpurse1210 GG: Yo
- Caroline Newland: Amazing duo great song 😍
- mikeyj1216: 😎🤴🤟🙏🤴🤴🤴🤴🤴🤴🤴🤴🤴🤴🤴🤟💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖yeah
- Sayyidatie Safira: December 2018 ???
- Violet S.: This song is amazing 😞❤️
- Lou: you're the sunflower... i think your love would be too much
- James Sir: she wanna ride like a?????? what again
- Rishon Anthony Ramdeen: Awesome👏✊👍
- Dave Ridlespriger: If it ain't tipping the wrong WAY.
- Yahya Zak: I can't help it.. All day long..
- GalaxyTreader: If you all want to hear an AMAZING remix of this song you should all head over to SandStar Music! I already love this song then I heard this his version and It’s now my favorite song. Here is the vid link! https://youtu.be/ULfncXJiLxk
- Eve Batista: How I remember miles sang it: "Oooh, Oooh, Oooooh," *Ahem* "Needless to say I *murmurs* check, She was all *murmurs* nevertheless, Callin' *murmurs* now baby im a wreck, *murmurs* your a wreck, Ooooooooooh, *taps pen on his neck* *murmurs* refuse, *murmurs some more*"- "MILES, MILES" "yeah! ..." *knocks headphones off his own head* "ARE YOU FINISHED PACKING?!" "Yeah? ..." Well, that's how I remembered it..
- animation of jayden: I'm from malta
- Maverick Echo: deeper voice
- Ruth DeLacey: I can't get enough of this song!
- Skye Jayde: Don’t like rap songs like this but like spiderverse made me loVE THIS SO MUCH LIKE U W U
- Smitty Mcsmith: Fire
- Betsy Stewart: Sick song love it
- Nicho DiDo: 1:10 his voice is so angelic, my God this is amazing.
- XDJayzz _YT: Samruddhi Jadhav SAME ITS CATCHY
- Tyler Lashley: The song is from Spider-Man into the spider verse
- Autumn's Leaves: I just came from watching spider Man into the spiderverse and I kept hearing this song and I was like this is reallyyy catchy
- Kaira Francisco: Ayy, ayy, ayy, ayy (ooh) Ooh, ooh, ooh, ohh (ooh) Ayy, ayy Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Needless to say, I keep her in check She was all bad-bad, nevertheless (yeah) Callin' it quits now, baby, I'm a wreck (wreck) Crash at my place, baby, you're a wreck (wreck) Needless to say, I'm keeping her in check She was all bad-bad, nevertheless Callin' it quits now, baby, I'm a wreck Crash at my place, baby, you're a wreck Thinkin' in a bad way, losin' your grip Screamin' at my face, baby don't trip Someone took a big L, don't know how that felt Lookin' at you sideways, party on tilt Ooh-ooh, some things you just can't refuse She wanna ride me like a cruise And I'm not tryna lose Then you're left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're a sunflower I think your love would be too much Or you'll be left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're the sunflower You're the sunflower Every time I'm leavin' on ya You don't make it easy, no, no Wish I could be there for ya Give me a reason to go Every time I'm walkin' out I can hear you tellin' me to turn around Fightin' for my trust and you won't back down Even if we gotta risk it all right now, oh I know you're scared of the unknown (known) You don't wanna be alone (alone) I know I always come and go (and go) But it's out of my control And you'll be left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're a sunflower I think your love would be too much Or you'll be left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're the sunflower You're the sunflower Yeah
- apathetic: fake as
- Anatoly Loegering: My repeat fell in love with me!!!!
- Eaton Li: 0:00 there free replay button
- Never X Nice: Because it sounds nice, makes us think about someone, has nice vocals, etc.,,, let people like stuff!
- Mj Garrett: Virginia
- Hani Mo: I watch this it is called spider man into the spider vurse
- Wesley Adams: this is some heat but its to damn short
- Karizza Rodriguez: Here before 1 mil likes
- Craigscraig 1: Itz ARTZY pretty much everyone
- Lydiah Nyaguthii: reminds me of my past grany......she Was my sunflower.....
- Luna Tumblr: Ayy,ooh
- dAt bOi: Legendary Player you just copied the lyrics some parts in The song are wrong
- Korlia: Play at .75x . Thank me later.
- Deadsplat WUT: Now your single
- Lacasta Quesenberry: I'm loving this song 2019 go post make them hits
- snake 20321: its not that short
- 1SpedMan: $
- Payton Munn: This song. Is my favorite. Song
- larry king: I wish it was longer
- Gaming Gamers: Who thinks the nerd out version is better
- Elisa Martinez: I love this song from Spiderman-man O M G!!!
- Spicy Wheels: This has got to be the most soothing song I have ever heard😍
- Ahmed Alrawashdeh: Love this song may Allah guide us all leave no soul behind AllahuAkbar allllllllł daÿ!
- Kase Williams: i know they should add more to this song. :)
- Pierruno: Awesome :)
- Divi Morales: S
- PS4 Gamer: Dab
- kkk vgm: Philippines but now in canada
- Iron Warrior: Who's here before 1 million?
- Taylor Pascoe: 1:00
- Muhammad Zairi: Malaysia
- PenZar: *Hey*
- Viet House: I don't know why i always listen to this music and whenever i listen to it i get in trouble
- Alivia Wilson: bet this wont get 100 likes
- Nathalie Löwqvist: Sweden
- airin agelica: Mantuk
- Smelly Cats: And you're left in the dust, unless I stuck by ya 🤞🏼⭐
- Itsthefonzo: R/swoosh
- bobo the clown: Heyyyyyyyy!!! Lol I remember that scene from the Movie
- Naomi Guzman: I like this song so much I hear it in school on the bus.❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Nike is savage: It good
- •Calamity• •Drift•: Feels like song ends abruptly
- Tracey Woods-Lowry: O. Juice I know
- BENDY THE DANCING DEMON: Spiderman will always stay with us
- Alton Pettijohn: January 2019?
- maisie Ashton: I am.. OBSESSED
- Donna Cloudeagle: Both the song and the movie were literally amazing. Probably one of the best cartooned super-hero movie I’ve watched.
- Tye B: Last Saturday of 2018 😁
- Carla Ainsworth: Love this song...Love Love Post Malone 💙💜
- Carter Graham: Hi
- Nicole Pietrzak: Im a sunflower a little funny if i were a rose maybe you'll want me if i could of changed overnight I'd turn into something you like.🌻 S omething T U rn Cha N ged F unny L ike O vernight W ant M E R ose If you dont get it the song is in a acrostic poem❤🌻
- E. Africanus: Jesus this is terrrrible
- Spider-Man: What's up guys
- Nanameii _: My moms vagina and my dads nutt sack
- Baaset Gaming: i love it
- hyperbeasttt2 royal clips: H
- Bonnie Blessing: Love you post very very smart man and writer .😚😊
- Kristol Torres: Omg there voices 😍😍😍😍
- Jay Paterson: Who’s hear from spider man
- TheAshDude: me when i see a girl that ik likes me *sings sunflower by Post Malone and Swae Lee
- Tom Allen: if you only got the lyrics right
- Payton Rupprecht: This song is a hit!💕
- Angel Reyes: U fking copied this
- _U DUN NO DE WEY_: Benita Bert stan lee is gone, you have to let go man 😞
- Alycia Young: Posty never disappoints
- what the fuck: Lmao just put replay
- RamsChargersFan Abesamis: Spider-Man
- Olivia H: Why does the beginning AY’s and OOH’s sound like Louis Tomlinson
- Lynkz: FIRE🔥🔥🔥🍽
- _U DUN NO DE WEY_: Benita Bert xxxtentacion is gone, stan lee is gone, swae lee is still alive, you have everything mixed up bro😞
- THRYLLY TV: The Whole Of Spider Man Into The Spider Verse Is On My Channel Now!
- Carly White: I wuv dis song
- tyent bonto: Den
- TTV.Christianツ: "OOH-OOH, Some things you just can't refuse"
- Derpy Potato: I came here because I love Spider-Man into the spider verse
- Matthew Acosta: this song sucks I hate it a lot it sucks loser
- Noureen S: Half way through the movie in my mind :"after the movie I'm gonna search up for the soundtrack" and here I am.........this song is goalz🔥♥️
- Tetanus Teta: Can someone call the doctor? My finger broke from clicking the replay button And I'm not tryna stop now
- Johnny Cage: Listen to how he started the verse!!! You can TELL he was in the zone.... I felt every piece of this song!!
- ToxicMarioNiteYT 123: Needless to say, I keep her in check She was all bad-bad, nevertheless (yeah) Callin' it quits now, baby, I'm a wreck (wreck) Crash at my place, baby, you're a wreck (wreck) Needless to say, I'm keeping her in check She was all bad-bad, nevertheless Callin' it quits now, baby, I'm a wreck Crash at my place, baby, you're a wreck Thinkin' in a bad way, losin' your grip Screamin' at my face, baby, don't trip Someone took a big L, don't know how that felt Lookin' at you sideways, party on tilt Ooh-ooh, some things you just can't refuse She wanna ride me like a cruise And I'm not tryna lose Then you're left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're a sunflower I think…
- Alejandro Ayala: Hella good like if agree
- violet nguyen: Needless to say, I keep in check *mumbles the rest of the lyrics*
- Derrek Mcintosh: My new jam
- AustinGamerTV: If you have the chords for ukelele comment them on my chan
- Alexis McManus: OMG it's so cool but it would be cool if you play it at 3am
- Madisøn Marshall Mathers: I love Miles Morales 😂
- Alex 21Ginger: Tÿ then çxż
- Dylan Rick: Guys dont press read more Read More
- Nikita Sachdeva: It was to short 😥
- Savage Sammy: Why is no one talking about how this song is on a spiderman movie with the lyrics "left in the dust" after watching infinity wars
- Emma Holt: I love your song
- Antonette Fernandez: Let go
- Bert sanchez: Saddens me for Pete, but we got your back Miles 👊🏾
- Jazmin Arredondo: Can someone explain the meaning of this song to me?
- Valentina Castro Tarazona: I love post Malone and swae lee
- Joshua Manjania: How is post so consistent
- Gianna Buergermeier: love this song
- Lily Kamei: Hi hello
- Artictart: A bopppp
- Roger Prehn: Loyd.... Mwuah...
- Theresa Armstrong: Yes
- ßųłł ßhıť: I like swae's part more I'm sorry lol I fuk with post Malone part too but I like swae's vibe:)
- TheTruthBeTold: +Tessa Powell Like this? Peter: Play dumb... Miles: Who's Morales?.. Peter: Not that dumb. -Had the whole theater laughing so hard.
- Mr. OrangePanda: Steps for when your bored :P Step 1. Listen to post malone and swae lee Those are the steps I use :P Have a good day Lol
- Dina Fernandez: Cool
- Dead Rouge: Why did you put white letters and a white background
- meh_mango: listen at 1.25
- moises fernandez: me gusta la musica y el ritmo
- DolanTwins Imagine Channel: Who came here from the beats advert?
- Desiree Little-McAnally: I'm Johnny Chance Colbaugh honestly just trying to enjoy my lsd
- Diamond Torres: Hi babes 💖💖
- Vlad Darina: sunflower danes
- TehPianist: I got a roblox sunflower music ad before this video
- Rana Martin Edwards - Pere: Does he say "even if we got to risk it all right now ohh" or even if we race, get off right now?
- Lil Braiham: im from the hospitol
- Majid Adam: I love this song just cause of Spiderman, it made my year 2018 , give it up for 2019!!!!peace✌️
- Animate Zone: Wish it wasn’t so short
- GamerXPY Pro: We will always remember you Stan Lee. Are hero
- SAJ KING: Love this song too much but it’s to short 🖤🇬🇧🙏
- norman fowler III: Lit
- PERLA MENDOZA / WDW 1/5: I’m from Dallas TX .
- Bryan Robles: Wow how well they made the song nice
- HusKKiee: Couldn't have had a better duo to deliver this song. Even the "Ay ay ay" by Swae Lee brightens up my day
- TheRailroader: 1:31 for Post Malone. Like in return.
- SexyBacon 490: *Puts hand on shoulder* *HEY*
- I Gacha: Miles made me listen to this...
- Mr.5aloof: Even if we risk it all not even if we gotta race
- Aditya Sharma: 1:42 the best part
- TheKreecher :: Dang must be nice to be a spider person I mean that means no blindfold right?...
- CartelSantana: Ohhh ohhhwohoooo
- LuHound: I fly like paper, get high like planes If you catch me at the border I got visas in my name If you come around here, I make 'em all day I get one down in a second if you wait
- Martin Gonzalez: I like it so much
- Mike Wheeler: Love this
- Nicoll Adamczyk: Awesome
- Alex Montoya: +double OT
- nick frazee: I get such good vibes from this song
- Marioo Santana II: On repeat
- Sophie Smith: I know all of the words to this song by the second it came out and I listen to it at least 10 times a day that’s how much i love it
- Odyssey Peters: Ayy ayyy
- Sal McBride: When you are good
- Ali Naber: Legendary Player ummm this is the LYRIC VIDEO
- Creeper daniel Anonymous lemus: 🇭🇳🇭🇳🇭🇳🇭🇳🇭🇳🇭🇳🇭🇳🇭🇳🇭🇳
- King Escanor: Bangladesh! ! Love this song
- XxAlyxX Fortnite: The background beeps in the begging i thought my android phone was turning up the volume 😂
- Phiney Beanie: R.i.p Stan Lee
- Eden Rodriguez: Great song but I wish posty came out a little more
- Farben froh: Best Songgg so chilled
- DeAndre Johnson: Lovley
- Marcus Serna: Rest in peace Stan Lee
- Gamers Tube: Who has got addicted to this song
- supreme salt: Yeah
- liza xo: i was on the phone with my boyfriend and he told me to put this song on because it reminds him of our first date 🌻💛
- Bishan Thapa: I have listened to this song but didn’t know the lyrics.But know I do to this video
- Syed Rafeeq: My favorite song
- al4dana: Missippi
- etonic vilqz: 2 fav song marshmello hapier 1st
- Puggles_Rule: I lyric pranked someone with this (mostly 1:11) and they almost cried, mission accomplished She’ll probably get me again
- Lady 93: Primer comentario
- elena Garcia': I love you
- Henry Ceto: Goat at Basketball
- iiraegxnii: Ok ok, listen up, I've got a really cool glitch *Read more*
- crazy garo: that was so lit give it a %100 voting what did you vote?
- Sangeet Quincy: GregBR, who is proud? Hey my sister isn't dead...oh God, one is deleting the replies and the others are commenting. I am confused...
- PhantomKid143 - Gaming and Films: One of these of views and likes are Miles
- Ross Santonoceto: same
- David Grubbs: No joke I've replayed this song like 3 or 4 times
- 1 Subscriber with 100 Vids CHALLENGE !: S
- Robin Lirag: Dem I just the vibe it gives!🌻🌻
- Victor Ibarra: Saf Ahmed as Miles Morales Victor Ibarra as Peter Parker
- Hayley tiger: Such a great song and great movie i watched it on my moms birthday so good
- Branden Lamber: The Golden Globes brought me here 😁
- Mia Hernandez: I love swae lee voice and post Malone I love this song so much
- McKenzie McAdoo: For some reason I feel in love with this song... thanks a lot post malone lol
- Abarquez Arlie: Why did this amazing beautiful precious song had to end 😔
- Steven Angotta: Its not even his best collab with swae lee of 2018
- Caleb Jubie: "even if we gotta risk it all right now"
- Nelson Idr: I don't understand a thing about this song, until I read the ' She Wanna Ride Me Like A Cruise ' . Hm.. ofc..
- PS4 Gamer: Oh skins
- Cavin Willis: Nice
- Rachel Cederman: L
- Clone306: Amazing0210 god dangit
- Joshua Landers: Good song
- SBPS: I hope post malone lives to 125 years old and releases an album every year. My life will be set.
- ian ndungu: beeeeeeeest song ever
- Hazel Morche: My boyfriend sent me a link to this song now it's my favorite song😊
- Pranab Roy: Today is my birthday. I am alone at home and so I am just listening to this song and this song is making me feel like I am having the best time ever. Thanks Post.
- Bendy And the nightmare machine and more: why is this song too short I hope best songs are longer I wish there would be an 100 hour version
- Anna Fink: She was a backpack, never the less...
- Creepypasta & Horror Movies Girl: This song is so cute!
- drobro 357: Take the fat L
- Malawi Jones: this is my fav song
- Rkia Kilali: This song i yil singet for my talent show off 2019
- ninja boy snipe: new York
- ROSANGELA ROCHA SANTOS: I like sun flower
- Y: Wkdddd tune love it xx😍😍
- Sophie M.: This song makes me cry
- Noxcious: The beat on this song hits harder than my grandma
- OnionChinggus sips tea: Im actually in love.
- Savann R: im murricaa
- Vaidant Kabra: Have been waiting for this song since Jimmy's debut.
- Sanjuanita Tovar: it is the best
- vanedved: THIS IS AMAZING. MY MOM AND ME LOVE YOUR SONGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Derpygunnerr: 1:04
- Yoli Terrazas: It good 😀😀😀😎😎😎
- twan Patterson: Vhjkk vi Fuck you Lkn be
- MrBurdekin: Lyrical ecstasy....
- john doe: my brother beat me up cause I did not tell him what the song was
- SupDev: I don’t even like Post Malone, but this songs pretty decent. That Swae Lee boy got a good voice. I was never a fan of rap, but can see him doing some acoustic shit!
- Brianna Rangel: I love your songs
- Seth Turner: I hope this movie going to be good
- first name last name: Its not "race, get of right now" its "risk it all right now"
- BigBossJones: when you want to be like Miles Morals so you listen to this and buy those Jordands
- Rkia Kilali: Coooooool
- iievan YT: She wanna.ride me like a cruise its not me gosh
- chris arias: 😎
- all mighty beef boss: In the beginning one of the ooh had 2 h's
- Nike Turun: This is for - Stan Lee -
- Dylan Henkels: Damn over 450k views in a week! This is such a good song. I love you post Malone!!! Like if you agree with me that post Malone is awesome. Edit: over 1 million in 2 weeks :)
- Carlw Nelson: I live for this song I listen to this song a little over ten hours a day heheh not healthy
- distantdude01: 0:26 the start of an epic song
- Akarsh Kumar: This is my fav song ever
- Carli Lawrence: oooohhh '
- Bassem Moussa: Your a sunflower
- MARK PRIARTSO: I like it /(nice one ) 👍🏻👌🏻👏🏻😁😁😁
- Marcus Sam: Same
- kat g: Swae lee's voice actually sounds so good
- unicorns play fortnite: Ok
- Smol Coffee Bean Spectator: *l o u d c o u g h* Came from the radio *m e g a c o u g h*
- Orion CHAN: 0.0
- I’m a Bird:/: Willie Fernandez bruh stop commentting
- marie-lien menten: Swae Lee's voice is just amazing
- Rkia Kilali: This song i yil singet for my talent show off 2019
- Grace Schamp: OMG PLZZZZ
- Olivia armbrister: +The Walkers Edge lol
- William Baker: +Liron Levi also, you keep saying "the most vocal work" but you know he's like 99% Auto tune, more then Post uses, just listen. Their voices are juwt different, stop being such a little bitch about it. You seem to really be the one fan boying
- Nathan Jones: this my grind while I play fort and stream
- Ali A: Clementine were* grammar* yours is worse*
- Spidey [Peter Parker] [Kelsii Parker]: 1:10 You're welcome
- Eric Kulp: Ask her on a date, when you pick her up, play this song in the car
- Sean Atwood: in the movie version he says " she wanna ride like a cruise" not "ride me like a cruise"!
- XxMoonieCowgirlxX: I saw the spiderman movie i love this song😍😍😍😍
- Jazzmin Senocbit: i was speechless after i heard this song
- Itz Sophia: I bet you one like You read this
- kautsar kamil: 0:01
- Cloe C: Baby your a rake
- Panda Parade: We have now done what miles could not
- The Aliens: Amaan Abbas it was a hilarious part
- O. Juice: I literally just pressed play and it was over
- Cabooly Tabooly: This song is so lit
- Delc0: Just some minor corrections: *Needless to say, I keep her in check* 0:28 *Needless to say, I'm keeping her in check* 0:39 *Then you're left in the dust" 1:10 *Even if we gotta risk it all right now, oh" 1:50
- Anthony Lai: I haven't seen the movie yet but I saw the ghetto Spiderman dancing to this at Walmart so I followed
- Onivaye Toikhu: Nic song
- Simpsons Fan: I'm from USA my place
- Alejandro Olivarez: Who else does it g wett sad for
- MC LOLZ PRO: LOL the best song I heard
- Priscilla Nez: RAD⚡⚡⚡
- #Brick Boy: my fave song!
- Alexander Clipper: Speed 1.25x 😍😍
- Hanny Janetta: 🛑 *Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse* 𝐹𝑢𝑙𝑙~𝑀𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑒: ➡ t.co/1cM23z0LXk ሽ Trending film! #SpiderManIntoTheSpiderVerse Unglaublicher film! Sehr zu empfehlen, es auszuprobieren!
- Kiwi: I didn’t think I’d like this song at first, now its my favorite
- gelagabby: This sounds like Rae Sremmurd.
- Minecraft Songs: Post Malone, Swae Lee - Sunflower (8D MUSIC) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNFKhPWnZCM
- Al Thompson: Take your daughter go kart riding! Changes the level of competition!
- Daniel Villegas: I sang it to my girl while she was taking a shit and she cried. 😏💩
- benjamin Segundo: Listening to this on December 29 2018. Happy Holidays to all. New year new me.
- OG NBA BOY: This would of been nice in spring but good song it been stuck in my head Also December 2018 👀
- Drew Barth: Like if Swae lee is amazing
- 1000 subscribers without a video: Rip Stan lee
- Skullknight 5653: There needs to be a longer version of this song
- It's yo girl tessa Smith: My all time favourite song XD it's now my favourite Like if it yours too!!!
- jenna manney: it is me again i showed brooklynn your channel and she was suprised...
- • NØØBstár123: The best songs are always short😩
- Mugeera Haque: Omg my little brother literally plays this song twice a day and it’s soooooooooo SHORT
- WWE 2K Guy: +SmugzPlayz it's not look at other lyric vids for this
- Selena Rekemesik: High rn listening to this fire 💙🔥
- Kyia Whalley: Love this song
- Shannon Johnson: Great song
- MrMeatballman _: selling free song starters 0:25 0:25 0:25 0:25
- Sam Dath: I enjoy this song when ever i am feeling down
- baby and ace wce fun: Meal
- Pardo YT: I broke the replay button 🙃
- Ana Lu Pardo: 😂😂
- Kyle Joultz: it's ok, I've heard better. Sunflower lmao
- Calvin27 Gaming: The best
- Osvaldo Lopez: dope!!!
- I’m a Bird:/: Curry 30 exactly 😂
- King Panda: Me: *mumbles the words*
- P-Giovanni Armbrister: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bi70fR-r8pc Here ya' go!
- corvic122: FACTS
- Gabrielle Petersen: I can't help but cry every time I hear this song.
- Red mug: This song is cool i like spider verse
- ava maglio: 🌻you'll be left in the dust unless i stuck by ya🌻
- Triguena Omi 1978: 1:31
- Ismael and Elbert Awesome: 0:27
- Angelo estoya: Most of the song is not even post malones
- Vincent Dooley: Post Malone, Swae Lee - Sunflower (Audio) 00:00 ━━━━━━●─────── 2:38 ⇆ㅤㅤㅤㅤ◁ㅤㅤ❚❚ㅤㅤ▷ㅤㅤㅤㅤ↻
- rana Asal: no😐😐😐😐nono and no
- freddy plush 2.0: I like it
- Angels but the s is silent: Bruh you're so thirsty for likes.
- Melvin Young: That's my jam😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😁😁😎😎😎😎😎😎
- Antonio Waters: However unliked this is ao wake.
- Pedro Llort Torres: Hate when people rhyme with the same word. In this case ‘Wreck’ and ‘Check’
- Ron Allen: I like it
- AlexaPlays Fortnite: I’m from China..... I’m joking
- POLO SENGDARA: I broke the replay button
- Priscilla Nez: So cool ❤❤❤
- Funko Pop King: Ayy,Ayy,Ayy,OOH (OOH) OOH, OOH, OOH, OHH (OOH) Ayy,Ayy OOH, OOH, OOH, OHH
- coolkendall gaming: Illuminati confirmed
- cir cle 써클: *sun flower* Ayy, ayy, ayy, ayy (ooh) Ooh, ooh, ooh, ohh (ooh) Ayy, ayy Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Needless to say, I keep her in check She was all bad-bad, nevertheless (yeah) Callin' it quits now, baby, I'm a wreck (wreck) Crash at my place, baby, you're a wreck (wreck) Needless to say, I'm keeping her in check She was all bad-bad, nevertheless Callin' it quits now, baby, I'm a wreck Crash at my place, baby, you're a wreck Thinkin' in a bad way, losin' your grip Screamin' at my face, baby, don't trip Someone took a big L, don't know how that felt Lookin' at you sideways, party on tilt Ooh-ooh, some things you just can't refuse She wanna ride me like a cruise And I'm not tryna lose Then you're left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're a sunflower I think your love would be too much Or you'll be left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're the sunflower You're the sunflower Every time I'm leavin' on ya You don't make it easy, no, no Wish I could be there for ya Give me a reason to go Every time I'm walkin' out I can hear you tellin' me to turn around Fightin' for my trust and you won't back down Even if we gotta risk it all right now, oh I know you're scared of the unknown (known) You don't wanna be alone (alone) I know I always come and go (and go) But it's out of my control And you'll be left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're a sunflower I think your love would be too much Or you'll be left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're the sunflower You're the sunflower
- Dika Chhangte: darlyne chinn is this lyrics from the song?
- Guy Andy: Stfu already.... seen this comment like ten times at least
- nightwing: I’m crying in the club rn my guy
- WinterWonderlandAlpha: This is so catchy ;-;
- immy_roze gymnast: This song bangs in my head itz annoying
- Subtract - Gota: I appreciate this, as my sister would have turned 24 on the 27th. Thank you.
- •Gacha Rose•: Oh god, did the replay button break?
- Spider Man: Thanks you made me sing it without the lyrics.
- msjonnalyn1: Good job on this song
- Jr Soto: +Liron Levi your making it sound like its a lyrically insane song its not! Its a simple vibey song i aint fan boying posty either i just think people prefer postys rough deep raspy voice
- Ricky Cunningtubby: Lubbock T.X
- utrken: “Even if we gotta race, get off right now”? Really? Wow...
- Sara Rayhart: Farhad Hussain ko
- Andy Shaffer: Pennsylvania
- Stephanie Alvarado: Spiderman! My fav he also my fav super hero for any fans of spider verse
- 2k Grant: This song is gas
- Jeannette McDonald Keeley: What's your problem man
- Liron Levi: Jr Soto ok but there is no denying swae did the most vocal work
- Viviana Lewis: This song is absolutely beautiful but the lyrics not so much. 😣 Still I love you.
- miraculous forever: +KingLucario34 lmao!😁
- blood gang: Gta6 song pls
- stephanie richardson: Feeling this song in my soul right now!!
- Keevan KK Awesome: Anyone else here after watching the movie???
- Jay-Rafael Belleza: The song will put in Spider-Man: Far From Home.
- 8bitplayer2000: This makes me hype
- barbara F: I LOVE THIS SONG ITS MY FAV also 1 like= MORE MUSIC FROM POST MOLONE. WHOS UP. like and comment
- Virginia Lozano: summer song for sure.
- Just a Guy on the Internet: It just needs 1 more verse with Swae and Post singing together
- valeriex o: someone took a big L, don’t know how that felt, lookin’ at you sideways, party on tilt
- Sierra Bowles: This song is so underrated. Featuring Swae Lee the king of melodies.
- Abbi Williams: I dont really listen to post malone but this song is actually good
- Hack the Planet: Best songs are always too short :(
- strananas :3: Wena rolita
- banufshay.aejaz: So musical, too short :/
- stephen kilibarda: Post is unquestionably one of the best singers out there but swae lee is under rated as hell. I've heard so much of his stuff lately and hes nearly had a decade long career so far
- Malachi Washington: Into the spider verse anyone???
- Ann wright: I like this
- TheCrusher: Liiiiiiiiìt
- katie Taylor: What a good song
- Yqzing: i have this in my spotify playlist lol
- Angel Reynoso: I know how to sing this
- Amanda Crocker: Magic 💃💃💃🤗🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺
- Jersey Glover: watched the movie few weeks ago, it was really good like if you agree.
- Marco Huerta: One of the top songs !!!
- Maddy Editz: God bless you and your family 🙏
- Angelina Vazquez: LOVE THIS SONGGGGGGG Lol byeeeeeee
- Ocean Tiger Pandoria: "*touched shoulder*" Hey ;)
- XxRavenPlays xX: Learned the lyrics in 22 mins now my favorite song
- Abigail Brownsey: Meh
- kamel audet: this is the best song ever, everyone needs to hear this :)
- Maddie Tahiti: Tahiti
- Dev_Gunna: Some things you cant refuse was such a good high note and love this song bro Edit: I mean OoOOoOo part
- KemetThyGod: The worst part of the song is 2:38
- The Mental boyy: Everytime I listened this song I feel like Spiderman 😁😁
- Arthur Gasparyan: LOL
- Davion Archie: I love this song
- MutantRobin 3610: Tits
- pickle: love it
- catkatelover XD: Love this song so much
- Funkey Girl: Also Knj introduced me to this song 😂
- Ind0raps: already? Lyrics? This is tooooo goood
- You Sexy: Feel good song 👍
- taygreene86: Here before 105k 😂😂😂
- Nathan Lucero: I like its song i love it|
- I’m a Bird:/: nona kay I don’t know you
- James Reedy: Spiderman into the spiderverse
- XXX FOLLWER Not noobs: Oof tyler btch
- bm Kepo: 🌻🌞
- Gianna The giraffe: North America
- _David123_ plo: Doctor: you have 10 hours to live. Me: play this for 10 hours instead of a stupid 10 hour video
- katy rizzo: This song is flawless 🥰👌🏻
- TheOGSwagster: 1:11-1:31 in memory of Stan lee 😩😫😭
- Jared Witwer: Music sucks these days Fake auto tune Where is Nas at? Hip hop was dead when he said it
- Morgan Horton: +alex_ 26 ok cool
- Deonte Noel: Liiiiiiiiiit
- theImperialdramon90: 0:00 *it starts singing* and 0:34 *it moves like Miles*
- Randy Lara: Cool
- Cherish Perry: Me 2
- Jayden Nguyen: good
- markmd9: I understand all the words but not the meaning
- Yeet Skeet: 2019?🥳
- iNarbage: Rapgenius niggas be like
- EMANUEL REYES-OSORIO: is songs is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo good
- Fat Moose: “She want to ride me like a cruise.” 😂
- funtime bonnie gaming: The uk
- Abigail Jones: Samee 👌🏻💙
- michelle noer: Eh Eh Eh ehhh😍
- Caroline Oliveira Da Silva: Good
- V channel: 🔴 *AIready watched/downIoad "SpiderMan - lnto the Spider Verse 2OI8" movie here :* t.co/IBxbKepCMw UnglaubIicher fiIm! Sehr zu empfehIen, es auszuprobieren!
- Aaron Constantino: Me myself and my obsession with questionable stuff and the fact
- Inayah Cee: This song really does make me so happy
- Gissele Maya: I love this song if you guys love this song give a like pls
- The Bynx: Someone took a big L *Donald Trump*
- Toni Young: I'm from England
- CMD Parodies: Gora Savage I voted for your bitch ass to stfu
- Dusty Miville: when I medicate (788) I have to repeat this song 4.2 times during my session. #blessupsunflower
- I’m a Bird:/: Watched the movie yesterday. It was good Like if you agree Edit: we did it. 1k
- Aron Montes: Damn this song puts me to sleep I love it 😍
- The Leo League: The lyric is "Even if we gotta risk it all right now" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApXoWvfEYVU
Post Malone, Swae Lee - Sunflower (Lyrics) (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse) | |
11,968,338 views views | 112,904 followers |
104,880 Likes | 104,880 Dislikes |
Music Sunflower ((from Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse) Swae Lee | Upload TimePublished on 18 Oct 2018 |
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